What did you guys think of this movie? Opinions please

What did you guys think of this movie? Opinions please.

Nowhere near as good as Lo la land

Feels like it was made for a tax deduction or something.

I liked it.

What do you mean?


Reminder that the guy effectively murders the girl purely because he was alone.

Yeah. Thats freaking bad.

thought it was kinda fucking stupid and had no point

Yeah it was an ok love story made interesting fue to its sci fi background.
Overall story could have been better, it had a good premise with a lack of imagination for its development

Reminded me of the Adjustment Bureau. It was a nice, forgettable, sci-fi light romance.

Liked the friendly bartender character.

It committed the unforgivable sin of being boring and forgettable. Should've had him alone on the ship the whole movie and have him just going through everyone's interviews, or had them both wake up together and go from there.

Kinda boring past the first 30 min, ok story, feels like they threw in some Rubbish about a reactor failing just so it would have a conflict, absolute shit ending

Arthur is the best character for sure!

The end was pretty shitty

He should have been batshit insane when he woke her up, and the movie should have been her struggle to avoid him making her his fuckslave for the rest of their lives. Or something.

He broke down instantly and was like "What have I done"
But I can see myself doing the same thing in his situation... well maybe with 2 - 3 more girls.

>5000 passengers
>2500 women
>not waking up all the women and having a harem for the rest of your life

Some directors can get tax write offs and launder money buy filming movies in certain locations or hiring certain companies. Look at the background of any Uwe Boll movie and you'll understand pretty quick

>Start licking, boy
What do?

It was okay, the movies tries to pack too much into the script though. It ends up feeling disjointed.

It offers some standard sci-fi themes with the mystery of why the ship malfunctioned and how to fix it.

It tries to delve into a character study into loneliness and isolation. It offers the interesting moral dilemma of whether you take ethical path and sacrifice your sanity or take the unethical path to survive.

The movie also offers all the cheesy romance tropes seen in too many films.

When the movie tries to mesh all these together, it feels unnatural. The ham fisted metaphor of fixing the ship as a way to fix their broken relationship is too forced. Instead of exploring the ethical dilemma in greater detail, it is glossed over and essentially forgotten by the time the credits role.

Still, the movie worked well enough that I didn't feel like my time was wasted. For the most part, Pratt gave a decent performance given the limitations of rhe script. I'd give it 2.5 out of 4 stars.

Michael Sheen was the best part of the movie.

Could have been an interesting take, but would have been a much different movie that would have likely gotten a much smaller budget.

>Hollywood board meeting
>Hey guys, what do people really like that we can make more money from for EZ?
>People liked interstellar and gravity and martian, lets just rehash that!
>People like Chris Pratt! Lets put him in it!
>People LOVE Jennifer Lawrence! Let's put her in a film as leading lady
>Yes! We'll make millions!