I admit, I fell for the STEM meme, too.
>Heh, don't worry, kid. Study hard in a STEM field and you'll find a decent job, guaranteed.
I admit, I fell for the STEM meme, too.
>Heh, don't worry, kid. Study hard in a STEM field and you'll find a decent job, guaranteed.
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This is a growing problem desu
So the whole Indians coming over and taking STEM jobs isn't just a meme?
The only STEM field with guaranteed employment is engineering. Everything else is up to you. I should mention that, due to grade inflation, most employers now prefer STEM graduates to non-STEM graduates. I myself snagged a snug little management gig at a start-up about a year ago because of that even though my degree has nothing to do with what the company does.
>PhD from Reading University
>Getting hired
Pick one
physics phd
Physics wont get you shit.
Im going into biochem, that has actual applications.
What the fuck how are you even asking this. Is this bait? Poo in loo / designated shitting streets aren't all. You forgot Persians / Iranians.
Guaranteed employment for shitskins with H1-B visas you mean, who "guarantee" that their employers will be able to pay them less while reserving the option to fire them at will and replace with another poo in loo.
>Falling for the engineering meme
>There are unlimited engineering job!
>We ALWAYS need engineers!
>Just take a few unpaid internships and show them how smart you are. They will TOOOOTALLY hire you full-time with benefits and six figures!
Engineering majors are a dime a fucking dozen, and few of them actually work in an engineering field.
It's like being a lawyer in the 80s or a graphic design major in the 2000s.
He took his physics PhD to the next level when he began studying gravity
Boy do I have news for you
The only companies that abuse those things are big tech companies. Indians make good code monkeys but they are terrible engineers.
>thinking degrees = jobs
Why was a physics phd this retarded?
Degrees don't get you jobs, they make you slightly more appealing when a company has to take a chance on a new hire. Friends and placement companies get you jobs, but mostly friends. Friends + skills = even better jobs.
Honestly, if you're not building your hard skills, you deserve everything coming to you. If you can't answer a simple "so what can you actually do" you need to go back to the drawing board and fucking get some usable skills.
Anyone who gets a phd without any sort of academic aspirations is fucking stupid, by the way.
>No publications
>Not even some extracts from his thesis
What the fuck?
Protein-chucking faggot, have fun baking cookies for a living with your master's or PhD.
You don't get published if you're White. You know nothing. Your professor holds the key, Post Doc scum. He'll never allow it.
Seriously though how the fuck are you STEMfags having such a hard time? I managed to get into tech and I don't even have a STEM degree (polisci former law student.) Is it really getting that bad?
Do you know how publishing works?
Do you realize that "your professor" isn't the final arbiter on whether your thesis gets published or is even worth anything?
>Doing hard science without connections in the field and wanting to be anything other than a school-teacher
Nigga please.
Do something useful or that has a niche in the job market.
I'm majoring in poultry science and even with a 2.8 GPA they're giving me thousands of dollars a semester just for studying it.
100% employment rate out of school.
Companies come into our classes with signup sheets for paid internships; no vetting they just take any of us they can get.
Study something fucking useful that isn't completely over-saturated already.
Is it bad that I lol'd?
failure is humorous to me
>poultry science
see prepare for immense disappointment. all STEM doesn't necessarily lead to employment. certain STEM fields are far more useful than others for getting employed.
i really need to point out how perfectly that image summed up my thoughts. i switched out of biochem to pharmaceutical science before i started my upper levels and i feel like i really dodged a bullet.
What the fuck are you even talking about, who the fuck would try to publish a master's thesis? All dissertations get published, pleb-sauce. I thought we were talking about PUBLISHING here? In fucking journals like a poo in loo / chink / Persian.
I tell people this shit all the time. It's not what you know, it's who you know. 90% of getting a job is just meeting the right people and networking. Newsflash: most jobs can train you to do what you need to do. Hiring process is just about finding someone who isn't a complete weirdo and people can stand having in the office for 8 hours. I got a job I was completely unqualified for because my neighbor is the CMO of a big company and she thought I was funny. It's seriously that stupid to get a job. People crack me up when they think their piece of paper is a golden ticket.
>get job out of school with just bachelor's degree
>le epic programmer job
>didn't even take a single CS class in college taught myself
>physics/music combo from po dunk liberal arts school
>there are people I'm working with that have PhDs in astronomy and masters in computer engineering
Yeah. There's a problem. Society can only support a small number of doctoral students in positions that aren't "beneath their station." This is the end result of the democratization of the university. Not everyone should go.
You are still a worthwhile human being if you work construction or in a trade. Fuck this you have to be a programming doctor with a physics doctorate managing a biopharma hedgefund in order to be a worthwhile human being mentality.
>poultry science
Get on my level.
>physics degree
Yeah there's your problem.
I had a $60k internship during my junior year, age 21, while studying aerospace engineering.
I'm sure it could have also been done with a physics degree. I'm pretty sure the guy just didn't know how to network and plus is in the middle of fucking nowhere.
>all dissertations get published
Youd think he would know about gravity being a docter in physics and all
Chicken intellectuals are prized for their taste in cuisine dishes.
dude are you literally retarded? you have no idea how publishing in STEM works do you? let alone publishing in general...
Going into college:
>"STEM fields are going to be over saturated and jobs hard to find"
>"lol user your just mad because you aren't good at math"
>"my internship with Bank of America payed off, I got offered a job immediately!"
Computer engineering is what will destroy the American people.
>he's never been in a University library
So are you underage or just a retarded?
Can this meme die already?
You're not overqualified if you have no applicable skills.
You've published exactly nothing. You haven't achieved a PhD. You've never been a post-doc. Just wait, and keep on pushing those little blue Actavis pills on people. Make that bank you scavenger of human misery.
Serious question: why do companies hire such retarded poo in loos via H1b visas? There are literally degree factories which produce low skill people with fake degrees, still the US companies hire people from these factories and not good institutions. It's like they want to import bad quality workers.
Indians are quite upset about it too, because people from good colleges with genuine skills don't get hired, but these retarded niggers do. So again, why do US companies do this?
Do you really think all dissertations that get submitted are approved?
Before you answer, consider the benefits of blowing your brains out in front of your family.
Again senpaitachi, 100% employment rate.
In the US alone 13 billion chickens are consumed a year.
The average American eats between 40-55lbs of chicken per year.
Not counting turkey, duck, quail, or any of the rarer poultries.
The industry is only growing after the massive avian influenza dieoff of the past decade and there have been more jobs than people since the 1980's.
They're so desperate for people they even hire people without degrees for factory management positions.
The degree just guarantees it and secures advancement once you're in position.
This. You have to know what you're getting into. You can't just go to a random school, pick a random STEM degree and expect to make 6 figures or even to get a job.
I'm majoring in Marine Science and Hydrography, which isn't even that intense a STEM degree, but I've had absolutely everything paid for with BP money from books to apartment and have multiple jobs to choose from waiting for me the second I leave.
My cousin got a BS in Physics and gets paid like 80k at some tech company doing programming... It can't be that bad of a field
if they went into Comp. Engineering to get a job as Game Designers then they were heading for failure since the beginning.
Comp. Engineering has pretty shitty job offers if you aren't a talent, waste of time for most people.
Because they often get paid less and (most importantly) won't leave the company and spill all their trade secrets.
>Reading University
sucks to suck kiddo
>professes to understand physics but doesn't understand how to use the job market
Doesn't sound like a legitimately intelligent person
Two word that have destroyed the American dream and economy
An Indian doctor will still work for less than an American doctor
Because HR departments are literally killing the western economy by requiring full degrees for all kinds of bullshit that patently doesn't need them -- and requirements like that aren't always ignorable.
Thank god I chose microbiology. I'm needed in breweries, and hell will freeze over before we stop needing beer.
Because you make more money taking government kickbacks for fulfilling diversity quotas with PhD positions at your company and paying minimum wage than you do paying White men a decent salary or paying shitskins with skill / real degrees actual money and not making it back in the kickbacks.
Can't wait for "poultry science" to become the new MATH MAJOR 600BILLION/YR STARTING meme
I feel like half of the stem degrees are supposed to promote entrepreneurship for studying new things, but stem degree holders are like the wageslaves of knowledge and it's not just due to ethics or anything
Good. He looked like a fucking faggot.
>won't leave the company and spill all their trade secrets.
nigga wut?
>phd in physics
That's your problem right there
>not getting a professional degree
What the fuck, how can you get a PhD if your dissertation is unsuccessfully defended? How about you kill yourself in front of me so I can laugh. You've already spilled them all over this thread like the shit running out of your sweatpants. Faggit.
There isn't much evidence that suggests that visa holders get paid all that much less than native workers. Just saying.
stem thread?
Comp sci major here, literally had 3 job offers fall into my lap in the past month and I'm not even graduated yet. Don't listen to all the fucking banter on here, of course your degree alone isn't going to get you jack shit, you have to show you're worth it with experience outside of your program (ex. Projects, startups, whatever the fuck). Just because you have a piece of paper doesn't mean you're going to get employers slopping on your knob so that you will come work for them.
>Can't wait for "poultry science" to become the new MATH MAJOR 600BILLION/YR STARTING meme
I honestly hope it does.
For the sake of the expanding industry.
Intro to Poultry Science counts as a general science at my university so tons of business majors take it.
The course regularly reach 200-300 students per class with like 2-3 classes per semester and there are only 120 poultry science majors at the entire university.
A professor I know spent an entire week of class begging freshman business majors to switch to poultry science last semester.
I understand that, but there are Indians who go to good colleges who have those degrees. Why not hire them instead of these factory produced niggers? The companies have to know at this point that they are hiring the most retarded people possible and there are better people they can hire for the same pay.
>How can you get a PhD if your dissertation is unsuccessfully defended?
You can't, stupid. You have to go back and do it over. Dissertations are rejected all the god damn time, but for some reason, you really think 100% of dissertations are accepted. Why are you such a moron?
>Chem E PhD
Literally worthless. Why'd you even bother picking up the paper?
>just be a normie
>joined the national guard as an IT guy
>GOt in shape, got a bunch of free certs, security clearance
>get to do /k/ shit once a month
>50 bucks for health care
>make 20 dollars an hour full time, with 20 hours of overtime a week because of my connections and clearance
>never went to college
Feels good man
>phd in physics
>falls to his death
This is the funniest thing I've read all year.
You're the one who thinks that all successful PhDs haven't had their dissertation published. You're literally retarded. Please graduate high school before arguing with real men.
Not PhD is created equal. Sometimes advisor/committee just push them out the door bc they are insufferable to work with and letting them stay to defense a second time would be a drain in fund money and mental sanity. And of course that reflect in recommendations letters, which is a boost to our hireability.
Source: anecdotal from fellow PhD students in a mat. sci. department.
dont mind making $115k at my first job nomsayen. Maxing out that sweet 401kike (typing from my laptop now.. may change the ID)
I agree with you.
People don't seem to understand that being able to get good grades in a difficult major doesn't translate to being able to navigate the job market and network properly.
It's almost like all the book smart introverts get fucked over for not being able to socialize in higher education.
Makes you think huh?
I get that, but as long as you are hiring poo in loos, why not hire the ones who actually know something for exactly the same pay?
>Starting your career at 31
>13 years to get your shit together and nothing to show for it
Still no reason to an hero but that's pretty pathetic
>Choosing your degree on what you think will get someone else to hire you
>Not starting your own business
Money. Factory monkey is cheaper.
Yeah let me know when you get a job. Literally impossible as a Chem E PhD. Unless you're non-White. Why am I talking to a non-White?
>dont mind making $115k at my first job nomsayen.
kek. u could have made that with a B.S. Comp Engr/ Comp Sci. anyway, you're probably a shit programmer.
kek what a loser!
Yes, we are not all autists here.
Because all Indians are corrupt liars. If you're going to make money off them, you want a dumb corrupt liar not a smart one.
>tfw I'm in the second year of Engineering school
Am I fucked?
This was [robably true before h1b visas , but now they can literally bring in curryback workers at two thirds the price who wont ever complain or fight for their rights like US workers do.
why is a ChemEng PhD worthless
The fuck! I do have a job and I do make $115k if it wasn't clear before.
i AM a shit programmer fagget.
most pajeets are total trash at knowledge work. people just use them as warm bodies to satisfy govt-style contracts.
If this were known then it would have saved well over a decade of schooling.
The best takeaway from this thread is that "poultry science" is actually a thing. I bet there is a ton of self-actualization to be derived from making Foghorn Leghorn your life's work.
>turd worlders get diploma printed on toilet paper from turd university
>woman have infiltrated the hiring process on many companies in the west
>dumb corporate whore with withering ovaries decide they need more diversity in the work place
>hire pajeet and 70 cousins, throwing fucking white male applications in the bin
>pajeets are incompetent and inefficient, make everyone elses jobs harder, need their hands held through everything, need constant correction but work for peanuts.
>woman gets promoted, nominates pajeet for her previous position
>pajeet now only hires indians who barely speak english
>business starts failing
>only white men left decide it's time to bail out
>company gets liquidated by small group of white men at the top
>shit load of pajeets move on to destroy next company
Can you describe a magic ritual for a Chem E PhD to actually acquire a job?
>poultry science
Literally cock magic.
Any engineering that has to do with construction yes.
Don't expect work as a mechanical engineer or aeronautic engineers
I thought ChemEng was alright why is finding a job hard
Bong PhD here... to clarify a few things about the UK's PhD structure. You do not need any publications to get a PhD, but you need to defend your viva. Without publications this can be hard unless you have an NDA for example with a company that prevents publishing. Most top tier journals take over 12 months from submission to publishing your article (reviewers are random in times and article specific) but it isn't strange to see first accepted and published being 18 months apart. Given a PhD is usually 3 years it isn't suprising to see a lack of publications but most decent researchers get 1 or 2 peer reviewed publications. Lastly the UK hates education and a PhD is cancer on your CV if you don't have work experience as the hiring managers usually don't even have a Masters.