What the fuck does this mean?

What the fuck does this mean?
>Awful atoll —
O, incalculable indiscreetness and sorrow!
Bawl bellow:
Sibyl sea-cow, all done up in a bow
Toddle and roll;
Teethe an impalpable bit of leather
While yarrow, heather and hollyhock
Awkwardly molt along the shore

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oh shit i gotta > all of it

>I mostly listen to music for the lyrics!

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>Watching a movie and not wanting to understand it.
>I just like the explosions

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Some of Joanna's lyrics are more about evoking the image of a fantastical/magical scene than making perfect logical "sense." That's what I think, anyway.

I got it mostly re-listening to the song right now.


>awful atoll
a type of island, shes describing the setting
>indiscreetness and sorrow
>bawl bellow
>sea-cow, all done up in a bow
>toddle and roll
shes describing a seal/walrus relative on the coast and it's pitiful over encumbered movements and wails
probably meant as a metaphor for herself or somebody else in the weight of pregnancy

>Awful atoll --O, incalculable indiscreetness and sorrow!
This was basically summarizing what the previous verses were talking about, which is their relationship. The island turns into an atoll, which makes it hard to survive on.
>Bawl bellow: Sibyl sea-cow, all down up in a bow Toddle and roll
I think manatees might live around these, so she's being cleaver by describing their child as a fat manatee. Babies often start teething when they are still being breastfed. I think her nipple is basically as hard as leather.
>While yarrow, heather and holly hock Awkwardly molt along the shore.
Molting is for animals, and I'm pretty sure she's the plants. People often say women are deflowered, but since she can give birth again she uses the word molting.

>A song is a movie

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mostly this. she also uses a lot of metaphors to describe herself/people and situations. most bands lyrics don't make sense, joanna's just seem more outlandish because they are the primary focus.

Words aren’t inherently musical.

No, she's just very good at metaphors and imagery. It's all purposeful.

dude assonance lmao

>No, she's just very good at metaphors and imagery. It's all purposeful.
Ah, you're probably right actually. They're just very opaque for me a lot of the time.
You're dumb and shouldn't even be on this board if you don't think lyrics are important

Do you get it or not? Don't leave me hanging.

i didn't get it

i get it

I take back the last part. Her molting is her feeding her baby, since manatees eat plants in or that fall into the water. Molting is a natural thing like breastfeeding.

you made it even more confusing. can you give me a tl;dr


Fuck now I've got to listen to it again.

shut up eisenstein

The previous verses indicate they wanted to stay in the relationship even if it was bad. She uses all this imagery to say that their relationship is bad, which the atoll represents. The rest of the lyrics is just more imagery describing her relationship with the baby. It cries, clumsily walks, rolls, and teethes while breastfeeding. All while she sacrifices for it. If you think about it, plants don't look appealing when they are "molting" or losing their nice pretty leaves.

more like Jewanna Nuisance am i right

They're not important. They're also not music.

They're not as important as the music, but they play a significant role.

>They're also not music.
Words aren't music, the rhythmical and melodic singing of words is music. Word choice has an effect on the timbre of the voice, rhythm, and melody. They can also reinforce or provide further context for the non-vocal sounds.
I know you're trolling but this "lyrics don't matter" meme needs to stop.