Former lefties, what made you turn right-wing?

Former lefties, what made you turn right-wing?

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Accepting Christ when I was 19.

went to a george w bush protest

how fucked the left has gotten in the last decade or so.

i also hate the republican party. but i am definitely a right winger now.

Beating Christ with my bare hands at age 12.

>leftists support multinational corporate superstate and globalist elites
>right supports working class and nationalism

the world has been turned upside down


Trayvon Martin.

seeing the disgusting lies surrounding that whole thing made me lose my trust in liberalism

Sup Forums memes

You call your teeny weeny Christ?

Trayboon is what turned me into a racist. I swear to god that whole trial redpilled the fuck out of me.

owning a tumblr and the migrant crisis is what pushed me over the edge

Moved out, lived in poor area. Blacks made life harder than it needed to be. Constant violence, drugs, the poor whites acted like humans, so it's not a poverty thing. Blacks just chimp.

Econ 101 and a shitty experience with literal socialists who ran our university student union that lionized Cuba.

Right now I'm socially liberal globalist free marketeer.

Pretty narcissistic to name your dick Jesus

Sup Forums brainwashed me.

I'm not right wing, I'm just a racist anti-semite because my country has been invaded.

the frakking lies were all exposed somehow through Trump.

i'm still a bit left-leaning on social issues, but overall i'm stretching much further to the right coming this year after years of reading and finally the dirty monster is showing itself this year. what a time to be alive!

Islam, PC bullshit. Pretty standard.

Same. I was minimally racist until that trial, now I'm just Hitler-tier.

when I realized that we can't all get along

With Open Gates made me realize there is a global cabal of Marxists

went to college

Growing up.

Oh and Ferguson.

>DOJ says "hands up don't shoot" never actually happened

I went to University and met the modern left.

My turning point on PC bullshit happened when a girl told me to check my privilege because I asked if I could borrow a pencil. She literally had 6 pencils sitting on her desk.

8 years of a platform that promised change and nothing is different

I wasn't a leftie but I did accept alot of it's ideas back in college. It was probably around the whole Trayvon thing where niggers started to get real uppity and lose their damn minds.

RON PAUL, still love that guy

>took intro sociology for bullshit humanities credits during OWS
The amount of inane drivel that these faggots spewed through the semester made me realize I want nothing to do with them. It was also when I started lurking here and getting redpilled.

toronto did

I prefer the survival of my people and civilization far more then I like hummus.


Living around Muslims and lebs. Disliked from as early as I can remember.
The more contact with blacks I got, the more they became niggers.

Dated a girl in college who dumped me. I went through the 19 year old drunktard motions. Texted her a few times, said I missed her. She told everyone I was a "psycho stalker" and that she was "looking into getting a restraining order and to avoid me at all costs, but please dont tell him I told you".

I sank into the deepest depression which took about two or three years to fully recover from (although it never really leaves you).

I slowly woke up, day by day. Saw what left wing feminism was doing in academia, saw what demasculating was going on, saw how young men like myself were treated as guily upon allegation, found Sup Forums.

The End.

Oh.. and happier than Ive ever been :3 love you guys, no homo.

Getting /fit/

studying finance
learning about the forex market
learning about left wing politicians in latin america
browsing Sup Forums
reading a little about how different is currency from money and value

Real life

When I starting learning about firearms, firearms safety, and buying firearms. You realize how liberals (and politicians in general) don't know what the fuck they are doing when drafting legislation. From there I thought "Well, if they are this clueless about guns.. what else are they wrong about?"

I found that politicians don't give a fuck about solving problems, just making it look like they solve them so they can get into higher positions in the government that let them charge higher speaking fees.


Oh, where do I begin?

In uni I was surrounded by these types. Going into college I was hardcore left wing. Then Mattress girl happened, and I noticed this group of people with dyed hair marching outside carrying a mattress.

So I looked it up, turns out the bitch was lying. That was the first push.

Next I looked into the whole Michael Brown and Trayvon thing, noticed how many of the leftist I knew sided with them despite evidence suggesting they were violent thugs. They ate any and all horseshit sent their way,

Then I installed Tinder, saw many people identifying as 'polyamorous' or 'genderqueer' and wondered what that was all about. Turns out the modern day left is all about destroying the institutions that got western civilization to the developmental point that it's at today. Shocking, right?

But what really got me is how unpleasant they are, how they act as though they're God's gift to humanity when they do fuck all. Truthfully, I started to hate them, and it became clear to me why historically people hated leftists: they are overly emotional, unstable children that have no business running civilization.

And it's funny, despite all of the new age hippie bullshit and dick sucking of Eastern philosophies that emphasize selflessness, they are some of the most selfish motherfuckers around.

It will feel so fucking good voting against them in November. Fuck you, lefty brats.

I've been browsing Sup Forums since the 2012 elections and Iam still liberal


realizing the greatest lie ever told is that all men were created equal

I havent
I *have* turned unapologetically sexist/anti-feminist/misogynisic, though

Facebook. Got sick of liberal retards posting blatantly misleading "statistics" and infographics, and the constant vilification of cis het white men (actually at this point liberals don't even like faggots anymore). Also seeing terrorist attack after terrorist attack.

I grew up, saw the real world.
When you are middle class 16-20(this generations is absurdely lazy so i guess it goes for 16-30)you have no idea how things work. You believe what it is told you, you are filled with mystical leftist shit and you believe those politicians, bloggers and media when they say that anyone who disagrees is a bigot. Then the bubble bursts and you have your culture eradicated, the smallactivities trashed by big company, the nuclear family destroyed, even neighborhood courtesy is an ancient myth because this is the age of "You Are Special"; no one else counts. Only you. You are special, you deserve fame not troughout hard work and sacrific but trough television; sacrifice for the good of others is history of the past. The only pride that is accetable of course is the faggot pride. Morality is no more, everything MUST be done to achieve success, no matter how low. Shame is a forgotten word-now you must be pride of your shames. Obese? I'm proud! fag? Im proud! Liar? I'm proud! Thing will only go worse.
And fuck you.


>came to Sup Forums to laugh at "le dumb conservitards"
>accidentally take redpill instead



Life experience.

I was never super left wing or anything. I always loved America for one.

And that's probably why, I was proud to be American and proud to be white so when I went to college and was repeatedly bombarded in my sociology classes about how "capitalism, America, and white people" are evil and the source of all the worlds problems I became increasingly annoyed.

Then there was the Trayvon Martin and Ferguson shit that just pissed me off as black people. And eventually everything just slowly changed me to becoming right-wing. I used to be ambivalent towards guns but am now fiercely supportive of the second amendment, I'm against gay marriage because the supreme court does not have the authority to legalize it across the country and the lgbt community is just fucking gross.

I've been to the San Francisco gay pride parade, I live in the bay area, back when I would've still called myself a liberal and a feminist. And the gay pride parade was merely a disgusting excuse for people to act as weird as possible and put their gross fetishes on display. I now no longer call myself liberal or feminist because of how horribly the words and movements have been twisted.

Fuck illegals too.


I've always considered myself to be a logical thinker, hence me at one point going Democrat/liberal because it was the so calendar "science party" but the deeper I went into the left the more things I saw that just didn't add up, people saying things unironically that wasn't supported by the smallest amount of logic, and after that something clicked in my mind. I was far left at the time and the far left is the opposite of the far right, and if the far left ideas were devoid of logic then the far right should have it. After checking it out my indoctrination basically just fell off me
(Sorry if this is bit hard to read, I'm terrible at telling stories)

>tfw always right wing

Man ive only recently woken up to my fb feed and how liberal and indoctrinating it is. It scares me to think I 'fed' on that from 2006-2012 or so basically every day.

moving to America (blue state)

Well I was never "left" just apolitical.
Bill Whittle redpilled me after I got into entry-level Sup Forums stuff during my casual lurking.

I studied politics at Uni and spent all my spare time reading about it. Once you look at all perspectives you will be irrevocably drawn to the conservative side of politics.

>Be Sorta libby on most social issues
>Sometime late 2015
>Not paying much attention
>Think "oh that bernie guy doesn't seem too bad"
>See trump giving a speech
>Some guy says something about getting rid of the "Muslim problem"
>Trump goes on with his speech
>Think to himself "Jesus this guy will never be president"
>2 weeks later see "With Open Gates"
>Wake up
>Caucused for Trump

Damn son that sucks. Yeah women fucking me over is what lead to me eventually red pilling myself too.

I'm not a woman hater. I'm a man. I'm not ever going to apologise for being a man. And if somebody tries to deny that a man is biologically different from a woman then they can fuck off, end of story.

Paris, and every terrorist attack since then makes me hate leftism even more. The more I see them, and their response to the world around them, makes me realise more and more how insane they really are.

But they aren't as bad as the migration. They're just the enablers, and now there are even worse people to deal with. Everything in Europe has gone to shit.

Informed centrist here, stop being a sheep and form a wholistic view of society for yourself. The pendulum swings because half the population has a sub 100 IQ, be the voice of reason if you can.

The rise of sjws did it for me


The left abandoned environmentalism, secularism, the working class, non-interventionism and caring about your health for identity politics, political correctness and globalism. I did not, I stayed true to my values while they pandered to potential new voters. But now I kinda feel like going full libertarian just to spite the cunts.

PC bullshit and disillusionment with a lot of left wing politicians.

However, I'm still liberal in regards to welfare issues and providing cheap/free healthcare and education.

I was never really a lefty, I knew niggers were niggers and women are not men my whole life. Talking to leftists on revleft and reddit made me decide to look deeper at these things.

I never swallowed it, I always called people out on the various reasons whatever they were reposting was bullshit, even though I agreed with them at the time. And I don't mean "let me explain why your position is wrong", I mean "I agree with your position but that number is complete bullshit." That always went over... poorly. So eventually I learned not to be an autistic retard, and also rage quit leftism.


This video.

I was always just barely left-of-center except for my EDGY XDDD communist phase in high school.

When anyone puts you down, remember their life is a million times worse because no one who lives on personal attacks (discerning ellicted opinion is different), ever comes from a position of security or strength.

I was a lefty from ages like 0-17, because I was raised by a lefty.

My father was raised in Ireland and is a Provo, so he has left-leaning, and when he came to this country he admitted Reagan and Clinton were the best Presidents he'd ever seen but he preferred Clinton (Clinton apparently did a lot of good for the relations in Ireland).

At 17 I started to think for myself a bit, I'd say I was a centrist until I was 18 or 19, the big turning point for me was gun rights initially, and gradually I've just started to hate everything that the left spews because it's completely retarded.

I would have voted for Jim Webb if the Democrats ran him though, would have drawn a lot of righties I think.

I hate the GOP because they're just as bad as the democrats, but I can rely on them to at least stand up for the Police, and to protect gun rights. I liked Rand for this election, but when he stopped standing up and speaking every chance he got (Mostly because Trump hogged all media), I fell off the Randpage Wagon. I love him in the Senate, I think he's a phenomenal senator and great man but not this time around for President.

It was the constant duality between what White people can say and what non-Whites can say and the constant shilling of diversity in the media. The reactions to Brexit on places like twitter where leftists are unironically advocating genocide because somebody disagreed with them just hardens my position.

Multiculturalism and diversity

Gamergate, yeah I know. I was horrified by the amount of bullshit would be readily accepted just because of claims of misogyny or other lies. I never felt that stabbed in the back before.

I started looking at other things after my whole world was turned upside down. So much bullshit and lies around me. It feels like I'm finally seeing the world for what it is.

This is fucking beautiful

However there definitely is still shame. You should apparently be ashamed if you're a man. You should be ashamed if you say there should be curbs on immigration. Etc.

The hypocrisy was what started it, the problems the left caused every where they had power was what pushed me to the point of no return. One thing that really burned my ass was all the "muh illegal war, muh blood 4 oil" etc from the left then Obama helps forcefully remove Ghaddafi, trains and arms terrorists in Syria to overthrow their government, goes into Pakistan unannounced for Osama, orders drone assassinations feeds weapons to drug cartels, and many other things we may or not know about but it's like the left didn't even fucking care just because it was a Democrat doing it. I personally don't care what happens to those people but the fact the left sabotaged the war effort at home every chance they got but didn't care once Obama was doing arguably shittier things really pissed me off.

Im still too insecure not to have fb """"friends"""".

Working on it though, probably delete my account once I get on my feet.

I didn't turn "right wing" as much as I turned away from the "left wing."
This country was founded by people who were smarter than the people who run it now, and it's populated by people who resemble Faberge eggs, as opposed to the iron ingots who built it. Somewhere along the line, Republicans and Democrats played blind darts with our constitution. Whatever amendment you hit, "that" would be your little one-legged hobby horse, nuts to the rest.

Our politicians are not the essence of this country, and they never will be.

Mostly just having an actually nationalist candidate. I was behind the left generally for protecting blue collars, but the more I see of the garbage it's grown into, the more it shakes even the relatively harmless stuff I still would accept from the left.

I used to be a card caring Socialist. However I happen to be a straight, white, German heritage, male. It took a while but every year the hatred for all those things with the leftist community just gets worse and worse.

Why should I fight for the stupid leftist hierarchy that puts me on the bottom? They want a war with white males? They fucking got one, I'm full blown Natsoc now

My tumblr account redpilled me too

Also, university

I was a devout pothead hippie liberal pussy. Then the wage gap thing happened and I decided to actually fact check for once because my liberal brain couldn't believe discrimination was that bad. I was right not to beleive and ive been fact checking ever since. Every new lefty claim is ripped apart by fact checks so I have no option but to be a slightly right centrist libertarian nationalist.

Guns, immigration, and Obama's refusal to reverse neoconservative foreign policy.


I honestly can't point to any specific events. Personally I'd rather not dwell on the old me anyway. The midpoint of my transformation was probably around 2010.

Now I'm fully aware of what my own beliefs are. I've never been so sure of my own personal values and morals as I am today.

I think a lot of it had to do with leftists themselves. They are the ones that pushed people like me into the far right camp. They created us. And now they have an enemy that will not let them complete their supreme crime without a fight.

First going to college and seeing the tards there made me go towards the middle

Then the Zimmerman trial and how it was handled made me full right

Went to UC Santa Cruz and realized how gay and collectivist hippy optimists they were

Same here. It was Obamas reaction to it all that soured me the most. Instead of trying to take a level headed approach to it and diffuse the racial tension brough about by the whole situation he sided with the feral coon. After that I became increasingly more aware to PC bullshit.

2011 England riots.

girl choosing a douche over me 2 years ago without saying anything. put me on constant self improvement, saw reality for what it is.


muslims, blm, and sjws

passage of time


Losing faith in those around me because they were a bunch of cunts

Realizing that socialism is tyranny no matter what circumstance

Understanding the Constitution of the US and just how important having a document that serves as the law of the land and the normative goal of our government is

It's all been some shit, but I've come out all the better.

Watching the Left's insane reaction to the rise of radical Islam. They're so emotionally invested in seeing the Right as their enemy that they're in complete denial about a movement that is utterly opposed to everything they believe in.

I figured out what liberal means in the real wold.