The average Brazilian male edition
Other urls found in this thread:
just ate a spoon of peanut butter
Still here until i fall asleep
Almost time
Fuck new yorkers
Post a better anime song
>Congress Quietly Passed A Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches of Homes
Ever had root beer?
*visits the /cum/ house*
what's popping fellas?
U gonna get swole?
fucc mah boipucci paps
Post a better girl first
Is it gay if he doesn't have a dick anymore?
>just ate a spoon of peanut butter
t. no self-control manchild
yes really like A&W root bear, but not really into sugary stuff
nah just out of food and have to resort to eating anything i have left
I mean yeah
What will happen to me if I tell someone I've been having suicidal thoughts?
trannys are only gay if they dont have a dick
>drive to P*nselvenia
>roads get immediately shittier
Feels good to be governored by based chris christie
but the female dick is the best part
>out of food
Are you broke or just haven't bought groceries recently?
Blacks? Gays? Women? Watch yourselves.
This is a chicano only thread.
they will pull out a gun and kill you
Are we posting traps?
the closest store is 2 miles away and im staying up at night so its closed, i only go to 24/7 store when theres work and its been quiet for while now
so yeah im out of food, not money
stop posting traps unless they have feminine penises
Esto es territorio mexicano ahora cabrón
never watched boxing before. it's p comfy.
You're boring /cum/ i trought you was better than this
ah another image to filter out, thanks
Hey everyone pay attention to me!
you better not be implying that my gf is a trap
Good to know you aren't broke, user. Have you considered hunting/fishing or is that not an option where you live?
I'm at work right now not working.
This is why we don't have 6hr work days.
haha closest lake is also the same distance, nor do i have fishing equipment and knowledge about it, the last time i was fishing was when i was 8 or so and i cut my hand when i picked up a spiky fin fish
and gun laws are too wacky for shooting anything
Actually no... I always trought this general was shit
>chatting with an American black qt this morning
>tell her that I like my coffee the way I like my slaves: free
>she still hasn't responded
Why so sensitive?
Asian women like men
Mario's talking to himself
this Tbh buds except the downsides are incorrect
:100 emoji:
:OK_hand emoji:
tfw no luigi t. mario
>wants to free the slaves
>enjoys the occasional deal
her loss, you sound like a great guy.
You faggot are really boring
You faggot are really boring
>stupid cum be more funny
fuck government employees
aight just finished stranger things
pretty good show desu
except for the absolutely horrible CGI on that slime portal thing
nigga just use real slime
gonna have to wait for season 2 now I guess^^
I'm really boring.
t. Faggot
>tfw my cousin is living in Canada
>I'm stuck here
*confiscates your kids*
*sells them to pedos*
We are an entertaining general you fucking spaghettio nig
wtf i love germany now!
>s-smoking makes you die youn-
>tfw halfway through the required vocab and grammar for my japanese test
i kinda understand the practice test when i read it now lol.
Who is this semen demon
boxings for fags
marina diamindis
Disturbing image desu
what practice test
>smokes twice a day as opposed to being a drunk chainsmoker
the example questions from each section from the jlpt website.
they even have an answer sheet! and the listening section comes with mp3s to listen to (luckily for n5 they talk sloooowly)
I hurt myself today
>he's not watching the fight
boxing is for gays
legit. Andrew Tabiti vs Steve Cunningham undercard
i wanna see mcgregor get killed not two monkeys
that'll be about another 2 hours yet
what a gay sport
running real low on beer lads
Wat do
all the porn on /bant/ is pretty good desu
>learning a difficult foreign language just to watch children's cartoons
can't imagine anything more pathetic
currently learning a difficult foreign language just to play hentai games
go for a running beer
>children's cartoons
*Japanese movies
... or in other words... *cough*... 日本の映画!
i can do these
I want to suck her cock lick her balls and drink her girlcum desu senpai
No homo btw
learning a difficult foreign language just to watch some Ozu movies desu, buds
anyone else watching niggers punch each other?
>just to watch some Ozu movies
You're also exercising your brain keep it up
racist bro
how is genki treating ya?
i heard you got it like a month ago.
shadilay is kino desu
I could beat Mcgregor anytime
Anybody else get really annoyed with products that use "world's first" as a selling point? If it's the first one, it's probably really crude and poorly designed and will either be obsolete or made better by somebody else in a few years.
can someone post a stream to the fight we're all watching?
t. oscar de la hoya