White men have fallen so low that they cant even protect their own family from a stronk womyn , (

white men have fallen so low that they cant even protect their own family from a stronk womyn , (

also law abiding legal gun owning citizen killing others , more gun control propaganda incoming

i used to feel bad about the media shilling whites , but now i think they deserve it , i mean who willing eats shit and cuts off their nose to spite their face whiling glady advocating their own demise

also i think this video sums it up

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second post by this id

has anyone noticed how often children are getting killed by their parents?
usually its the dad
but all the children end up getting killed

>mfw i know people living on that street

>usually its the dad
Found the woman

Just like men abuse children more than women r r right ma'lady

>2 posts by this ID

at least according to the media, it's usually the dad.

women kill their children when they are in the womb far more, they sexually abuse them more, neglect them more, they starve the more, emotonally abuse them more, they do everything more than the father. this you can find on the CDC

but honestly, this shit is getting me paranoid of my own parents.

Not at all, usually it's the mother who kills her children.

It's super fucked up either way.

>I'm retarded

>daughters are fatter and uglier than their mom
Nothing of value was lost.
>usually its the dad
I don't have any data on this but women kill their kids all the time. They usually do it when the kids are younger though. This story is weird because the daughters were already overgrown fat slags.

only two post by this id !!!!!!!!!! '

so racist

males commit suicide more often, and more often, after killing their children, the father kills himself as well

what drives a person to do things like that

3 posts by this ID

>omg he says a father did something bad
>better call him retarded

because kids are a easy target.

>easy targets

That's why they waited 22 years?

Mothers abuse their child more since, I don't know, they ofthen get custody of them.

thats literally what i said
thanks for reposting what i posted

Usually the prospect of being caught and or guilt.

Still, it's strange that it isn't paralleled with female killers.

how old are the kids? if they're higher than I thought, the kids cant defend themselves for shit

My mother emotionally neglected me when I was young. Just left me in an empty room by myself everyday

Thanks to that I developed childhood schizophrenia and I browse pol so I'm fucked

(You) doesn't always mean disagreement

Crime statistics say it's the mother more often killing children.

Although that is mainly due to neonaticide.

Fucking bull shit stop defending women for no god damn reason


The bots are growing stronger.

>its easy to defend yourself from a speeding bullet

my mom and sister did some fucked up shit

exactly. i thanked you.

those are usually YOUNG children, although, if theres older siblings being killed off, the younger ones will be killed off as well

im not sure if hes defending them, just stating that since they get custody more often (the thing hes probably getting at) they are more likely to abuse their children

finally women start picking up the slack! when are we going to see equal numbers between men and women in gun violence?

but most killings are women.

no they are not , i usually dont post , but when i do it's only something that initially makes me sick to my stomach , like really i thought the father was dead or gone or at least not at home , but dude just said fuck it i'm gonna let this crazy fucking bitch kill my flesh and blood, then have the ambulance take him away because he was feeling slightly distraught

I was raised by a single mom for the first ten years of my life before I went to live with my grandparents. I only had success after I lived with my grandparents.

That's what I said...

Hey, I said that, too...

>Who Are the Perpetrators?

Perpetrators of child abuse or neglect are most often the child’s own parents. According to NCANDS, in 2005, 79.4 percent of perpetrators were parents and 6.8 percent were other relatives. The largest remaining categories of perpetrators were the unmarried partner of a child’s parent (3.8 percent) and other perpetrators (4.1 percent). In 3.6 percent of child maltreatment cases the perpetrators were missing or unknown. In under 1 percent of child maltreatment cases the perpetrator was a foster parent, residential facility staff, the child’s daycare provider, a legal guardian, friends or neighbors, or other professionals (USDHHS, 2007).

Approximately 40 percent of child victims were maltreated by their mothers acting alone; another 18.3 percent were maltreated by their fathers acting alone; 17.3 percent were abused by both parents (USDHHS, 2007).


>Study: 91% of mothers abuse children, fathers 7%


(i'll admit the last one could be suspect based on the website alone (bias), however, when you google for abuse its one of the first ones that pop up)

>91% of mothers
That's a stretch M8, 9/10 people aren't abused

You'll have to read the article for their definitions of abuse. Simple neglect is considered abuse. Yes 91% seems unrealistic, but given what they consider abuse, it makes sense.

but no, I don't personally feel like their are literally 91% of mothers abusing their children. But then again, I haven't dedicated my career to fact finding on this subject either.