Racism Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck the dane
fuck the dane
me on the right, and also on the left
I smoke a million swisher blunts and I ain't never coming down
still waiting on the gf to be assembled and shipped out.
Bill Burr's F is for Family is pretty good desu
Why is the Canadian government so racist?
Gonna go for a smoke now friends.
Morning wh*te bois
Because we don't like you.
Fuck you.
Fuck anime.
hey uh, I think /jp/ is doors down
i'll come with you
>fuck anime
>tfw I'm not ashamed of my country for once
Fuck the Dane, and death to the kraut
Stop posting anime and lesbians please.
Guys I need your advice. It's my friends birthday today and we talked a bit last week about doing something and I told hi I was free. Last night I went to a friend's going away party and got very drunk and I have the worst hangover I've had in a while and have been sleeping all day. My friend who's birthday is asked me if I want to hang soon but I can't get up out of bed and need to eat something. What do I do?
and fuck you too
*joins the leaf and the dane for a smoke we create a bond that non-smokers will never have because they miss out on the conversations and the intimacy that a shared habit permits*
Had a dream I was sucking my own dick and I woke up with undies full of jizz.
The way young people kiss is so fucking gross
janny really should start clean up this place
>Stop posting anime
>and lesbians
>first day in class
>prof brings up trayvon, social justice, militarization of the police, peaceful riots, money for dem programs, etc
>"its just to start a conversation"
>look in the syllabus
>its almost entirely about cops killing muh innocent blacks
ah yes what a good idea it was to return to school im really enjoying it so far
what's the class?
what class?
Took 2 hits of acid, and now I'm smoking a bowl
why do blacks behave like this
fuck anime and sodomites
Llegan un hindu, un judio y un americano a un hotel de un pueblito pequeño y piden un cuarto para tres personas.
"Solo me queda un cuarto, que es para dos, pero si no les incomoda, tengo espacio en el establo para que uno se duerma ahi".
Los tres individuos deciden tomar el cuarto y en eso dice el hindu: "Si quieren, yo me voy a dormir al establo y ustedes duermen en el cuarto".
A los cinco minutos tocan a la puerta del cuarto:
>Quien es?"
"Soy el hindu, lo que pasa es que en el establo hay una vaca, y como es un animal sagrado para nosotros, no puedo dormir donde duerme una vaca".
En eso, el judio dice: "No se preocupen, si quieren, yo me duermo en el establo".
A los cinco minutos tocan a la puerta del cuarto: "
>Quien es?"
"Soy el judio, lo que pasa es que en el establo hay un cerdo, y es un animal desagradable para nosotros, no puedo dormir donde duerme un cerdo".
En eso, el americANO dice: "No se preocupen, yo me ire a dormir al establo".
A los cinco minutos tocan a la puerta: "Quien es?"
"Somos la vaca y el cerdo, y hay un americANO en el establo"
Enjoy eternal damnation
its writing class focusing on research papers that I have to take for my degree
>woke up with undies full of jazz
I call that a Billie Holliday
I just ate some hardboiled eggs
me on the left
/cum/ on the right
Is this you?
The Bible doesn't explicitly prohibit lesbianism.
>join Peace Corps
>volunteer in Africa
>teach about safe sex
>contract HIV
are you doing history too?
you can put yourself in a difficult position, that'll pressure you to succeed.
or you could just play pretend for a semester
yes me on the phone
im getting my coffee soon from downstairs
What's the professor's last name?
>that hair
no fathers
Fixed that for you.
fuck it, i;m doing a new /cum// thread
I get all my news from the Atlantic
i was ooc
I find it hard to believe anyone thinks this
>at the club
>pic related is grinding against you
>you go to the bathroom together
>sucks you off
>tells you to fuck her in the ass
>just as you're about to nut, you spot her dick
How do you react
Notice the -ENBERG in the top left corner
That's a dude
do a 360 and walk away.
>well i'm already this far....
does she have a feminine penis
Have you guys seen the nigged out BBC?
i'm not a hedonist troglodyte, so i would never be put in this kind of position.
If i were somehow romantically engaged with a tranny, I would leave them immediately.
there are more important things than busting
this guy won't stop posting
start jerking him off and time our nuts together like a any good samaritan would
no think i think im done after this writing class then i can just focus on maths and programming
i'll play pretend
the prof seemed like they wanted to play the unbiased part but got very noticeably pissed when talking about cops getting acquitted
im not rolling the dice with this cunt
not saying but i am gonna leave a very mean review on ratemyproffessor
What happened to /carib/???
I'm gonna try to take acid with this qt from work
I only posted once
>I only posted once
yeah sure
>not saying but i am gonna leave a very mean review on ratemyproffessor
I'm not asking for the dox, I'm asking if he's a jew
>Make a general or thousands of threads just to dump images of women
This is why your general fails. It belongs on /s/, you have no real content or discussion nor do you have a big enough population on Sup Forums to warrant even a general.
what a racist
well i mean if she has a feminine penis it's not gay so
wtf I HATE trudeau now!
Traps are incredibly gay and an abomination
wTF...i haTE jUstIN NOw....
iM liTTERALLy shAkINg RIghT nOw
hE WAs SUPposseD to MaKE CANaDA MULTIculturAL NOt KicK OuT HAITaiNS JusT beCAUSe THeY DONt HAvE ANy valID reaSONs TO REQUesT ASYlum!!!!!!!!!!!!
why would you waste your time making this dog turd of a post?
lul wut
Trump literally following on every promise
Is it gay if the girl (male) doesn't have a penis anymore?
there's has been literally worst posts here and you are bitching about this one?
Still gay and just as much of an abomination
how ironic
I never gave you expressed written permission to reply to my posts. You'll be hearing from my lawyers.
Literally how's that wall coming? How's ACA repeal coming?
How's anything coming?
Those are the only two things you can bring up because of congress is still a bunch of cocksuckers
funny isn't it?