Do you love Japan?

Do you love Japan?

Other urls found in this thread: Jeffrey


they make good porn games like honey select and artifical academy 2 which i have fapped to for probably two years now or something, but otherwise i don't care about them at all. i make all of my characters look as white as possible because i'm extremely racist and am not attracted to anyone outside of my phenotypical group(because i'm not a degenerate)

hello esti

>honey select
Lousy Sexy beach with lesser options. Illusion will not redeem itself until it makes AA3 or AG4.

I live here but I wouldn't say I love it exactly


but I do love it when you's whine every time Kim Jung Un sets off one of his rockets at your direction.

I hate Japan.

Do you live in a rural area?
Do you fuck your cousins?

I would very much like to retaliate with some witty comment about Poland, but I know absolutely nothing about what it's up to. It must be nice to live in an insignificant country sometimes.

Japan h games is the main reason i am so huge pervet and it even made me discover Sup Forums through its first board i visited /vg/.

Thank you japan!

I love the idea of Japan, but I would probably hate living there, because I don't speak Japanese, and everything is written in Kanji.

2 bombs weren't enough.


this "country" was long destroyed by jews and communists

it's no more of a "country" than ukraine is.

just borderlands really.

anyways dont letthe big bad Kim scare you, hang in there Hiroshima Nagasaki Fukushima-San

we are't just an idea
we really exist
please respect japan

is poland more of a country than hungary?
i always mix the two up.

You misunderstand.
I love the idea of living in Japan. I love the culture, the people and everything.

However, I wouldn't want to live there because I can't understand Japanese. It isn't very practical.

>made me discover Sup Forums
is that something you should be thankful for?


I dont know much about hungary

never been there.

apologies to him RIGHT NOW! >:O

>the idea of living in Japan
>the idea of Japan

English is too hard
I commit harakiri now

he's from Poland not East Kentucky


do you draw anime?

can you draw anime blind folded and one hand tied behind your back while drunk?

I don't understand the east kentucky maymay

hungry is the feeling you get when you haven't eaten in a while
Poland is a country is Europe

Some will try and tell you that "Hungary" is also a country is Europe. This popular misconception comes from misspellings on the internet.

It was my fault for not using proper grammar. Sorry lol.

>one hand tied behind your back
tied to what?

tied to your back?

do you have a back?

ain't no meme brah

it's just the Appalachians bro don't overthink it

>Sorry lol.

I draw wieners tied to sticks

out here we choose not to impale our wieners on sticks when roasting them, rather tying them to the sticks with steel wire

>do you have a back
yes. and it's beautiful.

what do those runes means?

"Nothing can replace a mother's love"

except for back tattoos

very family oriented tattoo

She could just write it on a memo pad or a greeting card if it's so important to remember.

>be japanese
>take tattoo because motherly love has emotional value for you
>be banned from onsen for all eternity
Probably not worth it

Does Mother-Daughter incest exist in Japan?

everything exists in japan

even cannibalism

I did not ask you Polack

well Im telling you


only in jav

>be japanese
korean yakuzas

now tell me about cannibalism in japan

Is that even a question?
The other day I saw a JAV in which a guy magically turns into a girl overnight and is then raped by his brother.
Code is GETS-048 by the way.

wasabi goes well with man meat

Please be joking Mr. English teacher.

>raped by his brother.
that's horrible.
it should be by his school teacher or classmates.

what kind of man meat do you prefer?

imported or local?

or locally imported?

I don't care
raised with beer and massaged
preferably hormone free

>years ago
>went to an Anime convention
>It has people from the Japanese embassy
>cosplay competition in front of a few thousand people
>Vice ambassador goes on stage saying

Holy shit is that you old man

>Please be joking
I don't understandu (´・ω・`)

how embarrassing
please circumcise him

No circumcision needed. It was cute, in a very Japanese way.

chyba ta kurwa yankiesowska poszła się jebać.


Works every time

when is teh nippon making mech warrior to smash america?

>very Japanese
yeah. we need to be reminded of your love
like an insecure woman who dates a man who beats her


do you love cats?

Dog person actually.

is your dog big?

I love it when Japanese women laugh, they always hide their months

I want a Tibetan Mastiff.

You should cover your mouth too
You should not show others where you put a dick.
It's ungraceful to show inside of your pussy to others.

I wouldnt be herevif it wasnt fun for me. So stay cool japan and produce more translated porn material please. Nobody can read your moon runes.

Please let me be your Tibetan Mastiff.
I want to be castrated.

I dont like guys sorry.

We need to be politically incorrect to go on producing porn as we do now.
We need to keep filthy gaijin out to stay this way.

That actually makes sense
I'll think about it everytime I talk to a Japanese woman now, and appreciate how hard she works not to show these lewd parts of her.

>I dont like guys
is it allowed? isn't it politically incorrect? do yo support trump?

>keep gaijin out

>gaijin occupy his entire base and tells him how high he must jump

yeah Okay Tojo, keep telling yourselves this

I never understood this mentality. Like western market is what? 1000 times more bigger? Just to release english version you have to hire one english student and recieve so much more cash.

But no, gajin stay away.

Does japan even do capitalism?

I honestly think it has more to do with no one wanting to distribute it, or if they do they end up fucking up the translation.

do you actually pay for porn?

I dont, but lately there are releases of censored virtual novels with rought english translation and normies are actually buying it.

My experiences with dlsite is that unless you switch to japaneaw version, half the games arent even able to be bought, japanese websites checks if your ip is japan and if not it returns blank page and some hgames wont even start unless you have japanese version of windows in virtual machine.

So far you nips are doing everything possible to make your customer go fuck himself.

Steam will push it. It is matter of time. I believe on power of capitalism.

*on steam

Also fans are translating the games for free and when author finds out, they often sends MDCA and tries to take the whole sites and forums down. And see it as personal attack on their "art". It is like you think you are superior or something.

Same with game Dead or Alive 5 on steam. Once the nude patches were out, you nips got so much butthurt you even ganceled some planned updates for the game and practically killed it on pc platform. Jeffrey

it's our conscience
lots of contents are illegal outside japan

there is no such thing as illegal

illegal is just a state of mind

>Zoophilia, lolis, shotas, pedo, rape, incest, handholding.
Only in some countries and half of this shit is illegal even in japan, but you are all ok with it as long as it contains tiny black censor bar. I bet rest of the world would tolerate it as well.

And who cares? You can easily circumvent this via a lot of means. As i see it, you simply dont want gajin momey. And imho that is the stupidest thing. Even jews know that money are only on first place ever.

What's a prison life like in eastern europe?