I'm going to start to go to church for the first time. What kind of Christian denomination should i convert to Sup Forums?

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Eastern Orthodox, maybe Catholic but be careful with the new Pope. Eastern orthodox is best decision for now.

>2016 CE
>believing in sky wizards

GTFO atheistfags. I'm not asking for your opinion.

Mormonism. They are the only ones still devoted to the faith.

Catholics have a pro-choice fedora leader and protestants change with the political currents

>pick bible
>study verse by verse
>follow the teachings of our Lord
>prey every day and every night
Saved you money, familia.

What US state? Some denominations are more prevalent in certain areas.

t. Texan Baptist [cultural]

>I'm going to start to go to church for the first time
Try the Army, we're fun, I promise.

Illinois. Pls no bully.

I want to go to church and not the army. Sorry senpai. I bet the army is cool.

What's your motivation to join a church? Do you feel an empty void in your life you need to fill with mythology?


I'd look for a conservative Methodist church, but that's just me.

>I want to go to church and not the army.
No, I meant the Salvation Army, where I go to church. We have brass bands. You'll like it. Unless you want communion or baptism.
And, still, why? Why do you want to do this?

Where in Illinois? Also, whatever you do, do not go to an Episcopalian church. They have pretty much abandoned Christ at this point

Southern Baptist
Eastern Orthodox and Catholic both follow a works salvation that is opposed to scripture

>What kind of Christian denomination should i convert to Sup Forums?

The correct one. Else you waste your time in varying ways.

Mormons follow scripture contrary to the Bible

The Bible is clear in its instruction to meet in the church weekly



I started attending Mormon church this year. The religion is obviously fake but they're good people. It's also over 99% white. There are a ton of qts but parts of service are segregated by gender so it kinda sucks.



Pentecostal here, it's definitely the least boring denomination. If you want to see something go down it's not a bad choice.


Reminder these are Sup Forums heritage threads

>Christian denomination
Seek Jesus with all of your strength.

This. Only Christ/pol/ and Brit/pol/ endured through the a/pol/calypse

>not being a Buddhist

Where does it say that?

None, there is no religion in the NT. The OT was all about religion, and look how well that turned out for the Jews. It is faith, not chanting in Latin or eating magic crackers.


Luke 23:39-43New King James Version (NKJV)

39 Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ,[a] save Yourself and us.”

40 But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” 42 Then he said to Jesus, “Lord,[b] remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”

43 And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

What 'religion' was the guy who'd be with Jesus in Paradise? What Church did he go to? It's only Faith - start there.

Need to shut this down ASAP








Yeah, yeah - pinko. Go find a banana and a fedora, tell me how it works out for you.

I like how people on Sup Forums think they're so enlightened in comparison to the people around them in their lives, yet they actually fucking believe in Christianity--a brand of religion that is absolutely true . . . according to this book written by man!

And yet the Chrich still provides a moral center and a community of good people. I'm agnostic at best but I still go to church and support it for the fringe benefits.

And not to mention it's not even a moral religion.
>If you don't convert you're burning in hell forever lol
>You can do anything you want! Anything! Just believe in my imaginary friend and you can get away with any bad deed and make it into heaven!

I'd rather align myself against the lib-commie-perverts and chance being misled by a 'man-made' faith than align myself with a man-made secular ideal which will certainly lead to worldly life of utter dog shit.

Southern Baptist is the least pozzed demomination

>And yet the Chrich still provides a moral center and a community of good people

Stop worshipping Jewish gods, you're almost as bad as Muslims.

It's not about conversion or die. What's the point of good and evil if one can't tell the two apart? Your saying you fear consequences, in other words?

He was God before there were Jews. Recall, the whole covenant thing was before Judaism existed.

>It's not about conversion or die

Christian checking in

One of the worst religions by far. It's like an automatic cuck machine where you are guilted 24/7 for doing absolutely nothing.

It's not. I can tell you not to smoke crack or you'll be a toothless cocksucker. You can then abstain from $20 rocks and keep your teeth, or you can work a corner and suck a glass pipe. If you choose the latter, it's not my fault for warning you.

That's Buddhism, my friend.

Ephesians 5:22-24
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.

1 Timothy 2:9-15
Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works. Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

It's God's fault for being a douche.

'Convert or burn' is a better term

You need to stop this Christian nonsense my friend

Titus 2:3-5
Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.

How can Christians even compete?

Why shouldn't they?

Says the guy who believes in reincarnation, who fled Tibet when Mao's gang took over. Try harder.

Isn't that a paraphrased quote from Conan The Barbarian?


Well, let's look at it like this: If anything else, I'm still against the same people who are systematically fucking-up the world, I get a point for that. I will not side with those who'd emasculate the West, uphold degeneracy and simultaneously support the Muslims who will eventually kill them all for it. What have you got?

You believe in reincarnation too

t. Jesus brings ppl into the magical kingdom after death

>Atheists still not understanding allegory, or the real world effect of memes.



That's fucking Crom you faggot

go to the Lord first

Actually, we defeat death and are given eternal bodies and live in the New Jerusalem. We don't comeback as mortal things over and over again.

>No one would ever get into an airplane with someone who doesn't have the skills of flying. And no one would ever hop on the operating table with someone who didn't possess the skills of surgery. Yet in our age, many people jump into business partnerships, dating relationships, and even marriages without ever asking the fundamental question of virtue: Does this person have the virtue – the skills – necessary to live this relationship well? Does this person have patience, generosity, prudence, self-control, humility, discipline, etc.? These are just some of the many virtues we need to love others and live out our commitments to them.

If you're ever curious, I'd look over Christianity honestly and without bias. You won't regret it.

How come the Vatican doesn't give you Brazilians some of that gold back (which they originally stole from you) to help your economy? I recall something about rich men and camels going through the eye of a needle there.

I don't see the relevance of this analogy

That's reincarnation except it only happens once

> I'd look over Christianity honestly and without bias. You won't regret it.
I have. Your desert memes aren't as powerful as you'd like to believe

Because don't want to.

Not reincarnation, because it's not mortal flesh - sorry to nitpick.

All that's left of Christianity.

Anyone care to reconcile the idea of an omniscient God with the idea of human free will?

God knows what you will choose to do.

Southern Baptists are refugee lovers, so if you're a cuck they are perfect

If there is a God, he sure loves killing Christians!

Never heard about Vatican stealing something, the baroque churches here had gold ornaments in it but they stayed in Brazil. The Bible verses should be interpreted following the milenar tradition, I don't know about this verse but ofcourse rich people don't go to hell just because they are rich.

>Nitpicking on reincarnation

You don't think it's necessary to go to church?

What's so baffling about that? Please explain, and I'll reciprocate.

Catholicism is the only legitimate form of Christianity, everything else is heresy.

Buddhism is not a fucking religion.

Buddha did not attempt to monetize and control the state of affairs like the cow licks did in Europe

Allowing all things you do does not run up against the idea that you did them yourself.

When I was a child, my father could completely control me if he had chosen to.

You have a silly understanding of religion.

I hope you're just being satirical mate

If that is the case, how can it said that you have free will in any appreciable sense? If he knows that you will, at some particular time in the future, do Action X, then in order for him to be correct, you cannot do anything other than Action X when that time comes.

Free will necessarily implies having multiple options available. If your future is locked in, then you cannot have free will.

It's not about allowing, it's about whether he (or anyone, it could be aliens or a superintelligent computer) CAN know with 100% certainty what your future will be. If this is at all knowable, then we must necessarily be living in a deterministic universe, therefore we have no free will.

Well, let's be accurate. Reincarnation is actually a form of suffering in Oriental religions. Being reborn into a glorified immortal body is the end of suffering.

No, they just capitulated to some one of the most brutal regimes in human history. Try again.

Former fedora here:
Atheists on Sup Forums should ask themselves why the same people who shit on religion and Christianity in particular are the ones pushing the rest of the degeneracy we like to complain about here.

>want to meet some traditionalist Catholics
>learn about SSPX
>there's a loca church called "Saint Pius X"
>oh great, they must be SSPX
>visit church
>it's super liberal, priest won't stfu about refugees and "tolerance" for gays
>praises Francis as the pope

apparently a Catholic Church called "St Pius X" is not necessarily SSPX/traditionalist Catholic

>there are people who actually cling to stone age misconceptions and worship jewish sky wizards in 2016
You're no different from the sandniggers and the kikes

God knows with 99.99999% of success what actions we will take and all possible event chains.

Mormons are some of the least degenerate people as a whole. They're Christian, conservative, they do follow the Bible, and really help each other out.

I have a Mormon friend and listened to the missionary discussions to make him happy. It really made a lot of sense and it was cool how they tied everything back to the KJ bible and used the Book of Mormons to elaborate. I go with my friend to church every once in a while still to learn more and become less degenerate. I'd probably get baptised but the flesh is weak and women have boobs.

I think that's kind of where our language fails at describing how God works. Granted, He's fully aware of what we will do - but - we still had a choice, still made the decision ourselves. It was sin which created death and condemnation in the first place - which was still caused by human free will. Why God did this? Well, you'd have to ask Him. I'd guess it's because only an evil god would want to create pure automatons.

>Gif is a man who literally wants to go back to the Stone Age and worships Odin

top kek

The central idea of Christianity, that humans are inherently sinful and can only be saved/forgiven through God, makes no sense to me

So God creates a species from the ground up with complete control over their attributes and characteristics

Then he labels a bunch of the attributes and desires that he imbued with as "sinful" and tells us we're bad and need to be forgiven for having them

If he's omnipotent, he could just as easily have created a race of men with no desire to sin and done away with the whole problem before it started.

The only answer I've ever heard for this is that being saved by God is only meaningful if you do it of your own free will. But God could just as easily have created humans who have the free will to sin, but no desire to.

It's such an illogical and forced metaphysics that if I read it in a fantasy novel I would be like "this author sucks".

You have multiple options and can choose which to do at your own discretion, and you choose to do X, and God knew that you'd choose X. Similarly, if you chose to do Y, God knew that you'd choose Y.

Human nature doesn't allow free will

see this