What will be your reaction when you see this on the big screen?

I've been a massive DC fan all my life.

I think I will have an nerdgasm when I see the entire team together.

Super friends!

I'm like 95% confident it's going to suck

>putting WW in the middle again

Stop it.

It's not an official poster.

>Unite the 7
>Unites only 6

>doesn't see the Atom

Get a better computer

Make that a 96%

hey didnt superman die

why is supermans suit black?


yessss an even edgier and more broodinger superman

i won't see it on the big screen
WILL be pirating it though

>entire team

No it's not. Where's the fuck Martian Manhunter? Why's Cyborg there?

The DCEU is a mess.

Why is the least interesting member(next to Auquaman), at the forefront of this picture?

Where was your whiny ass back in 2011 huh?

6 years later and only NOW you want to act like you're a martian manhunter fan and that Cyborg on the league is an outrage?

Go shove your JLU dvds up your ass, you miserable secondary piece of shit

looks better desu

Everyone here will see it
>B-but im gonna use the internet my mom pays for to download the-
Everyone here will see it.

Gadot legs are not like that

They're trying to pretend she doesn't look like shit.

Going by their track record, disappointment.

Exactly and Gadot legs looks like this

Not buying the comic because it was bad?

It's like if the first Captain America movie we get is about Sam Wilson. It's retarded.

They selling the Justice League with Gadot up front?
Jesus, this bimbo is the queen of floops

for ten minutes yeah, zack snyder doesnt know what his doing

Image on the right is also slightly bigger

Get out of here, Leto.

>What will be your reaction when you see this on the big screen?


>Wonder """"""""""""""""Woman """"""""""""""""

This is how Snyder sees her
You just lack his vision