i am the antichrist
ask me anything
i am the antichrist
ask me anything
How do you deal with the coming automation and you can't get a job?
Why isn't your post No. 666666666 ?
Why are you such an enormous faggot?
Anti-Christ isn't the same as satan
How come you can drink a drink, but you can't food a food?
If I take off your mask will you die?
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history?
Why bother if you're gonna lose in the end? Enjoy endless suffering
the world will be put on a hemp standard so hemp and cannabis will be currency
you will be able to grow your own currency even if you cant find work
How's that one world government working out?
Do you wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?
Do you have openings? I'm unemployed and willing to serve the forces of evil.
can i have a job?
if no. can i please live eternally as a brain in a jar. plugged into the infinite VR worlds when the tech comes out?
i wont lose the bible is incorrect
theres nothing "biblical" about the antichrist he is simply going to be the first one world dictator
i will take over at the opening ceremony of the tokyo olympics july 24th 2020 if i havent taken power by august 9th the end of the tokyo olympics i will post an apology thread on Sup Forums for being a massive faggot
Bullshit. Antichrist is Satan just as Jesus was God.
>Asking the real questions.
Hows the 8th grade going?
not as planned desu
but my plan will be to keep minorities in their own continents...niggers will be restricted to africa and arabs to the middle east
only whites and asians will be free to move about the world
also heavy propaganda will discourage race mixing
i will preserve the white race
how's elementary school going?
That's pretty much common knowledge that he will run the one world government. I know this is a slide thread but holy fuck you're stupid. It's absolutely biblical. You're going to lose (go to bed, kid, you've got piano lessons in the morning)
cabinet positions are available and i could use a governor for argentina
is it true that you (the antichrist) are either a closeted or flamboyant homosexual because you embody sin?
also are you ted cruz
How does it feel to know God gave you all that power, but it's nothing compared to his?
all countries will lose their sovereignty and become territories requiring a governor
Was getting cucked part of your plan?
What's the mark of the beast and are you general AI?
im not gay
Why? You're only telling us what we want to hear.
a microchip
everyone will be microchipped
What do you make of Revelation where you lose and shit?
because im white and i dont want to see the white race go extinct
asians will also be preserved i believe asians are the master race
i dont care about other races and im thinking about purging the jews entirely
how much do you fear kek?
its fake to make christfags feel better about themselves
my dynasty will last forever only barring only an alien invasion
When will fire and brimstone rain on us all?
memes are really interesting and i would like to have kek on my side
You shouldn't identify with those you hate tho.
You validated the Mark of the Beast thing which comes from the Bible, but the Bible is fake?
No ur not, Obama is the antchrist.
>choosing a side
you will burn heretic on the day of the croak.
Done. You now have one more soul.
I can learn Spanish, no prob.
My Japanese is still descent given how little i spent there.
You obviously know where i live. Available whenevs but woulden't mind if a suit were to stop by with some cash... Not struggling but kinda want to get a new gaming pc. (maybe bring a loli too if you have one on hand?) Anytime tonight if its not too much trouble boss.