
>Implying there doesn't need to be a second referendum

Other urls found in this thread:

>shitskin voting leave

Yeah I'm going to call bullshit on that.

>votes keave
>realises this means she has to leave


Why can't we just vote until we get the result we want am I right guys

This is one of the dozens of women being interviewed who voted to leave and now "regret it". Watch out you limey fucks, this is how they're going to force a second referendum and/or justify the parliament not following through.

>oi i wuz just bein cheeky

I'd bet there would be 10x as many girls than men who regret voting cause vagina.

So is 'Bregret' just a BBC/Channel 4 meme?

Any idea that it constitutes a substantial portion of Leave supporters is. Idiots who, despite all polling and common sense, thought voting Leave would never actually happen do exist with the abysmal voter education that exists today, but I highly doubt that it is comprised of anywhere near enough voters to make up the difference between Leave and Remain. While it's possible that a re-vote done now, with all the negative press and market response that Brexit has got since the vote, would result in a slight win for Remain, "do-over" votes are not done for a reason.

She didn't vote leave, and if she did, the regret is the realisation she betrayed her race in a racial identity rederendum by voting for the White side.

Someone post the screenshot of the "Is Reality her husband's name?" post

No takesies backsies you cunts.

Kek just look at this stupid bitch's face. Look at it. Holy hell.

>Oh noes I voted for the White side of a racial identity election, curses of Allah!

>Nobody told me this was a referendum against multi-culturalism and immigration, wah wah let me vote again for the anti-White side

jesus christ

More like
>implying there doesn't need to be a voting test
>90% of women, darkies and sandniggers immediately fail it

>Implying the media aren't deliberately showcasing as many of the few cases of regret there are to try and get the will of the people overturned

She's a street shitter 100%

Is this news? Imagine if this was "news" every time there was a vote.

"Man voted for George W Bush now thinks he made a mistake and should have voted for Al Gore"


Also dat nose

>tfw even if the voting test were based on understanding the legal documents and general politics of your country, it would still somehow be racist.

Sounds like it was a retarded liberal that didn't know what the fuck they were voting for. So by the Bremainers pointing this out, they are simply highlighting how absurdly stupid their own people are. This is no reflection on the Brexit voters that actually meant what they voted for

>this is a 10/10 in the UK

Where is the David Cameron tweet

haha he cucked himself good with that tweet

All the remainers are pretending to be leavers in regret don't fall for their Jewish tactics and spread the word.

>Such weak bait

She has beautiful teeth #NotARealBrit


>One person is an idiot and regrets their voting decision
>This is somehow a fully fledged news story in major outlets

Too late schlomo, no matter how much propaganda you put out the result has already happened

>Entire family votes to leave
Fuck off. Leave won, you can't just fuck over the process by demanding a revote.
>Tfw fags will demand a revote when Trump wins

No, the people that are already having rape/regret need to be beaten to death for being soft in the head.

Sicilians have big noses too, stop noseshaming.