You people make me fucking sick. Is there any way you cunts can be un-cucked? Please kill yourselves Brits. Seriously.
Lauren Southern ATTACKED by “anti-fascist” thugs in London!
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They're mad becauss they lost the referendum, luckily the unarmed police were there to control the situation.
>Lauren Southern reports for For my trip across Europe, The Rebel has provided a professional security detail as I travelled through dangerous places.
>But once I got to London, I naturally felt safe, so I dismissed my security detail, and went out to a park to talk to Londoners about Brexit. Little did I know that left-wing extremists in the UK would be the most violent people I encountered in Europe!
friendly reminder antifa are massive pussies
Security in the UK isn't secure at all. Btons, that are allowed for the police, are considered offensive weapons for security guards to have. The best they'd have is a maglight torch and if they had that with them in the day it would still be classed as an offensive weapon.
The amazing bit is the cops tell Lauren SHE'S the one being provocative! She was wearing a cap with the union jack on it.. THAT was the provocation...
Fucking leftists are the cancer of nations.
London needs to be purged.
>(((Lauren Southern)))
Kike got what they all deserve
> 39%
She's not remotely Jewish. Where does this meme come from? She'd be a lot smarter if she were. She's quite obviously from some hick prole family.
She posted a video from Molenbeek where she talked to some Moroccan normie and mistranslated everything to make him sound like an islamist
>Van der Bellen
You're right though, London is one or the worst cities in the world, next to Chernobyl and Detroit.
What is it with indians talking to bullshit to white people?
She fucking admitted it herself
Then this bitch feels the overwhelming need to wag her crooked, poo-stained finger whilst making accusations. WTF>
I wouldnt mind antifa if they attacked jews even more.
They only seem to attack whites though. Southern can get killed for all I care
No, she didn't. People were saying it so she joked along once. She's not though.
There was me, that is Alex.
curry smelling cunt
>They're mad becauss they lost the referendum, luckily the unarmed police were there to control the situation.
>show called free speech
is this a joke?
I just think of a long turd every time I see an Indian, I can't help it
This is where we are. Nationalism is racist, how dare somebody be proud of their culture!
>(((The Rebel)))
Non-whites are incapable for displaying empathy to white people.
Those antifa guys are misguided but I'm sick of these cunts. What do all these alt right speakers accomplish? They get themselves in awkward situations where they get attacked and record that to put on YouTube about how much they are victims. Nothing gets accomplished. Absolutely nothing. That's all this bitch does. It's blatant attention whoring. Plus I doubt she is red pilled at all when Gavin asked her why isn't she got married she got combative and said she doesn't want to just like any other dumb white cunt.
>i was only pretending to be jewish
I would mow down every single one of these smelly shitbags to save this single sane white woman.
You're right, we should sit back and don't react to leftism at all. Surely if we ignore it hard enough, it will go away on its own. This has worked so well already over the past decade.
Why should you be "proud" of arbitrary locations in which you are born and the past achievements of people who you never met and have no connection to?
Nationalism is completely retarded and only creates outward hostility to those not like yourself.
t. Libertarian "cuck"
Should have her skull kicked in
Antifa is fucking gay.
Why are the anti-facists riding the EU's dick?
>fascist conservative women who was brainwashed by people on the wrong side of history """attacked""" by harmless teens simply trying to bring her back to the right side of history
You alt-right cucks are always twisting the truth to fit your nonexistent victim complex, I'm waiting for Trump to lose in November and for the Right to die out
She was never pretending though. Give it a rest, she's not Jewish, not even close. I have nothing against Jews in the right-wing, they tend to bring solid bantz and intellectual conversation that appeals to normies. She does neither, she's a complete simpleton.
Because of history and culture should be carried forward. Sorry I don't throw away 200 years of history away for globalist corporate scum.
t. ((you))
Goddamn it Rebel, could you at least viral market one of your slightly less annoying crew, like Brian Lily? At least that guy isn't a douchebag
No you dumb faggots you missed my point. This does nothing. This just affirms what those who are on the right believe and those on the left will continue ignoring. Nothing gets solved. We need right wing guys in hoodies and masks doing shit too.
I like how the british cops are ignoring the masked men assaulting people and warning the reporter not to be near them or be provocative.
>The Union Jack is offensive in Britain
Explain yourself Brits.
Why your cops and general citizenry seem to be complete pussies?
>I'm waiting for Trump to lose in November and for the Right to die out
So, when he wins, what's the plan B?
No, the mudskins and leftists thing people you be proud of them and THEIR culture, and hate their own. They do need to be purged...
You're an absurdist.
At some point we really have to kill every single last one of those fucking SJW's.
That much is certain.
Easy. Cause I do have a connection to them. They were my ancestors, and they built the world for me. It's my job to preserve it, for my children, which includes, in the worst case, fighting. It's was never built for just anyone.
Fuckin lolbertarians, still haven't figured out that 99.9% of the world doesn't think like they do.
Fuckin lolbertarians
Antifa faggots need to be fucking gassed.
globalist kike
make a survey to redo the election
I noticed that to, I wish it were.
>The ride never ends.
Because they're misinformed idiots who think that the EU is "progressive and tolerant" whilst Britain is backward and fascist.
Fuck off shill
awful shitpost.
you should be ashamed.
Sup Forums triggered.
Sup Forums hivemind jerks off over violence and discrimination towards women until there is an opportunity to bash political enemies.
back to your mgtow mgtow
I like you.
Typical cockroach Brit police.
Why is the left in general riding the EU's dick? It's one giant corrupt orgy of big banks and unelected bureaucrats signing laws that no average citizen gets a say in? What the fuck does the left even stand for nowadays?
The left used to tell the establishment to go fuck itself, now the left believes whatever the establishment throws out there.
go to bed lauren, nobody on Sup Forums is falling for your self promotion antics
A leaf AND an occupy dem supporter, this is the lowest form of life
Do people on here actually hate all jews? She's a secular, non-zionist half jew. She's reporting against feminist and globalist agendas.
Its not like she's an israeli banker or a cultural marxist subversive. She's predominately european with some jewish ancestry.
Simply writing off all jews because of some Sup Forums stormfag memes just makes us look like a redneck, trailer trash kkk stereotype.
ITT muh poor pretty blonde woman
I'll be waiting for America to collapse like Britain after BREXIT
And when America is burning and in chaos, I'll be laughing in my Socialist utopia as Trudeau denies Anerican Refugees
The fight is not for the the hearts of the leftists, burgermaister, it's against the hordes of the ignorant masses. Have you not yet realized this?
If the left gets exposed like this enough THEY may very well change their views. Most people are neither very interested in politics and can be easily swayed either way on the left-right axis.
She's making a point that needs to be made.
That these people don't give a shit about the freedoms of everyone as a whole.
That they don't give a shit about free speech, right to assembly, right of association, freedom of expression, or any other such thing unless you do it the way they want you to.
And when you confront them on their poorly developed ideology, their hypocrisy, their lies, their fallacies, their bullshit, they have no alternative but to lie more, to shout you down or become violent.
They're morons and thugs.
I don't know, mate. Seems like everyone fell for it, including you. ;^)
What is a useful idiot?
So they're saying she...asked for it?
How's 9th grade treating you?
>Hey guys look. Everyone look at me. Look at me. The hip maymay is that Canadians shitpost so I have to pretend to shit post hard to keep up the stereotype because I am a pathetic fuck. Look at me guys. Give me attention guys I'm in gimmick guys.
They just brexited themselves, give them some credit.
Just because your country has no significant past or achievements to take pride in, does not mean that every people in every place suffer the same.
Because the left is no longer liberal OR labour. It's been hijacked by fucks like Soros who quite successfully convinced the leftist hat identity politics are the one issue they should be about. You shouldn't be proud of your culture and heritage, you should be proud of cutting off your dick. Meanwhile, the wealth gap has widened dramatically with the rise of the Western so-called left.
>anti fascists
>unironically support fascism
these people are so fucked
Like her
Fuck antifa
Let's fight them ok? Ok!
No no thats not what they're saying at all, these people are just emotional and might be prone to over reacting
i'm certain the irony is completely lost on them
YES. That's what they're saying.
Nah, he knows this, which is why he's assblasted. He obviously would love to see more Jo Coxes and the right stomped out by the normie horde.
Well .. She does insist on repeating "they're the real fascists" over and over, implying fascism is bad. And she's mocked white genocide on Twitter multiple times.
You're completely right. Good thing we have a person like you around who has accomplished so much.
Fucking poo in loo comes and tells lauren she's trying to stir up shit.. why don't she fuck off back to curry land.
Holding up signs saying kill white people.. IN THE FUCKING UK.. police letting antifa faggot fascist leftist little cunts do whatever they please and give the one getting harassed a punching to.. just kys stupid police woman, you're defending the wrong people. Lauren shouldn't worry about being provocative, those stupid kids should end up in jail for assaulting people, that's the only thing that should happen, fuck their feelings..
UK is turning into a big kindergarden filled with degenerate filth from outside europe trying to act like they fucking own the place cause they managed to migrate from their hole in the ground.. incredibly sad to watch..
these fucking migrants i hate them more and more i can't stand even looking at them, this is what these unassimilated migrants will do when they get more numbers.. Time to put the foot down and stop all migration and start deporting the troublemakers aswell.
This whole brexit thing is SO REVEALING.. can you imagine if the britbongs had acted later on, it would've been FAR FAR WORSE.. this highlights so obviously how massive the problem with leftists, migrants and the muslim stuff has become.. Had UK waited say a few more years with this they might be on the brink of losing control of their frigging country to these assholes..
Based brexiters.. please stay strong, don't let these assholes destroy your country from the inside. And remember that it was the EU that forced you to accept them..
Faghot detected
I hate u libs
Fucking bongistan police are so cucked. I'm glad we have a police force that would beat the shit out of those fuckers.
So anti-fascist that they assault people because of their political beliefs
>that pic
Shouldn't they be thanking Liberals for their direct financial support and allowing them to buy those weapons?
Or thank them for literally choosing to do nothing as they strolled into Iraq in huge convoys of pickup trucks while we controlled the skys and watched from above as Iraqi army units (sunnis mostly) fled (intentionally gave their sunni brothers the heavy arms we could not sell them directly because of how it would look in the news/on the world stage).
We destroyed the 4th largest armored army on the face of the Earth in a few days in 1990.
Our government literally saw this coming, knew what ISIS was and what it sought to become, and intentionally allowed them to do this. They (our government) knew the Iraqi army sunnis would give them the arms.
Anyone who doesn't/can't see this, is either intentionally ignorant, or far below average human intelligence to the point where I can't relate to you as a human being.
don't confuse patriotism and nationalism
You idiot
She is blasting a group that is anti fascist yet fascists
Ever hear of irony?
I see them alone as the British desu. Everybody else in the UK mainly identifies with their own country/ethnic group (English, Welsh, etc).
Great and whose listening? How many far leftists do you personally know that were able to change their minds? I personally know of none. I'm fact I know a conservative girl who became a SJW liberal in college so she went backwards. These videos and celebrities do nothing and are self serving. You want to change shit I have an easy solution. The media has to be held more accountable for the bullshit they spew. They are going unchecked and manipulating peoples minds. When I see a Trump article on Facebook filled with comments quoting Trump on shit he never said that's the media bullshit in action there. So there you go.
friendly reminder: the police didnt do shit when a gang of rabid mexicans attacked people outside a trump ralley just two weeks ago.
What's with this gangly chicken hybrid creature?
They're not fascists, you don't even know what fascism is you retarded burger munching fat cunt.
Looking at her skin reminds me of the poo stained streets of India.