Daily reminder that the 2nd amendment is the most important amendment because it guarantees all the others

Daily reminder that the 2nd amendment is the most important amendment because it guarantees all the others.

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Medkit bro, how does your country survive with all these guns?


Yeah baby! GUNS!!!

That's really simple, leaf: MORE GUNS!

I guess the anti-gun shilling ended because of brexit. Thanks Brits!

How does Sup Forums rate my gun?

I don't buy the official story on most of these shootings, but even if I did...

The fact that there are as many guns in the US as there are is the only thing that gives me even the slightest shred of hope for the human race. I have no doubt in my mind that things would be even worse and that the incoming, global, permanent, totalitarian fascist police/surveillance state would be pushed even harder if those in power didn't have to worry about this.

Yeah, I'm fucking crazy. Guess what? During the Cheney administration, it was a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory that the government was spying on people, wiretapping people, collecting/reading emails, listening in on our cell phone class, etc. Welp, turns out that wasn't even half of it, but hey, the paranoid tinfoilers must be wrong about everything else until somebody leaks it, right? We probably have drones in the sky over the US right now already. Why the fuck wouldn't we?

I don't even like Trump because of his support for Israel, but I'm seriously fucking worried about Hillary's Supreme Court nominees. If the greedy-ass gun lobby is just after money, then thank God there's so much money in making sure that the civilian population has access to guns.