How will Sup Forums ever recover?

Reminder that Brexit won by an absolutely tiny minority of 2% and that this will ruin the economy.

>won by an absolutely tiny minority

You mean it won by a majority?

No it won by a few percentage points, thats literally margin of error.

It won because of the weather and voters who it won't affect.

suck it up faggot

The internet barely cares about your feels, do you think real life does?

You'll be the one sucking it up when you're unemployed and have to suck cocks for mcat money.

MARGIN OF ERROR applies to POLLS not the final vote count you moron

I thought you leftist cucks liked minorities


Fags like me are irreplaceable, you'll be forgetton tomorrow

You'd be crying "fair and square" if you globalists won.

sm h fa m

It won because 17.4mil people voted for brexit
done and dusted

Also praise kek

Boohoo, the UK will go through a tiny bit of turmoil in the upcoming years.

The long-term benefits far outweigh these short-term cons.

Welcome to freedom, my British brothers.


Still margin of error for the counting process you fucking retard.

First it won by 3.9% not 2%.

Second margin of error only applies to polls with small sample sizes when you are trying to extrapolate the opinion of a larger group.


Holy shit I thought that was a faggy boy until it spoke

Do a recount then. Margin of error doesn't apply to fixed numbers (i.e. "population") it only applies to sampling pools. Learn some stats.

ITT: blue pill cuck nigger faggots

It's a jubilee year. Dumb ass brexit is just a meme. Just your cycle of market crashes that pays off Jewish debts. Watch some more CNN goy

Still blubbering, huh?
Guess you and more of your juvenile buddies should have got off arse and voted.

BTFO by old people!!!!


>it's this Thatcherite attitude
This girl wasn't even alive when Thatcher was in power and she's still somehow blaming her for this, despite the fact that North voted overwhelmingly for Leave. Some things never change.

Maybe more of the British youth should have voted if they're so concerned about how they're the ones that have to deal with it.

It's baffling there hasn't already been calls for a recount, especially when 50% was all that was needed for such a fucking massive change. There should really be a second vote to confirm it.



Boring video. Nothing worth discussing.


Quite you're whining, you grew up mollycoddled and not used to freedom son.

We the captain of our own ship now on a course for freedom, if you don't like it then leave TURNCOAT.

Your tears, they taste of liberty.

Yes and we're captaining this ship into a whirlpool it seems, shitcunt.

>population of UK is 64100000
>2% of 64,100,000 is 1,282,000
>1,282,000 is apparently a margin of error now


The north didnt vote out of Europe on this, they voted against the government and the status quo. The north has been getting the shaft for decades, and when the government led by a pig fucking blue blooded elitists says 'do this, its for the best', well guess what happens. Im from there, Ive heard this a million times this weekend. 'Dunno bout the EU but fuck the tories, we need change'.

Ironically, most of the industrial estates and business parks in the north were built with EU funding, because the government and their corporate donors wouldnt pony up any cash.

kill yourself
you lost
kill yourself and make one space for a refugee

Damn this is some spicy bait.

A recount isn't the same as a second vote. It's just counting the same votes again to make sure the number is correct. It's only done if there's reason to believe there was a significant error in the initial count (which is checked several times).

52/48 is 4%


The North voted out of the EU because they are racist bigots.

I don't think you understood. I meant that it was funny that she claims Brexit happened because of Thatcherite attitudes, which obviously is not the case in the North.

No it won by 4%, or 1269501 votes
1.27 million more people voted to leave than to stay.

>B-but leave campaign used buzz words
Coming from the lefty.
>what have we gained by leaving?
The right to self government
>Most Leave votes were from old people
Untrue. Even if true, So?
>They want to see their Britian back!
Because this one is shit and they know it.


>muh oppressed minorities!
>Brexit happened because of a minority, it's illegitimate!
You should've been voting you brainless mut, instead of standing by, saying "a single vote doesn't matter anyway".
Have a smiling Nigel.

> built with EU funding

All EU finding is British tax money being spent by people we didn't elect.

What are your views on colonalism?

"""""racist bigots""""" outnumber you then, fuck yeah democracy!

>Yes and we're captaining this ship into a whirlpool it seems, shitcunt.

Well enjoy sleepwalking into your literal one-party bureaucratic state where the common-man doesn't get to vote IDIOT

You probably barely remember the pre-Maastrcht EU if at all, and believe me it;s changed a lot since then.

Tough tits, Leave won

>ruin the economy
Stop spreading this bullshit, you globalist cuck. Do Norway, Switzerland and Iceland have ruined economies just because they're not part of EU?

>What are your views on colonalism?
Don't care.

Some things are more important than money, like not selling our sovereignty for 30 pieces of silver.

You lost, deal with it.

In other words, you faggots are sore losers. Man, I can't wait until November when Trump wins, I guarantee you fags are gonna cry about "muh rigged election" and "we need a re-vote, it was unfair!!" and we'll all just keep laughing at you cucks

If you seriously think Trump will win you need to get real. Hillary is bad but Trump is a joke.

If Trump wins, will we get four years of sitting on the floor in Congress like little children throwing a temper tantrum again?

>a beta cuck is upset about brexit


Who threw up in her hair

The facts don't care about your feelings


Good on Britain for saving it's country and it's culture.


If UK were doing what the EU was doing to the UK, to Africa or Asia for instance, all the left would be screaming and crying about colonization and imperialism. They would be bitching about the natives and their culture. So on, so forth.

It seems like invading someones country and claiming for yourself and actively destroying it's culture is only right if the ones being invaded and destroyed are white Europeans.

The left has again proven themselves as human (and probably sub-human) garbage. I can't believe I used to be a fucking liberal. I keep running this shit in my head and it is ghastly.

Fuck those pretentious, worthless wastes of oxygen. Such a failed generation. Ship them to Edinborough and rebuild the fucking Hadrian and Antonine walls. Fuck those cucks the Scots as well. Let them leave and let them watch as their world is turned into an Islamic shit-hole.

I look forward to seeing the wonderful articles being posted on Sup Forums detailing the wondrous antics of the Religion of Peace.

>If you seriously think Brexit will happen you need to get real.

>If you seriously think Trump will win you need to get real.
Kinda like when everyone was sure that Great Britain was staying in the EU.


Let's hope that if he does get in. Kek and the Great-Architect willing, he has enough time to insert a justice into the Supreme Court that actually cares about our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

>Close polls VS massive Hillary landslide predicted

>muh old people want ebil patriarch, racism and homohate britain back
>muh "slight" near 2 million vote margin
>muh buzzwords and false promises
>muh university money funding

fucking scot cunt bought the doomsaying shit.

what a dumb fucker, she is

I would hate fuck her

black and white people were never segregated in the UK (except slavery), this SJW is chatting shit.

>Margin of error

Will you cut it out with disrespecting your elders, remainfags? It's just making us hate you even more.

They don't deserve respect when they voted in this way.

>leftists so BTFO they desperately try to misdefine words in order to construct an argument

Jesus Christ Brexit is the best thing to happen in months, maybe even years


>these people disagreed with me, that means they don't deserve my respect

Pussy ass liberals

just stomp em out.

So you're saying remain voters are so apathetic that they can't be bothered to vote when it rains but we should respect their vote?


fucking leftist halfwit

>dog looks like Farage

Look at this fucking faggot!


Wait for the punchline.

Breddy gud.




who cares about the economy?
protect your heritage.

I'm sure you have an awful lot of respect for the average Bern victim.

>absolutely tiny minority of 2%

It's closer to 4%


Oh those fucking remainers are doing my head in m8

People can vote however they want. I'll respect any Bernie supporter so long as they don't piss and moan like a two year old who didn't get ice cream for dessert when they lose.

>the part at the end about not being in the eurovision anymore
lol wat?
We're not a part of the EU, and we still compete. Hell, even Australia is competing.

the british pound went back up to its normal value already. chill


You mean a 2nd vote? If that happens then """"""""democracy"""""""""" is in the toilet

>it is only fair,and democratic when my side wins,so until then you are to be taken hostage until you vote for the side of good

>tiny majority of 2% swing (4% spread)
You're not very familiar with elections, I see. Here in America, if an election were 52% popular vote it'd be like 70% electoral college.

In other words, Papa, 4% is a lot. Too much to back down from.

>so long as they don't piss and moan like a two year old who didn't get ice cream for dessert when they lose.

They already do this.

And the ones that do don't get my respect. Seems simple enough. See it isn't the vote that loses them my respect, it's their conduct afterwards.


>by an absolutely tiny minority of 2%

I wish I could eat all those burgers fuck btw PRAISE KEK

I love my city

Who cares. Most "Remainers" were fucking retarded Scots who shouldve been let go years back when they voted on Independence. Their opinion means fuck all.

Reminder that 50%+ is a greater amount. Reminder that democracy works when the greater amount of people vote for something and get it. Reminder that any crybaby complaining about democracy because Britain didn't vote Remain hates democracy.

Literally nobody but speculators did this, and shit like this is why they should hang, nothing has changed other than slow changes upcoming in the next couple of years.

>when it opened it's mouth
Holy shit it's a girl?



>The nu Yorkshireman