1. ur cunt

1. ur cunt
2. what is your cunt the best at?

>1. Honduras
>2. Murder

Other urls found in this thread:


LGBT tolerance

>horse meat


>Haute cuisine


Where do you think they lived?

>Brazil nuts

Based Catracho, that map is pretty good

>Whiskey Drinkers

Horse meat wtf?

>gay porn


>healthiest diets

alpha /fit/ Chad at it again


I guess its settled then.


All these bio-let countries get out of my face

>Argentina is a producer and exporter of horse meat, but it is not used in local consumption and is considered taboo
We're just profiting from degenerate cousine

>kicking ass and taking names

>1. Brazil
>2. Murder

yeah sure, mortadela and horse milanesas aren't that rare.

okay, fair, that's fairly common

>horse milanesas
never seen one

Literally what?

Really never heard about that? Leave the conurbano for once. According to what I have been told several people horse meat is more sweet and the fat is yellow.

>Horse meat

The stupidity of the argies hillbillies.

"Las mortadelas nacionales están producidas bajo el artículo número 346 del Código Alimentario Argentino (CAA) se define mortadela al “embutido, elaborado sobre la base de carne de cerdo y vacuno, con el agregado o no de tocino, azúcar, salitre, productos amiláceos, leche en polvo y especias. La mezcla se embute en bolsitas de plástico aprobado a tal fin, tripas secas cosidas, vejigas y esófagos cosidos. Cuando no se trate de vejigas, se colocarán en moldes de acuerdo con la forma que se desee obtener”.

No, and mortadelas are not made with horse meat in this country dumb sheep fucker.

Do you eat carrots to improve your vision too?? Ajhahabahahahahhsha


Nearly everything from Africa pure gold

>Social Networking

That article doesn't change the fact that historically and now there are people in this country who actually eat horse meat. Saying that is taboo would be erroneous whether you like it or not.

And your experiences eating horse meat doesn't change the fact that the only reason Argentina has a lead on horse meat is because most of it is exported rather than consumed

>Lets move the goalpost because he's right and i'm not

So typical from this shithole full of hillbillies

apparently the european microstates are best at being forgotten

This is as it should be. All of those microcunts need to be absorbed by the real countries around them. They trigger me, tbqhwy family.

milanesas a caballo have nothing to do with horses stupid idiot

Incarceration and obesity

b-but aren't they all aborigines?

>fucking lemons

>news media
this world is doomed

Hey, don't knock it, it sure beats the Guatemalan's cardamon

>Costa Rica
Nice,but I was expecting happiness

It's actually limes, isn't it?

wtf I love Georgia now

It's both, we do export yellow lemons to the US, ironically enough those I get for lemonade are imported back

>El Salvador
>least police
Pls send help



Argentina, send us more horse meat pls.




I didn't need those sides anyway

Please buy our high quality rubber but Germany please stay away from our rubber industries.
>kiwi fruits
But NZ said they made the best in the world, did the perfidious kiwi lied to us?

We are the original kiwis

>healthiest people

twitter censorship

>nicety (??)
pop music (sweden?)
ruber gloves

heavy women
fat kids
doctors (cuba??????)

holy shit this infographic is cancer.


wtf i love georgia now

Doctors isn't humanities, but if Cuba does anything right is education
Millionaires travel to Cuba when they get cancer

Should say weed


WTF I hate NZ now!
What happened to their sugarcane and tobacco industry?