Which side would you support?

Which side would you support?

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i hate both desu

Putito can fit his pitito in my tito all timetito

>Well let me see
>Russia doesn't fund ISIS
>turkey funds ISIS
yeah Imma have to go with Russia on this one

Which ever side does more damage to international jewry

They are both Byzantines.

One is Slavic with Byzantine heritage

One is Turkic with Byzantine heritage

Our ""diplomacy"" under Trump is going to push them closer together

Turkey, Russia, Iran, Qatar, China, Pakistan

Russia forever.

We don't fund ISIS

turey suppos issi

We fund ISIS


bird asist waswas


but I wish both countries could join in a coalition to destroy the US, Israel and ISIS, that would be great.

This thread isn't even about Trump, can you people seriously not stop thinking about him for five minutes?

What a question is that even?
How could anyone, maybe besides burgers and muslims, support roaches?

Neither side can really launch an invasion of the other. Turkey would get nuked to shit though.

My boy Glaz

Turkey has nukes.
So do we.

Saying Turkey and Russia are drifting apart is insane though, let alone that they could start a war


Here's an akp advisor clowning on us for the Woke Democratic People's Kurdish Militias that definitely don't kill turkish schoolteachers nope

100% russia, fuck turkey


>Slavs or one of the biggest historical enemies to Slavdom

one of the biggest historical enemies to Slavdom
or one of the biggest historical enemies to Slavdom


Turkey with no doubt

turkey russia best friend

the Balts and the Poles are probably the only ones in Europe who would go for that and mostly because they just dislike Russia more


Fuck roaches.

This Turgeysupodisis! :DD

>asking europeans would they support a christian and european white country or a non european muslim country and europe fought for hundreds of years

*country that europe fought for hundreds of years

I would support every side that is not turkey

I guess Russia cause Turks are full of themselves

The NATO member ofc

Definitely turkey

Russia of course, since they are europeans


they are nato allies unfortunately


I support Turkey


austrich finance ra

I would have supported turkey but they are fast radicalizing and I wont support that shit. Kick them out of NATO and force Putin and Turkish Himmler to fist fight to the death.

working class

russia our best friend we buy s-400 from them against nato and k*rds

In Syria? Russia

are u turks

Consistently fund both to weaken their countries and profit


Russia of course.


Rossiya stronk


based fat erdogan sycophant desu

more like
>asking nato members would they support a felllow nato member or a country which agression is the very reason for natos existance

please learn english

aren't they getting along? anyways, russia


Turks because they got georgian president

Turkey all the way

None. Srsly.


Give me a cute Russian woman and a cute Turkish woman and I'll tell you after.

My ancestors would turn in their grave if they knew I'd support Russia, so I guess I'll have to go with Turkce.



Durkey ofc. Having Russia cut off from the med would be in our geopolitical interest.

You are NATO, kurds don't have planes.

the pogues are garbage. basically muh irish heritage: the band

we've forgiven the turks for Galipoli just like Americans forgave the Japs for Pearl Harbor. I trust Turkey more than I trust Russia

I always wonder what makes people to care about "geopolitical intersests" while not being politiciatns. Really nigger, what benefits would you personally get from fulfilling those "geopolitical interests"?

>we've forgiven the turks for Galipoli just like Americans forgave the Japs for Pearl Harbor
but you lot invaded galipoli

>what benefits would you personally get from fulfilling those "geopolitical interests"?
Idk, I just think you ppl are cunts and want the US to stay on top.

yes, "forgave" was the wrong word

meant to say more like "not bitter anymore that they slayed us mercilessly"

Just a song I like. MacGowan has a rare despair in his voice.

nato supports kurdish-commie terrorists against us

>commie terrorists
>implying that's a bad thing

PKK/YPG ideology: hipster-friendly socialism & radical environmentalism & 3rd wave feminism, controlled/marketed by Stalinist hierarchy... Also keep in mind that the 2nd biggest type for terrorism is communist terrorism, first is islamic terrorism.
Combine them
You get PKK/YPG

and what?
they seem to be a cool guys
too bad there is no any similar group in russia


and what is the opposing side, what is the Turkish ideology?


then i prefer ypg commies despite the fact i don't like communism

How many man did you lose? 5-10 thousand?

They are commies and for some reason they like us.

Glaz is cute

zitto animale




t. edgy 15 y old wannabe commie shit

t. mehmet
go fuck goats scum

I support both

calm down 15 years old motherfucker

its because you give them guns. remember bin laden, he used to like you guys a lot too lul


I fuck ur mom

this site for 18+ peoples

Zero fucks at this point. Syrian government will keep them busy enough.

Arent both russian soldier from bf3?
Who the fuck makes that shit?
