Hate to say it....but it really does make you think....
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Now if only Sup Forums would stop sucking black cock.
fake quote
>pol is one person
How new are you?
>implying the statements made can't be backed by evidence
>not an argument
Wether he said it or not, you cannot prove that, what matters is the content of the text and the idea that is brought up.
i can acknowledge that but that doesnt give anyone the right to treat them bad
it gives me EVERY right to oppose them, why am i obligated to unconditionally accept, and love a entire people that i will never meet in my entire life? awnser that
not only that but an entire people who contributed little to nothing to the world we inherited
>Crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet.
That is not how educated people wrote back then. First of all it needs like five different interrupting thoughts and apologetic asides appealing to decorum separated like commas.
thats true they have no place in our societys. but that opposition of them must never turn to hatred for them. they need to be left alone to their own devises in their own homelands
I agree, but unfortunately society would completely disagree.
They need to be left alone and work their own shit out.
handouts will solve nothing, like enabling a drug addict.
>Never dreamed a sail
Do you really think that not a single African could make a boat?
Hint: They had boats
>Diamonds beneath his feet. Never picked one up
>Mud houses
>Never domesticated an animal
Why are racists so delusional
We were kings
And yet they still chuck spears to this day.
why are cucks so delusional?
>we wuz arabians and shiet
It's not a shit concept, it just makes us look like fucktards attributing quotes to the wrong people.
egyptians arent negroes
gold coins and diamonds are completely different you fucking retard.
riding a camel is not TRUE domestication
and no they didnt have fucking boats you blithering retard or else they would have discovered other lands before europeans.
HOLY fuck get the fuck off Sup Forums
once again you CANNOT prove he didnt say that or at the very least think it.
I dont care if superman said it, what the text says is true, and brings up legitimate points about African culture.
cuz d white man b oppressin nd shit
If the negro is happy with living like a animal, then who am I to complain? Its their land, why should I care?
Those are good words, but the actual attribution is not Charles Darwin, but rather Thomas Dixon Jr., (1905), in The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan.
> - - - - - - - - - -
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A lot of Southern Africa is not exactly the best fucking place to build an empire.
>you can't prove x didn't happen
That may be true but you're the one carrying the burden of proof. I could just apply Hitchen's razor.
Im black and im sure im smarter than 99% of pol and could beat 99% of this board on a 1 on 1 fight
not because im black but because im a better human being than you
>crunching diamonds
u wot m8
there you happy? we know who said it, wow look ti dosnt change anything.
The Nubians did all that shit.
And some Egyptians were probably black too.
I dunno, that whole quote is retarded.
Majority of whites were dumb fucking peasants. Majority of blacks were dumb fucking hunters.
Curious flag for a nog.
Oh fug, I saw a copy of this at the used bookstore the other day. Worth getting for $10? It's the original printing
French blacks are better than most blacks.
no your gentically inferior.
Thats why instead of bringing up logical, rational valid points to refute my central argument you just mindlessly proclaim you are smarter than an entire autonomous collective and stronger as well.
They all come from the same shithole.
I'm not joking, though.
That whole quote is just retarded.
Nubians built pyramids and did a bunch of shit on their own, aside from the egyptians. I'm not saying egyptians were black, but they definitely had black people in their midst doing regular shit.
i dont want to think about it
i dont want to think about what niggers are thinkign about
so sue me
>Hint: They had boats
But, they didn't have sails, which is the point. Harnessing the wind in order to travel around the globe is a quantum leap of inventiveness beyond "[having] a boat".
>didn't have sails
Where do you think you are?
wow....GIANT fucking pyramids
what an absolute waste of manpower and resources.
there not even that big when you see them IRL
>*smacks lips profusely*
What did he mean by this?
Those claims seem false. There was mining in Africa, for example. Where did all the gold of Mansa Musa come from?
If Darwin really wrote that than it makes me think that he wasn't as smart as I thought he was.
Instead of asking why blacks didn't accomplish X, the question should be what reason was there ever to expect that they would accomplish X when their was no incentive to do so.
Seriously, it's a dumb question to ponder. There is no mystery to why Europeans achieved so much more than sub Saharan Africans around the time when whites first came across them. Their cultures evolved under completely different environmental circumstances, so of course they would have completely different outcomes in terms of cultural achievements.
I'm not saying blacks were the epitome of civilization or anything, but, being as delusional as the KKK people is fucking retarded. They had villages, tribes, and built shit and accomplished shit like anyone else. A race of desert people accomplish different shit than a race of mountain cold ass tundra people.
Ancient blacks weren't the same kind of retards in the streets shooting each other we have today.
That's fake. I think this one is real though.
Gorillas are less violent than niggers.
where was their professional army?
where is all the armor and weapons that archaeologist would be discovering now?
oh thats right NONE.
you forgot "are dix iz bigga, das why dey hate us cuz we playaz n fuck dey bitches". Apply yourself.
Oh fuck it's this stupid shit again.
for the last time,
YOU LITERALLY JUST SAID NO INCETIVE TO further mankind in his quest for knowledge.
this is the mind of a negro
why do anything?
why get up in the morning? TO FURTHER YOURSELF
>why get up in the morning? TO FURTHER YOURSELF
To survive.
If you do anything beyond the purpose of survival, you have leisure time.
Not sure Ancient Africans had a lot of time in 105 degree heat in the middle of the desert to further anything.
And whites, gorillas are simply cucks
stupid fuck, it's about what can scratch what, not what can withstand pressure best. Diamonds get broken just fine.
I also want to ask what the fuck people expected in the middle of a fucking desert
> Their cultures evolved under completely different environmental circumstances
Not culture, people themselves evolved in a different circumstances, Negros stayed stupid and Eurasians became more intelligent.
okay so by that logic, do you think they would have survived this far without us?
do you honestly think with all the bacteria, viruses and other trillions of pathogens that get deadlier and harder to resist by the day, they would actually survive without technology and science?
And yet here you are paying taxes instead of shitting in the woods.
Oh wait
Except Negros were as smart as they had to be for their environment, just like whites.
>do you honestly think with all the bacteria, viruses and other trillions of pathogens that get deadlier and harder to resist by the day, they would actually survive without technology and science?
Yes and they are far far far far outnumbering us as we dwindle daily. They continue to thrive and grow in number in Africa, despite super aids.
costa rica bringin the heat !
> And some Egyptians were probably black too.
holy fuck being this retarded....
without penicillin they would have died out
without European western medicine they would have died out
Nigger thread let's do this.
I don't understand just what the fuck you expect of them.
What kind of fucking standards do you hold people to? You want Medieval fucking kingdoms in the desert? It's not compatible with that geography or climate.
So what? It's not possible Africans were in Northern Egypt and part of the Egyptian empire?
Remember, that saying is We WUZ Kings. They ain't kings now.
post discarded
>GG and S reader
The question is not we what expect from them, it is now a days, what they expect from US.
There's like 1 billion blacks.
Our medicine isn't keeping them all there.
Which desert?
I didnt say it was gonna save everyone
you apparantly dont understand how pathogens work.
All it takes is 1 person infected
no medicine, no cure.
So imagine if africa was left alone, by now the ebola virus (for those that dont believe it was created in lab) would have EASILY wiped them out.
for fucks sake it almost killed 50k with all the support of western europe.
Who cares what they expect from us
It's our government thats keeping them poor and impoverished anyway, and they kill each other constantly over drugs because there's no fucking jobs and they have no life aspirations.
>blah blah
>muh 1 billion africans are only alive because whites cured them all
What do we want
White power
When do we want it
White now
t. me
See this is what every cuck says
it is the fault of their own people because they were either too lazy, or too inferior to learn science and technology to greatly improve the standard of living for all of their people.
The 10 in Africa.
>Government gives tons of shit to blackies
>the blacks of Africa all lived in a desert
American education
Hmm, really makes you think...
I guess they lived in the tropical rainforests of South Africa...
>Musa was a devout Muslim, and his pilgrimage to Mecca (a duty ordained by Allah, according to Islam) made him well-known across northern Africa and the Middle East.
all of that was from arab rape babies
I like how you ignore the fact that they were genetically inhibited to learn science, and technology, and engineering, which would have provided them with a stable environment.
also you'd think they would know that desert terrain is inhospitable to organic life and crops.
like how retarded are niggers? its whitey fault because we choose to live in a inhospitable area
holy shit mud houses brah!?
like wtf i hate europeons now!
>the entirety of africa is an un-farmable desert meme
Totally does. I put more stock in a scientist than the founder of a racist cult. Most would. This is just deceitful.
Even though I think he's still right.
Is this, (Incest or close to it) a true black family value? Or just one in a million?
>I like how you ignore the fact that they were genetically inhibited to learn science, and technology, and engineering, which would have provided them with a stable environment.
If they were "genetically inhibited" then you wouldn't have top level engineers and scientists that are black. You also wouldn't have a higher average IQ in female blacks. It's a cultural thing. Black men are born and taught to be retards by their alpha blackies. It is not "genetic," just instilled.
You're a fucking idiot.
There are THREE TYPES of terrain in Africa.
Desert, Rainforest, and Savannah.
If they weren't in the deserts (which they were, along the nile and other river deltas), they were in the savannah. And not many were in the savannah.
Bye bye.
>B-but they invented the chukudu.
>There are THREE TYPES of terrain in Africa.
american education folks
Just out of curiosity what does being a good human being have to do with winning a 1 on 1 fight?
All the rainforest civilizations built similar shit to the blackies, but you don't knock them.
>post le meme
i like how i utterly recked that nigger and he didnt have SHIT to say