Why was Disney so desperate to place Hillary as president? TPP allowing them limitless control over their IPs?

Why was Disney so desperate to place Hillary as president? TPP allowing them limitless control over their IPs?

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She was the safer choice, it's not hard to figure out.

She was going to pass TPP. That's it. That's why the media loved her. She would grant them limitless power.

What sort of power would have TPP granted?

corporations suing governments

Disney could sue citizens in TPP countries for copyright violations

So basically torrenting would become quite profitable for ((()))

Also expanded IP laws.


Trump comes in, bans migrants, kicks out migrants

Who consumes cheap goods such as movies and tv shows? Everybody

If you reduce your audience in America you reduce your USD income

Not to mention with a reduction in the overall workforce it's more likely than less likely that Americans will be competing with less migrants for work, and may leverage that for higher wages.

>It's a Sup Forums thread thinly disguised as a Sup Forums thread episode

So every thread?

Holy shit, I never thought of it like that.
Fucking Trump saved us for a year or so until a new thing comes up.

It's your time, boy.

Also, the Mexicans that go back to Mexico will raise the turmoil in the country and that may lead to a revolution against their insanely corrupt government and cartels. That will enable the US to put a pro-US government in Mexico.

Isn't the CEO of Marvel one of Trumps cronies?

Yes, he is a big supporter of Trump. But he is also Jew so he can't help but to backstab

That's what happens when you try much too hard, I guess.


>it's specially different when we do it!

Never heard that on Sup Forums before.

Incoming Drumpfkins saying they were paid, jewed et cetera et cetera.

The fact is mega earners like A list celebs would earn much more money under trump. It's also mathematically impossible to bribe people like RDJ, who earns 80 million a year, into siding with you

First, international screenings. Second, illegals are 3% of the population. Third, increased consumer confidence results in more spending.

>this is what Sup Forums thinks they are

International screenings are contingent on currency values. $x in Mexico or Syria might be less USD tomorrow. A sale in USD is much more preferable.

3% is a loss. Losses are unwanted.

They also might be more. And that's assuming illegals would earn and spend the same with both foreign and USD currencies.

The cost benefit doesn't make the slightest sense. 3% for Disney, for example, is 150 million dollars. That's assuming the spending habits of penniless, non union, non minimum wage illegals are the same as an average American. And it's purely theoretical - an ad campaign has a well defined and estimatable return but changing population demographics? No.

protip: an actors basis for their craft is empathy. if you werent an amerikuk youd have some too. enjoy the breadlines komrade!

Limitless power to Mickey Mouse.

Imagine this is you, user. Now imagine you've been doing the same shit every day and for no reward over a period of years that shows no sign of ending.

>modern left
Think again son. They've covered up the blood spilled in our streets for too long.

Now imagine you memed an unqualified candidate into the Whitehouse


Well it is that or the gas.

Eat shit marxist the ubermensch is awake

Who's Many More?

You know the full text is freely available, you don't have to keep regurgitating this bullshit about the scary tpp that you read on Facebook

>According to Bill O'Reilly

Get off the meth you weird cunt.

As opposed to don lemon? Or rachel " I don't see how trump can win" maddow?

How terrifying! Have they set a date?

What happens to Mccain and Romney tho? Sup Forums's collective consciousness is a feedback loop of celebrating successes and never mentioning failures.

You're right. PolitiFacts have the real cold facts here.

certainly. they'd practically have to start shitting in their hands and openly eating it to get down to his level

I thought Sup Forums would be fatter, or are the fat ones too ashamed to show themselves on camera?

>What happens to Mccain and Romney tho?

I submit this file in order to have your advice.

>pol is one person

No for real, do yourself a favour Mr Australia, you don't even have to read the full thing, go to


For a quick rundown of key outcomes.

I have read enough of it. What do you want me to learn?

Are you denying corporations (Disney) would have been able to sue citizens in Australia for copyright breach (torrents)?

((Marvel)) + ((((((DISNEY)))))))

They *are* unaccountably coy about it. Can't think why.


Jesus Christ they all look like such sad hipsters