A NENIOR NARNY?!?!?!?!?!?1

A NENIOR NARNY?!?!?!?!?!?1

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What did Kevin Smith mean by this?

comedy gold


Depp's kid has no ass.

Needs to die. Tire iron to face preferable.

What kino is this?

Go to bed, KEV.

no u

I'm beggining to believe the fucking guy actually does jack off to his daughter.

They probably fuck

they definitely fuck

is anyone else here really enjoying the current Teen Wolf season?

I'll never fucking understand how this guy got as popular as he did. Clerks was great but not pop-culture icon great.

What does Teen Wolf have to do with Yoga Hosers and the kinema of Kevin "The Auteur" Smith?

it has to do with the actor in the op pic

depps daughter looks like fucking ASRs sibling.


>he actually watches mtv original programming in the current year
Either roastie or underage b8
Wew lad

Nazi wolf is great, Theo being back is great

I am 20, you might not enjoy it if you are older



i'd venture you weren't born in the 80s.

I sincerely hope Kevin Smith gets shot

Check em

Getting real sick of the Stydia shit when it's never been a thing for 5 fucking seasons, but otherwise, it's pretty good. I miss the Dread Doctors, though, the Wild Hunt isn't nearly so terrifying and the Nazi superwolf lacks Deucalion's flair.

Wtf u talkin bout son

Was Amber filming?

Who is amber


Johnny's bisexual ex-wife.

teen wolf

Cute little thing. You can tell her father isn't a big part of her life though.

>You can tell her father isn't a big part of her life though.
does anyone else get really creeped out by people like this? I feel very uneasy when they are in my vicinity

>horrible fake accents
>the whole movie

they are always so pretentious and rude



Fat Batman T-shirts bro. smoke weed erry day.

those groups of kids standing around snickering and not smiling or anything, is that a california thing?


no it is liberal thing

>letting your daughter hang out with people like this

They're rich kids in Hollywood. No matter what they'd grow up to be unsalvageable garbage.

actually they live in new york which is way more degenerate than Hollywood

To be fair the Teen Wolf show came out about around a year before Viacom decided to dive all their channels head first into identity politics.

Teen Wolfs original premise was to mainly be a teen action/horror show. Still is to a good extent but you can tell later seasons have been dick slapped with MTVs progressiveness.

Shame Death Valley didn't get a 2nd season though