What's the point of living if you aren't white?
What's the point of living if you aren't white?
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Really makes you think huh?
She's a big girl
Most races, even if they're doing subpar at the moment, have a great history to draw on. While I'm white, I would feel no shame in being most varieties of Asian, or Indian or Arab. All these cultures have had periods of greatness and deserve respect for what they've accomplished in the past.
It's only the various tribal races - Africans, aboriginals, American natives - that should be ashamed to be alive with no history or culture worth noting.
fucking lock that pussy in a cage
Getting germanic women
You have the right to live no matter your color. Just dont act fucking crazy and pull that race card shit out.
hang that POC and then rape the coal burners
lol ancestral pride, culture, racism.
Be a slave to history or evolve.
If I was black I'd more somewhere remote. Arm myself. And learn to be completely self sufficient.
I don't know how black women even get out of bed in the morning. Can you imagine going through life know that you are the least wanted people on the planet? Knowing you have too much testosterone and you hate your hair and skin so much you resort to bleaches and actually sewing someone else's hair to your head just to try to get some sort of semblance of being normal? Knowing that any white man that settled for you is a beta and is only interested because you are easy or because they have some sort of primaitve fetish. Knowing that every other race of women have long flowing hair that is soft to the touch. Knowing that your bits are brown and therefore not truly considered attractive by anyone with standards.
And it's not like you can fall back on your personality. Black women can be made to chimp out with the least provocation. They have all ruined their lives at some point along the way.
I just don't know how they do it.
>paco is going to try to pick women up with a dirt mustache and a mullet
>hes also 5'4"
kill whities
gib me dolla cracka
Are black girls really into white guys? I'd love to fuck a black chick who's into raceplay and shit
While I can't blame them, still racemixing is degenerate and a spit on their ancestors.
They should focus more about improving their own race so that they don't have to lust after white men.
Blacks seem to majorly want to abandon their race, in spite of how much they talk up their pride about it.
maybe white cock is code for salary above minimum wage
I think you're onto something.
Was getting BLEACHED part of your plan?
If I take the black off, will you die?
It would be extremely degenerate
pretty much this
I those black girls """love""" us because we are smart and responsible enough to hold down a decent job and they need some way to get out of the hood.
My ex was into this type of shit. I've got videos of me slapping her and calling her a nigger while fucking her. Biggest moaner I've ever fucked too, which is a major turn-on, I still fap to it sometimes.
Too bad our faces are in it so no one here is ever gonna see that shit.
Kill yourself.
So what's the next step of you're master plan?
Crashing Detroit.
All races should be proud about themself, that's the big difference between Sup Forums and Stormfronts.
In fact, we have some redpilled blacks on Sup Forums who are big Trump supporters.
I would've expected people like that to form a singularity and kinda just evaporate over the course of the week.
They take their redpills to black twitter and their friends.
It's a great way to get looked up to for being privy to information most people are oblivious to.