We don't like jokes, also never compare us to Finland again, I hate Finns.
Caleb Diaz
Finns also speak the english
Isaiah Cooper
they are busy worshiping immigrants and praising feminism
Evan Reed
oh THE english
Michael Russell
Because swedes are faggots Finns are real men
William Adams
>lose to Russia >split it into two separate "wars" and claim you won the first one
Landon Perry
>extensive meme culture the fucking spurdo :D:D:D:D ebin shit? it is fucking cancer.
Daniel Gutierrez
finns are the peasants ruled by those faggots how does that make them feel?
Nicholas Bell
we kept our independence and humiliated russians, so it was a victory on it's own.
Angel Cook
>finns are the peasants ruled by those faggots get with the times gramps, it's not 18th century anymore
Austin Rivera
You know the more I here about this "Sweden", the less I like it
Hunter Foster
i thought you were part of their kingdom still? don't they have a king?
Zachary Howard
>american education just leave before you embarrass yourself even more.
Brayden Kelly
Sweden has many e-celebs, though.
Try Norway instead. We have no memes, no e-celebs, and no internet culture. How we even survive as a 1st world nation is beyond me. Oil is not a meme.
Camden Scott
>finland a nation of less than 3 million at the time >soviet union had 200+ million >finland remains independent and hundreds of thousands of soviets are dead in the process
Nicholas Green
so do they have a king? the king of sweden? is it not true?
Jacob Williams
Amerikkka you shame the whole continent every time you post.
Chase Smith
James Evans
>being taught useless information about an insignificant penis shaped country
Juan Johnson
everyone just assumes that because we dont know stuff that we are dumb
Evan Ward
Finns are better than other humans you animale
Bentley Lee
then don't come to shit these threads with your useless guesses. you are part of the reason why USA is the laughing stock of Sup Forums and the whole world actually >inb4 i don't care what some """"yuropians""" think about me
Ryder Long
and the islands next of sweden are ruled by sweden and you speak their language. so they rule you.
Jayden Roberts
Finland had a king A finnish king
Henry Butler
Sup Forums maybe, but the whole world is cucked by us. you eat our shit and then say we are stupid. how stupid are you then?
Adrian Sanchez
what the fuck are you on about? islands? åland? åland does have mostly swedish speakers, but that little island is ours, not sweden's. sweden is our 2nd language, but less than 7% of finns use it as their primary language. most finns can't speak more than few words of swedish, because they don't need it
Jonathan James
>sweden is our 2nd language see but finnish is not a 2nd language in sweden. so sweden > finnland?
Evan Martinez
Can everyone stop mentioning Sweden every time you want to talk about Finland? It's really annoying, Finland always has to leech on us to stay relevant.
Alexander Taylor
That because arabic is a second language in sweden
Wyatt James
they are insecure about you for some reason
Grayson Clark
>Sup Forums maybe add the whole europe to that too. your cancerous culture does attract the stupid and especially young people, so i can give you that, but it's not as big as you 'muricans think
Joseph Ramirez
well in finland maybe not big, because you are basically peasants and 20 years behind the progressive yurope. but our "culture" dominates europe and the whole world. "stupid and young" sure, that's like 90% of the worlds population. you can even drop "young" from there, and it will still be 90%
kek, but what about arabic in finnland?
Xavier Johnson
in reality it should be 3rd biggest, since english is far more common. what are we leeching? trust me, the average finn couldn't care less about you. most finns have gotten redpilled from the news about your refugees going apeshit in some of your cities. your time has come sweden, you will never be better than finland and i'm enjoying the ride
Eli Phillips
>well in finland maybe not big, because you are basically peasants and 20 years behind the progressive yurope once again you're showing your lack of education and common knowledge. you're full of shit.
Jose Perez
and as for the "progress", we are #2 currently in these meme studies. yet we are not even close to levels of swedish cuckness.
Asher Foster
Why in gods name would Finland put blue cheese on pizza...... that's just plain wrong.
Jaxson Clark
>be swedish >get shot
Jeremiah Wilson
>be finnish >get stabbed
Samuel Garcia
>Even in 2005 I remember Sup Forums always had many Swedish posters. I do not remember this at all
Jonathan Young
This, plese do not associate us with them, I hate Swedes
John Smith
Markus og Martines
Camden Morales
Why do they look like chinks
Thomas Howard
This is in fashion right now, also there was dolan but a*ericans and leddit fucked that up
Brandon Hughes
fug forgot picture
Owen Allen
I really don't see the point of these threads. There is one place other than Finland that has a celebration of Finland's 100 year of independence and that's Sweden.
Austin Sanchez
fuck i hate people who don't know how to use commas