Speaking of Reddit movies... has anybody seen this piece of shit?

Speaking of Reddit movies... has anybody seen this piece of shit?

>DUDE brits saying 'Fock'
>DUDE ebin kick-ass acshun scenes
>meme shouting black man not playing the only kind of role he's good at
>DUDE one-dimensional ebil Jocks who lose in the end
>Westboro Baptist Church amirite wink wink
>DUDE anal sex with the princess of Sweden

It winks at the audience and knows it's doing all this shit but is just in it for the fun of those things. If you couldn't gather that from the Colin Firth action scenes and the eschewed romance with the girl then I don't know what to tell you.

There's really no reason for you to get so worked up. Please calm down.

What kind of name is Eggsy?

the scene in the church was pretty good tho

It's alright I guess. Nothing ground breaking.

There is one absolutely shamelessly in your face McDonald's placement, which did make me cringe, but that's about it.

yeah that's what I said in the OP, your point?

>DUDE hating everything lmao

It was good though
We need more action movies that don't take themselves too seriously but actually deliver on the action department

>DUDE I'm a total contrarian

Tied with Deadpool for most reddit movie ever.

Jesus I recoiled at that. I enjoyed the movie but it was absolutely shameless.

That you're an idiot who thinks it was trying to profit from those plot devices in a direct rather than satirical manner. And you're actually seething about your own retarded misunderstanding.

>DUDE I'm a total pleb

Maybe for Sup Forums users

Why didn't they set that one scene in a mosque or synagogue instead?

Can you kindly kill yourself, or fuck off back to the Reddit you clearly visit so often?

>no fun allowed
>also it triggered me
Can r/the_donald please leave jesus christ you cunts are the new SJW

I actually liked that scene, it was so in your face that it worked

the scene is meant to be shocking, not heart-warming

This. Movies are meant to entertain, not insult.



Christians are the bad ones, haven't you heard?
Islam is the religion of peace

It's not like they picked a regular church, they picked a some Waco tier church

Also the movie literally starts with the good guy shooting up muslim soldiers so stop shit talking the best movie of the last five years

Fucking butthurt faggots

>dude movies are just for fun

haha you have horrible taste

jesus christ how many movies a year do you watch? 4? if you think this was even in the top 50 films of 2015 you have unbelievably horrible taste

>implying theyre not
Let me guess, theyre mind control weapons designed to make white females breed with other races. Damn those pesky jebs

>movies are meant to entertain

This mentality is why it's extremely rare to see good movies come out

>the best movie of the last five years

Film is art you simpleton

fucking die nigger. you're the faggot who doesn't belong here.

What'll you have, Sup Forums?

We use terms likenflicks, movies and films ironically, but there really are differences. Expecting art from something made for being entertainment and not art is being a dumbass. Do you also look for art in bilboard 100 top list? Those are not meant to be art, doesnt matter you cant enjoy them for what they are tho

Leaving right now, can argue with a newbabby that migrated from reddit few months ago, you obviously know better

henchwoman is top tier QT

The point was that he knew he was onto him, so he served him the shittiest dinner possible.

i really miss the 80s

You really shouldn't rely on reading Encyclopaedia dramatica.
It's no substitute for lurking.

Fucks sake what does it take to please you Sup Forumstards?

This movie had white male heroes, a black guy as the bad guy, a massive global conspiracy against regular working white people, a hot blonde having anal sex with a white boy, and you're STILL unhappy & call it reddit?

I thought it was pretty good.

it is good Sup Forums just has shit taste

Oh, I see the problem. You're a fucking moron who completely misinterpreted the movie.

Identity politics players are never happy, user.
They gain power by complaining, but don't realise that by complaining about every non issue, their increments increase less and less.

I don't see a single Sundance thread on Sup Forums; by default everyone here has reddit-tier taste in film. You don't need to point out films that you don't enjoy as reddit.

Hey! At least it's a white guy fucking a Swede this time.