Can black people be racist?

Can black people be racist?
If so, to whom?

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To fucking everyone, because they're the less successful race in this world

to inferior japanese beta

towards white, thmeselv, in fact blacks from french island like martinique, guadeloupe are extremelistic racist against blacks from africa, they even have hierarchy of colours inside their own people


cal down
there's the abbos and bushmen

themselves actually

tb h, abos are just slightly uglier

They are not actually homo sapiens sapiens, so who cares what they think?

If you think that people can be classified into races AND that certain races have a higher inherent value as living beings than others in the way a human is worth more than an animal, you're a racist.

Nignogs are racist to everyone tbqh

Science > Your shitty nu-hippie shit sect.

I thought they actually had the purest Homo sapiens sapiens dna, and that Euros were mixed with Neanderthals?

african americans hate africans

That is wrong, because when the homo sapiens sapiens was defined, Europeans were the ones it was based on.

So a homo sapiens sapiens has to have neanderthal dna and as was recently discovered another ancestor that africans lack.

The results are politically incorrect, so while it is published, it is not broadly discussed in the media as the implications might upset people.

Except scientists are constantly saying that no distinct racial groups exist and every time they do people here chimp and out claim it's evil Jew trickery.

Except Homo sapiens were already defined as a separate species of hominid from Neanderthals since before the interbreeding between the two was confirmed, meaning that they aren't defined by their mixed DNA. Find me a mainstream scientific source that argues that blacks are a different species.

Protip: it has to be from this century.

The term "social construct" is only used in pseudo science.

Also jews are homo sapiens sapiens

You dumb cunt. It does not matter that they thought it was distinct, when it was based on wrong assumptions.

No they always act like victim of racism

Then find me a scientific source that claims that blacks are a different species.

>Can black people be racist?
are you stupid? you must never been around blacks. They're the most racist people of all, especially to asians. they're openly racist. will call you gook, chink, etc, just if you look at them some way that they dont like.

>that argues that blacks are a different species.
That's a fucking retarded thing to ask. Obviously nobody is arguing that, whites and blacks can produce fertile offspring after all.

There being a high variation in genetics between people of the same race doesn't mean there are many common genetic factors between people of the same race as well.

If you seriously believe skin colour is somehow shared across a whole race but other genetically determined characteristics are completely equal between every race you're blinding yourself out of political correctness or you're one delusional nigger.

>social constructs aren't a thing

Wew lad, do you genuinely believe that everything in human society is tangible reality? That there aren't concepts that exist entirely in the land of ideas? If I said religion was a social construct would you chimp out and try to tell me that magic is real?

*doesn't mean there aren't

I didn't say that there are no genetic variations between human populations, but th Austrian is unironically saying blacks are a different species.

>The term "social construct" is only used in pseudo science.
No. What? How can you think that? And to extrapolate from what you said, do you believe that social constructs don't exist?

He's saying they are different subspecies.

>A subspecies is a taxonomic rank below species – the only recognized rank in the zoological code, and one of three main ranks below species in the botanical code. When geographically separate populations of a species exhibit recognizable phenotypic differences, biologists may identify these as separate subspecies; a subspecies is a recognized local variant of a species

His remark about "social construct" being mostly used in pseudo science is technically correct as well; reproducibility in social sciences is a fucking joke.

Then find me a scientific source that claims blacks are a different subspecies, since the classification of subspecies is often quite vague.

>His remark about "social construct" being mostly used in pseudo science is technically correct as well; reproducibility in social sciences is a fucking joke.

Maybe, but that doesn't mean that social constructs don't exist. In order for that to be true literally every aspect of human society would have to be rooted in material reality, which in turn would be that human society would be largely static and unchanging barring major physical environmental or biological changes. It isn't crazy or ideological to suggest that human social relations produce things that have no real existence outside those relations. Take rights for example, the universe doesn't care about human rights violations, these are concepts that humans created to facilitate specific social relations.

I'm not saying social constructs don't exist.

I'm just saying what we commonly refer to as "races" are groups with common genetic factors, and that there are also genetic differences between the races.
They are not just a social construct.

Race is a social construct is repeated again and again.
It's one Google search away that africans "benefit" from different medicine, their organism is different, not human

Thank you for being here to demonstrate the point of why this is not broadly discussed.

Imagine how much conflict this would cause. Because some low IQ tard thinks this would mean he is superior, which it does not.
A low IQ retard does not stop being a low IQ retard because his genetics differ from a homo sapiens x while he is homo sapiens y.


stop thinking in (((their))) terms
it will be extremely enlightening

>Except *western scientists are constantly saying that no distinct racial groups exist

have you seen Japanese papers about it?

me on the left

Successful black people never choose black women as their wives.

>LeBron James
>Jay Z

Multi-Millionaires all married black women.

OF COURSE! What do you think the Black Panther Party is??!!

nice photography
anyone know the set name?

asking for a friend