
Thicc sarg edition

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literally couldn't give a shit about any alt-right or alt-left ecelebs

Stop calling me a pedo

Saaaaargoooon is one. THICC. bih. (it's a good day to have a good day, it's a good day to have a good day) leeemee see that akussy

First for snipped willies (FUCKING KILL ME SENPAI)

Jacamo-tier fit

imagine actually being this stupid


>this early


kind of miss the gf



They would dismantle every single leftist mongo in this thread

kind of miss miguel primo de rivera

>early new threads
>insulting the Sup Forums staff

does no one respect the fucking rules?

slightly worried that some guy here seems to keeping tabs on me and can quote 8 month old posts from me. is my posting style so obvious?

>people taking the "centrist" meme seriously

>>early new threads
>>insulting the Sup Forums staff

>does no one respect the fucking rules?


>youtube 'intellectuals'

*blocks your path*

Janny's are pakis

why do centrists take pride in taking no side, having no opinions other than "everyone but me is retarded" and otherwise being a useless amoral bag of meat taking up space


muh anita

he just looked up your picture's filename in the archive and copied the last post you made with it

it's not a meme

Rollin me a spliff lads

its really shit
idk why morons post these early new threads, what is achieved besides making the entire thread worse?
no one cares about the lame OP

Size of his arms, he'd heem anyone itt

thanks for giving me away

was going to play a few tricks

did somebody say radical centrism?

he doesn't lift it's all fat

"""centrism""" is just Liberalism
agents of stagnation and status quo touting the "end of history"

Sweetie, I can see your flag?

Centrism isn't about having no side.
It's about arriving at a conclusion through considering evidence, rather than finding evidence that fits your pre-existing conclusions.

The other thing about centrists is that they don't hold beliefs, they hold ideas.

Beliefs are unshakeable, whereas ideas can be superseded with other ideas when more information becomes available.

Rightists and Leftists have given up thinking and discovering, instead they just try to lump experiential reality into a grand narrative they've already decided upon.

Got a captcha saying west Berkshire republic last night ahahaha

>I work in an office that does Traffic Enforcement in London and I have a lot of discretion to cancel/amend Penalty Notices often for hundreds or even thousands of pounds and every time I see a foreign name I always make sure it goes to the top of the "fuck up royally with enforcement agents" pile

>I earn 24k a year and live with my parents and pay nothing for rent food bills, car insurance etc. I just bought an Audi A1 and have 3 holidays booked this year ahahahha

would answer you, but I'm in the middle of something rn

>Culture can be preserved as most likely integration will take place.

Ah yes, just like our Pakistani/Turkish/North African friends seamlessly became part of the countries furniture and aren't violently resisting integration at all odds around Europe. You stupid fucking cunt.

they get attention for it, stop acknowledging it and they'll get bored. the thread before got to 320+ so it's working

You walk into class and see this on a desk what do

*blocks your path in spanish*


>It's about arriving at a conclusion through considering evidence, rather than finding evidence that fits your pre-existing conclusions.
everyone thinks they do this

*seizes Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines*


every single time i see /k/ i'm taken back to the story of the time they had a meet up and some user fed them all his cum secretly

how would an unironic radical centrist account for the Overton window?

would their opinion change along with generally accepted public discourse? or would it stay the same over time to the point that they become right-wingers within a decade? don't know how this works

dont care

state of these babas
closest i get to alt is listening to the little songs sue does


sterling post

anybody ever been tackleglomped?

do you know any japanese

RAHEEM is so fucking shite he just got lucky fucking hate city

Casiopea tho

love these trains because they're rarely full

4 person tables are smaller but it's fine when i can get one to myself

The centrist actively does this, that is the definition of centrism.

*teleports behind you*
*coups your government*
*builds roads*


hello fatties!! hahaahaahaa


i always think of the deer lure story

miguel primo de rivera la

a man of taste I see

A bunch of the tripfags who ate those brownies stopped using their trips after the fact lawl

>3 holidays booked this year
nice m8 where u going?

probably about a dozen words if that

no, but I've been yiffed

the opinions of a radical centrist change with new facts

funny how the majority of centrists support neo liberalism

bought a large bag of crisps but managed to throw them away after eating (relatively) only a few

big milestone lads

now who's the paki (?)



>go to IKEA
>£3.50 for a good brekkie and free refills on the coffee
>nick a handful of pencils walking through
>90p for a large hot dog on the way out

good day

not funny at all

everyone thinks their opinions are justified by facts

found my old diary

Kero kero bonito


Never thought I'd see the day I purchase quality electronics from chinks, but I am living my p10 so far.

an impressive haul

thx u my man

good man


socialism mate

my nearest ikea is like 1hr away, only go for special occasions.


centrists do not give a fuck about acceptability from society's point of view, because adhering this sort of limitation towards rightism or leftism (whatever the flavour of the month is) restricts the ability of the centrist to reach meaningful conclusions.

the centrist is thus a hermit and avoids divulging too much with the non-centrists, shying away from their limits and restrictions lest they infect his processing of information.


[spoiler]miguel primo de rivera[/spoiler]

The overton window doesn't exist

listening to some grime

was miguel primo de rivera the original radical centrist

always laugh at spliff lad posting his spliffs that are like 10% weed


industrial breakcore

the centrist actively challenges his opinions and admits they are not infalliable regardless of how much empirical observation confirms them.

the non-centrist never challenges held opinion and thinks of them as infalliable if empirical observation seems to confirm them.