What do you smoke, Sup Forums?
What do you smoke, Sup Forums?
no. 6s... exclusively
Since I'm not a retard and a fag I don't.
Yellow or tan American spirits
And weed LMAO
i know a fag just like you
hes a jew. adopted. and have nothing but his gay apparel merchandising major and his daddies trust fund, along with his crippling depression and anxiety.
>smoking the cylindrical jew
Marlboro Reds. I hate that I like smoking.
I quit because I have fucking willpower. Want a sip, fags?
>he fell for the nicotine jew
I have never smoked anything. I'm the most pure out of all of you degenerates.
>posts anime
>not a retard fag
Pick one weab
Smoking is degenerate
Used to like Newport menthols and Camel crush bolds.
Don't smoke anymore vape occasionally though.
Quit almost 3 months ago. Smoked Winstons.
Camel Blues, same as you.
Though I prefer Lucky Strike Filtereds, if I can get my hands on them.
>literally you
2 months smoke free with these
At least i'm not Canadian.
is he in Florida and does he like to play smash bros and if so how open is he towards a new friend
I always think this is Keanu Reeves
>What do you smoke, Sup Forums?
He's a smoker so he doesn't count
vaping is the best way to quit smoking
>be me
>start smoking at 15
>mom has to work long hours at hospital to raise me and my sister
>easy to hide cuz she's never around
>smoke a pack a day because I thought I looked cool doing it
>mid 20s and I'm waking up in the night coughing
>can't climb a flight of stairs without wheezing
>decide to marathon The X Files on Netflix
>I see smoking man with the hole in his threat and his leathery face
>I'm literally disgusted
>vow then to quit
>buy patches
>literally 2 weeks later I stopped that patches and had totally quit
>started running
>am now in great shape
>only vice is beer but that's cool
>feel fucking great
As someone who smoked a fucking lot. Quit. I'm not even joking. Your life will get better.
But plan to eat more when you quit, it's natural. So eat healthier in that period so you don't get all fat. You'll normalize once you're totally free of nicotene.
Oh and a sexy bonus is that the smell of smoke will make you fucking sick once you're totally off.
wow you're gonna get cancer in 40 years lad..
It means fine tobacco.
>never smoked anything
>except cock
You have to go across the border to find those, they used to be alot cheaper too, about $2.50 american a pack
Pack a week for the last 5 years. Funny as hell seeing someone try to smoke one of these when they're used to Newports that last 40 seconds. Even funnier when it's drunk bitches at the club who smoke Marlboro Lights and they ask for one, then start feeling dizzy from that 25% more tobacco than the leading brand.
Used to smoke the yellows, but stopped because most hipsters at my college smoke them. Also because they taste like candy
Chesterfield Red and Benson & Hedges Fresh when I want something milder.
>people hating on vaping
I mean, I don't do it but there is no ACTUALLY good argument against it.
No you some pole you faggot