If you are white and listen to rap music, leave pol/ now
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Fuck off to tumblr with your safe zone bullshit complex you fucking leaf
think about it if a white man listens to rap music. that means if he was born female he would be open to fucking black men
women who listen to rap music are worse. i would dump a girl if i found out she listens to rap music. but there is really no excuses for either gender
oy vey, we only listen to cool and hip nigger music, right goys?
Don't worry nigger, I said only the whites had to leave.
If you are canadian and spend all your free time on a american website you need to leave right now
Going to be a lot of angry wiggers ITT. Fuck rap.
if you don't listen to classical and wagnerian opera, you're not white
Burgers are so cucked now, they even emulate coons to feel some semblance of identity.
fuck shit nigga bitch shit ass
bitch nigga fuck shit shit ass
fuck nigga shit bitch ass shit
nigga ass bitch nigga nigga nigga
i got 24 inch rims on my escalade
i shoot niggas i shoot niggas i shoot niggas
i got hoes i got hoes nigga i got hoes nigga
i got clothes nigga i got clothes nigga i got clothes
fuck shit nigga bitch shit ass
bitch nigga fuck shit shit ass
fuck nigga shit bitch ass shit
I will start telling guys who like rap this. Good stuff man!
so far we have 3 salty nigger sympathizers
What if I only listen to Eminem and the Beastie Boys?
How on Earth could anyone swallow the redpill, go here and listen to rap?
That's literally an oxymoron, its a fucking paradox. Makes no sense.
Is this video the best thing to ever happen to hip-hop?
I only listen to synthwave
If you listen to cuck metal you are a blight on the white race.
I don't like hip-hop in general but I'm sucker for a killer beat.
so glad Eli is still gracing the threads
fuck Envy he gay
>tfw enjoy writing raps as well as listening to them
why do you limit yourself? I mean it's well cool and all but there's tons of legit stuff besides synthwave
Nothing wrong with that son.
Word B, fuc dis rascit azz white boi, me N that niggaz b chilling in that trap listenin to sum " ice ice baby"
Some old school hip hop is pretty good
Nu-rap is all about fat asses and saying swears
If you are white and listen to jazz, blues, rock, or any other degenerate """"music"""" that has its stylistic origins from niggers, get out.
just saw some shitty punk band from my town. they were bernie supporters but the bassist at least is considering trump. worth $5 admission i guess
Listen to stereo mcs.
White rap
What if the rapper is white?
Rock is such a blanket term and the notion that it 'has stylistic origins from niggers' is sketchy at best.
Is Death Grips an exception?
i only listen to bluegrass music and country music.....am i to get out?
>tips fedora
Does moonman count as rap?
Death Grips aren't the exception for the simple reason that Death Grips is garbage
Written by jews, "sang" by blacks
Rap truly is a concentrated neuraltoxin for goyim
is this degenerate?
What the fuck is an anguilla
This is fucking true. Nicely done, m8.
i love rap, cant lie. its still /natsoc/ tho
>dont enjoy music because of my prejudices
>this level of autism
This is why you'll never have any friends. I can imagine how a car ride with a potential girlfriend goes with you chromosome deficient fucks
>hey baby, let me just pop in some Chopin
>ummm... user can we listen to the radio? this music is making me fall asleep
>What are you, some kind of nigger lover? This is real Aryan music, baby. Feel those strings as they gently touch your soul
>2 hours later masturbating in his mom's basement to pics of anime hitler
What if the only rappers I listen to are white though?
National socialist but you love nigger music.
They don't make hip-hop that sounds like this anymore
>being this insecure
they're jewish
It's not like I'm listening to it as if it's a sermon, user. I dont listen to it for lyrics, the beats just get my blood going.
t. White guy with rhythm and a 40" vertical.
>you have to listen to only classical if you dislike listening to grunting with a beat in the background
Wew lad this is actually how retarded your logic is.
Immortal technique is a socialist lefty. I used to like him before I took the pill.
Is metal approved?
>Black "authentic" rappers who use shit samples
>Jewish "wanna-be's" who can actually play an instrument
Which is worse then?
Truuuf my nigga, dat white boi music is whack, how dem hoez supoze to twerk to some violinz N sheit?
>40 inch vert
you a chef at wendys too?
>known for string sections
At least you tried.
Taco Bell
Why do people ask questions like this? Are you seriously such a cuck that you need Sup Forums to decide what you listen to?
So is metal not approved then?
No, stop listening to it because it's degenerate and you're a blight on the white race for enjoying it.
I hope this is bait.
I make my own music. Probably not the most ground breaking music, but I like it.
Pretty good shit, actually.
Why's that?
I was referring to autists like Yes, modern hip hop is bullshit, yes Drake is a faggot and Kanye, but to deny whole genres because of African influence is autist-level retardation. Pic related is an African as fuck nigga from Nigeria, Fela Kuti, who makes tight beats from the 70s that anyone can sing along to. He didn't hate whites, either.
Can I get a do over then? I actually listen to Chopin, he's known for solo piano more than anything.
It's degenerate
Thanks man.
i like it reminds me of Neil Young
no don't just leave /kill self painfully over 2 weeks.
yes please do us all the favor.
I only listen to rap when I'm drunk. Is that degenerate?
I listen to Death Grips. Does that count?
I genuinely don't understand how white people even like rap. I can go so far as understanding white people enjoying some of the beats of some of the songs. That's a mere matter of arranging notes into a satisfying melody, I suppose. But once these double digit IQ ex-slave peasants begin talking over the music about their violent nature and thirst for wealth and sex, I don't see how white people raised in suburban America, and presumably exposed to the high ideals and beliefs of our ancestors, and other considerations that are just more meaningful than listening to an impoverished African ramble on about the marijuana he smokes and the obese women he lusts after, can enjoy it. I really don't. I try to look at it objectively. I assume the simple matter of clever rhyming is what draws them in. But then again, you never see rap fans reading Tennyson or Whitman. It's the lyrical content, despite what they claim, that they like. And it's utterly beyond me why they would.
Maybe it's like watching a gangster movie or something? But even then, whole cultures don't pop up around gangster movies. It's something you enjoy once in a while and then forget. You don't incorporate that stuff into your life like rap music gets incorporated into the daily lives of the people who listen to it.
It's a strange mystery.
Daily reminder that rap is literally electronically updated jungle tribal music. And theres absolutely no difference between enjoying rap and being a coalburner
Only classical and metal can be considered white music
Pic related, the proudest white band to ever exist
I think you are applying the very real generalities of blacks onto things that are not relevant to the generalities. A low general IQ does not necessarily rob an individual of all strengths. Shitting on all of rap because it's mostly performed by blacks is like saying the 100m sprint, boxing, or basketball are invalid sporting events since blacks excel at them.
They are good at some things and ignoring this means you are blanking out facts.
I agree with this.
Only rap song I've ever enjoyed is lose yourself, but just because it's like the best pregame music ever.
I don't see how white hipsters can like rap while maintaining political correctness. For one, it is frequently misogynistic. For the other, much of it is fabricated stereotypes of what black people are like which wouldn't be out of place on Sup Forums (violent thugs, etc) but without the benefit of the possibility of irony. To be clear, I'm talking about actual gangsta rap, not the "backpack rap", hipsters who listen to that are a separate type of mental illness.
I guess because it's treated as OK, it is OK for them to do it, but it's a glaring contradiction to what they are supposed to be about.
Really I think that most of these hipsters use hip hop as a way to express masculinity and racism by proxy. You can't call a woman a bitch or talk about killing niggers (literally, lyrics about "killing niggers" in those exact words!) but you can listen to a black guy do it - more accurately, pay for a black guy to do it even when he wouldn't talk like that normally - and it's OK.
Sorry Sup Forums. Maybe we will see each other on another board.
is this degenerate?
Lil Ugly Mane is white so it's ok
hereby bans canada from posting
>texas band with beaner name
>crack head trash bassist
>heroin addicted trash singer
>fat trash drummer
>guitarist named after weed
If you can enjoy that without being a degenerate than I can listen to rap
[spoiler]I love pantera and listen to metal and rap and classical and country and everything else and you should too[/spoiler]
white people acting niggers is even more degenerate
The difference is that rap isn't something worth being good at.
I suppose it's related to keeping a beat. Somewhere someone write that the negro was a degenerate who could keep perfect time in his bingo as he fell into hell.
Are you suggesting the only mainstream band to display any white pride whatsoever is as degenerate as hiphop?
The only rapper i'll ever listen to is eminem because he bested the niggers in their own genre just like Elvis did
>are you saying drug addled white guys are as degenerate as drug-addled black guys?
yes, I am saying exactly that. White niggers are still niggers.
I still listen to it. I saw Pantera play in '96 or so. They were awesome, but unapologetically degenerate and hardly the example that you should hold up of "white people". They may seem civilized by brazilian standards, though.
If I had to agree with the politics of every musician I listened to I would have nothing left but Scandinavian black metal, most of which honestly sucks but has a following because its edgy.
I like it because it's fuck you stupid bullshit and some times as a guy that's what you want. Life isn't always happy or sophisticated, if I'm about to go try to make a 36,000 sale I have to be mentally ready to be stupidly aggressive about it so I pop on some nig beats.
I used to love DMX for when I was lifting too, it just works for getting your brain ready to go primitive.
>Brazilian obsessed with being white
Why are all south Americans convinced they are white?
agreeing with politics =/= supporting niggers and jungle music
I despise Jello Biafra's politics and the DKs are still my fave punk band
I have no black ancestors in either side of the family, not my fault
could be could be
>supporting niggers
But every time you buy a Down album that is exactly what you are doing.
Look at this fucking guy. Only a true Brazilian mutt would consider this the standard to aspire to.