>Be British
>Don't actually know what EU is
Be British
>Be canadian
>Shitpost your heart out
>Still inferior to Australia
good goy.. surely it had nothing to do with the 30,000,000 that couldn't vote.. every kid knows what the eu is they wouldn't need to google it
>be meme magic
>influence the clueless to vote for something they know nothing about
>Be British
>Have country now inferior to Haiti and third world Muslim shithole
>Be British
>don't actually know who Churchill was
>Be Canada
>Shit post
>Still be a french leaf
You leaf bros are the getting better at meming
good god quebec frogs are so fucking insufferable
>Be British
>Put french fries between buttered bread and call it "cuisine"
This has been proven false time and time again, check this The_donals post if you want to do the prove yourself,:
which makes me think you are either extremely late to the party (and disinformed) or, most probably, you are a shill.
And who is to say that these people aren't remainers or non-voters?
>Be Canadian
>Put a group of French savages in between your land
>call it a "country"
We call it a province you fucking idiot.
>British education
>Washington post
>Not a like propaganda mouthpiece
Yeah they are totally not spinning a narrative that doesn't involve Britain throwing off the shackles of a socialist dystopia for nationalism...right
>next story "why you need to man up support her and her kids, it's misogynist to demand she stop seeing other men too"
>story below "why do you NEED guns? You will never be a man stop compensating"
>Story below " why giving your jobs to immigrants is a good thing and how getting raped by illegals really showed me what privilege I have"
Yeah fuck libcucks, statistcucks, and kikes
>implying Quebec isn't in canada
>Be Canadian
>Get pulled over by a french LGBT enforcement officer
>"w-whats the problem officer"
>"parlez-vous français?"
>"ah i see you speak ze English, your car doesn't have its regulated gay pride stickair zir"
>"o-oh im sorry i must've forgot it"
>"it is ok, we're a tolerant society, i shall leta you off wiz a fineuh"
>"h-heh yeah thanks officer"
>get a fine
>go home
>same french officer is fucking your boyfriend
>call the triggered hotline
>kill yourself
>Vatican 19k
Didn't Egypt say that Vatican City was only 1% of the total shit votes? Because that would mean that Egypt is responsible for about 1.9 million votes.
>One Egyptian shit poster might undermine democracy
Why does everyone assume those who google "What is the EU" are the same people who voted leave?
Is this da j00s at it again?
>See anime
>Disregard post
Didn't even read it go have autism somewhere else.
>Be Canadian
>still owned by the British
>be a colony of a country now inferior to Haiti and third world Muslim shithole
Don't forget which queen is printed on your money, maplenigger.
I never thought the average British is just like the average American, thanks (((media))).
>18 to 24 was also the only generation to vote in
Really makes you think
>Still owned by British
American education, everyone
>What are children
You should update that. We have doctor assisted suicide in Canada now.
>he thinks politely requesting his independence in the 1980's means he's not owned by them anymore
Look. At. Your. Money.
But hey, maybe you're just honoring her, right? It's not like your soldiers pledge their allegiance to her when they're sworn in (they do.) And it's not like she appoints a governor general for every one of your provinces (she does.) And it's not like the queen can pardon crimes made there or grant immunity (she can.)
This is why you fight for your independence you stupid beavereating mapleniggers.
this is like posting a link to kotaku or salon.
get out
>Fights for independence
>Literally controlled by Israel
>Thinks having some old lady means you are owned by her.
She has no political power here, and barely has any in the UK you stupid American faggot.
looks like the romans left some abo-nigger genetics all over brittania
Except we have no laws granting Israel control over us. You have several granting the queen control over you, Canacuck.
Who appoints your prime minister? Go on, answer.
She has more political power in your country than she does in England. She's disbanded your parliament in recent memory.
I have to ask
What the fuck are these people spending all their time on if it isn't some form of learning?
I'm on my phone all the time reading about current events from multiple sources and using wikipedia for context, how the hell are these people spending more time on their phones and doing less?
>article from 2000
Now those 18-24 year olds are in their 30s and the younger generation is even stupider.
>Have Navy attacked by Israel
>Give hundreds of billions in aide
>Thinks that because there are no laws granting Israel control over the US they don't have any power over their leaders
You probably think the establishment will let Trump win. Stupid burger nigger.
>Be British
>don't actually know who Churchill was
Checks out.
>be Canadian
>Have the worst flag ever. In the history of humanity
When are you fuckers going to get your flag back?
Pic very related.