Why are Japanese ugly?

I am a tourist from Russia. I came to Japan for the first time.
I was impressed by historic buildings and old townscapes, but the people living there were ugly and disappointing.

I think Japanese girls are hot.

Maybe it's because I've lived here my whole life

english teacher?


You should visit Bolivia...

If even a Russian is calling Japanese ugly, then the situation must be really bad.

proxy bait alert
proxy bait alert

Only white people are beautiful.

please send more blonde russian girls

I saw this exact thread only with Taiwan instead a while ago

Thanks for the reaction image

japanese / redheads / slavs:
- men ugly
- women beautiful

I believe natural selection did a great job allowing only the qts to survive

The reverse is true too

-West Africans

Handsome men but shitty women

10/10 would marry

sad but true

Some japanese men are very cute though!

are u grills

>west African

You had me right up until
>west africans

we must increase uglies to avoid gaijin try to get Japanese gf.

kek. no wonder why japs had to depict themselves some kinda elf species in their manga.

they had to desperately compensate for their ugly looking inferiority

>West african

It is an image of Akihabara which is the sacred place of Nerd

There are a lot of idols and nerdsIt is an image of Akihabara which is the sacred place of Nerd

There are a lot of idols and nerds

When I visited Hawaii, I saw many japanese tourist who were so beautiful. At this moment I knew japanese were the most beautiful race

Asian "people" are very ugly in general

>Anime product
It's just easy for me to be cynical about something so underachieving and so obviously meant to cash in instead of provide anything new or valuable.

teenagers are ugly in every part of the world

You guys are even worse, lol.

I was eyeing this qt, too.

>White brazilian who had plastic surgery to look like Korean.

Oh really? delicia?

It is because of feminine features that makes females beatiful what makes russian males not handsome.

Stop it, You're really embarrassing me.

slavic men ulgy? I never been to slav cunt but his is what I imagine most men look like

Mens are not manly enough, but girls are cute.

I'm glad that I was born in Japan.

Japan has a pretty attractive population they just don't know how to dress or style their fucking hair. They all have that stupid messy jagged hair cut that they haev had since 2004. Step up your game Japan or Korea will surpass you. Also they all seem to be out of shape for some reason.

That's because you're a retard.

wow, you're so wrong it's not even funny