
>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Find people to train your language with!

Check the first few replies ITT for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides. /lang/ is currently short on those image guides, so if you can pitch in to help create one for a given language, don't hesitate to do so!

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>Language learning resources:
4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Sup Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

>Duolingo is a free language-learning platform that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. Duolingo offers all its language courses free of charge.

>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30+ languages.

>Google Drive folder with books for all kinds of languages.

>Drill based courses with text and audio.The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) is the United States federal government's primary training institution for employees of the U.S. foreign affairs community.These courses are all in public domain and free to download.Site may go down sometimes but you can search for fsi on google and easily find a mirror.

>Free resource to learn vocabulary, nice flash cards.

>It's kinda like Clozemaster in the sense that you get a sentence and have to fill in the missing word, also has nice statistics about your progress, grammar tips and more information about a word (noun gender, verb aspects for Russian, etc.)

>A flash card program

>Clozemaster is language learning gamification through mass exposure to vocabulary in context.Can be a great supplementary tool, not recommended for absolute beginners.

>Tatoeba is a collection of sentences and translations with over 300 hundred languages to chose from.

>Listen to radio all around the world through an interactive globe

>Has pronunciation for lots of words in lots of languages

>Check out information about languages and their difficulties

>An invaluable resource for comparative language study as well as those interested in ancient languages

>A very extensive language learning collection for 90+ languages.

>Similar to FSI, drill-based courses with text and audio issued by the US government.These courses were made for millitary personel in mind unlike FSI.

>Lots of childrens books in various languages, categories 3-5yo, 6-9yo, 10-13yo.

>The app is basically whatsapp, but only connects you with people who are native in the language you are trying to learn. It also has a facebook type section where you can share pics and stuff too.

>Few more language exchange communities like Hellotalk:

>A mostly free site which offers audio and drill like exercises for 40+ languages.

>A free resource with recordings to learn a language.

>Flash card game with a focus on vocabulary.

>A website like Tatoeba (also has a Firefox extension!)








>Mandarin (traditional characters)





I fucking hate the robotic French woman voice in Duolingo. Even using slow audio barely makes a dfference.

Alright, got Sims downloaded. Gonna be making Anki flashcards for all the in-game options.

Which language?


Hello! What motivates you to learn your new language? Why did you decide to learn it?

Morning, /lang/

I just followed my heart.

revive bread

Why is Russian so hard?
Am I just a brainlet?

>Am I just a brainlet?
it seems as though every single person who tries to learn Russian complains about it being difficult, so I don't think you should feel too bad about yourself

NO - its fucking shitting me more and more and I am only a week in

I speak a bit of Czech and I wanted to study a Slavic language. Russian was the only one offered at the uni I'm going to. It also sounds very beautiful to my ears, and it's rather exotic.

Same for me. Unless I know what words to look for, I just can't understand her. Duolingo would be so much better if they hired native speakers to record each sentence.

An attempt to communicate with my estranged wife and save my marriage!
Yay language learning!

Here is my meager contribution to this thread for learning French. I've been looking for a chart like this learning French chart, but for learning Spanish in sequential stages. Does anybody have a similar looking chart with "phases" and "resources" for learning Spanish?

Also, I'm not against making my own chart for my own convenience and sharing it, but only if I can compile some good tips from people more experienced than me. Some of these charts are really detailed and intelligent, so let's try to put some effort into Spanish if you can help me develop a plan.

Bump :)

It feels like only neets and autists (i.e. Sup Forums audience) wants to learn Russian. I doubt there is much interest in it among normal people.

>Does anybody have a similar looking chart with "phases" and "resources" for learning Spanish?
No, all we have for Spanish at the moment are the two images here:

Russian just seems neat. I want to start learning it after I finish Spanish.

I'd say it's the most popular Slavic language for foreign learners, but I have nothing to back that claim with.
IME, normies from Western Europe think it's pretty, even if most might instinctively dislike Russia or consider it a shithole.

I mean, it's probably the slavic language that makes the most "sense" to learn, in that it has most speakers and there's plenty of resources. I imagine Polish being second, and maybe some balkan slavic language third.

Where's the "procrastinate on /lang/" option?

Is it harder than Mandarin?

I think it's fun and a good skill to have, so why not spend some minutes a day doing it

I want to do Doctors Without Boarders, and they more or less demand you speak French. That, and shame over being a monolingual American.

>El apostrophe
This shit triggers me beyond belief

>Duolingo would be so much better if they hired native speakers to record each sentence.
They tried this for some languages, but it dropped user retention and cost too much money, so they stopped doing it.


>but it dropped user retention
that's somewhat weird

Yes, they specialize in treating ailments on ships while simultaneously keeping pirate skirmishers at bay.

I'm just procrastinating ITT instead of actually improving languages I'm learning eh

>I'm just procrastinating ITT instead of actually improving languages I'm learning eh
/lang/ in one sentence lel

Well okay I turned on the radio to pretend I'm improving my listening skills yeah

I could recommend Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Pimsleur, Duolingo, Anki, etc., but you probably know about those resources anyway.

Random thing. If you're the kind of guy who enjoys watching streams on twitch, reminder that there's streamers in many languages, depending on the game. And knowing part of the lingo is helpful when inferring meaning of new words.

Of course not. It's on par with Latin, I'd say. Except a much more difficult pronunciation.

I really should be studying right now

Wut. I've been learning that since middle school. Shit's easy. The only problem is verb endings and sentence structure.

Whatever, Latin is lame anyway.

>Literal barbarian


>νομιζει μη ´εμε ενιπειν 'Ελλαν
I had a weird highschool

Good thread links to almost every language.

My Farsi 101 course at university makes learning the alphabet optional.


I think it's so we can get a grasp on grammar early on. idc really, I already know how to read and write after like 2 weeks.

Someone should make one for Portuguese.

> don't learn Latin and Ancient Greek
thou pleb

Yeah, there's a language filter that's very helpful. I like to watch randos play PUBG in spanish.

Spanish and Portuguese are very similar (as far as languages go), it'd be easier to make one on how to go from Spanish to Portuguese.

Для aнглoязычных лaтынь лёгкaя, a для нac cкopee дpeвнeгpeчecкий.

One of many reasons people hate America.

Latin and Ancient Greek are maybe 4th and 5th on my list of languages to learn... We'll see if I ever get there bros, I'll report back in 20 years

And what are the previous ones?

Learning German so I can integrate properly into Swiss society.
Es geht ziemlich langsam :-(

Question: do you fucks not use textbooks? Because the only resources I ever see people post on this board is shit like Anki, Pimsleur, FSI etc.

I was thinking of doing this for Morrowind in German because it's so text heavy

I do, I have my dad's old textbooks from the '70s. They're pretty rigorous. How is FSI by the way (for anyone to answer)? I've a moderate background in German, two years in HS, one in college, several years of on and off independent studying; I just need to fill in some gaps in vocab. I personally don't like Anki that much as I find physical flashcards work much better

A lot of us do, some of the image guides mention them and there's a good Google drive link with a bunch for all kinds of languages. I think the reason we don't post much about them is because everyone tends to use a different book, even if studying the same language. Meanwhile, Anki, Pimsleur and the rest cover multiple languages and are usually comparably good across them if the courses are complete. So even if you're not learning the same language you can talk about how effective you find it and how much you use it.

I find the layout of any German textbook i've found to be lacking. I learned Japanese from Genki, and some Italian from Oggi in Italia, and they've both had really good layouts that helped me learn in a way that made sense. But the best textbook I could find for German (Routledge Intensive German Course) is still pretty meh in comparison.

Learning Spanish and Portuguese rn. Honestly, one of the most satisfying experiences is being able to make people laugh in another language (and not just because you had poor pronunciation or awkward phrasing or something).

I chose Spanish in high school because three years of language were required for graduation and it was the easiest and most useful language that they offered (the only other languages they offered were French and Latin) and I ended up enjoying it so I decided to study it in college as well. I just decided to do Portuguese because I'd like to go to Portugal and Brazil one day and my program offers two condensed semesters of it so I figured why not?

Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Latin, Ancient Greek, then after French, Polish, Cantonese

whoops meant to @

I'm trying to learn Korean but it's very frustrating. There just aren't enough quality resources. Between all the measure words and honorifics and irregular verbs that are impossible to predict I might just give up and learn something else.

there's a ton of Korean speakers and learners, I'm sure there's some good ressources out there, just dig harder

Currently, potential monetary gain, requirements for my major, and I just love language.

Just need more time I think. It is much to learn, so takes time to get used to things you have already learned so oyu learn to not only undertand but also use it.

how's Swiss German, do you ever find that some online stuff, especially phonetics, really didn't prepare you for dealing with Swiss German? I'm assuming you're an English speaker?

Due to certain circumstances, I've only had like 1 and a half months to learn basic Hochdeutsch, so "being prepared" is a relative term.
Plus, desu i've only been here for like 3 days kek. But yeah Swiss German sounds acoustically like Italian to me, which throws you way off if you've been listening to CDs in Hochdeutsch (as I have). I feel like it deffinitely gives you the foundation to build upon so that you can learn Swiss German later on.

I think that's fair though, since Swiss German is still technically German, its just a (very heavy) dialect/accent.

tl;dr yeah, my studies didn't prepare me very well for Swiss German but that's fine cause I'll be able to pick it up (though it may take some time)




I might just give up on learning Japanese, it's too frustrating and it seriously feels like I'm never making progress no matter what.

What are you guys learning presently? I'd like some inspiration as to what I should learn instead.

desu, what I did for learning french was dedicate one hour to conjugate verbs and read as much as I could


Do it, faggot.

I wanna learn Italian because it sounds cool but it's no use to me. I don't have interest in working in Italy, don't know any Italian friends nor is it of any use to me irl. I only know 1 British Italian and that's it.




Not in my target language;_;

we have a discord?

not aware of it
someone post a link?

I think theres a russian language one but I don't know about a /lang/ one. I also don't have the Russian one so sorry about that.

Made one really quick, up to you guys if you want to use it or not. Might work well for the times when the thread dies and you don't want to start a new one. Might not.

Shit sorry for the triple post but I think this is the link that won't expire, that last one might. If people like it and use it, we can set up different channels for specific language topics.

honestly I don't think it's a good idea to partition /lang/, we're already struggling to stay afloat as it is. If /lang/ were overcrowded it would make sense, but as things currently are, I feel it makes more sense to just use /lang/.

I think it could be good for chatting, we won't have to stay on-topic as much as on /lang/

bumping with some shitty OC

And yes, I'm aware that it doesn't really make sense


no I'm shy

We are writing anyway, not talking

learning spanish, having issues with subjunctive
if i were to say "its difficult to understand spanish when its spoken"
would it be
es dificil a entender espanol cuando sea hablar (or es hablar) ?
also i know that hablar probably correct translation of spoken

Is there any alternetive for Duolingo in treams of listing practice?

I just dont want to be a languagelet.Also russian sounds usefull sounds neat and look good when applying for jobs.

It isnt that bad since it is simular to the languages i speak so it might just be that you are a brainlet or a normal american.

Pimsleur is good for listening. Some of the courses on Memrise will also provide audio for the vocab if its individual words giving you problems.


If you are just gonna drop it if you get to a difficult spot just dont learn any language.Use your time to do something more productive.

I'm learning Spanish for a few reasons: I live in Miami and everyone else speaks it, a lot of my employees only speak Spanish, and finally I always like to have some self-improvement project.

I'm finding the process pretty enjoyable. I hope I get better soon and don't get discouraged.

How do you interact with your employees that only speak Spanish? Do you run a large company where you can have other people deal with that?

Yeah I have enough people to translate. The supervisors speak English of varying quality, then I have a plant supervisor that is bilingual also.

I can get by without learning it, and have for nearly a decade, but it's for sure the next step. I had a period where I was bitter about people in America not learning English, and while I still think they should learn, no sense making life harder on myself out of making a statement no one else cares about.

Link to discord?