Why does Merkel hate her own country?
Isn't it odd to have a traitor in charge?
I don't get it.
Why does Merkel hate her own country?
Isn't it odd to have a traitor in charge?
I don't get it.
She doesn't want to be the leader of a tiny country... she wants to be the leader of a continent.
Empress of Europia
Oh man trump looks so genuine with that flag. It's definitely not bad acting at all.
If Brexit gets a second referendum then we should get them mf Neuwahlen
wow don't cut yourself on that edge
women arent thinking clearly. they just want a woman in charge. they say things like its their time now. social agendas are the cancer of this world
holy shit the edge
please go get laid
>no germans
> no answer
He's doing for an audience so it's obviously acting on some level. it's not like he strokes the flag and gives a thumbs up to himself when he's alone. Doesn't mean he's not expressing his real feelings and opinions.
Please go back to tumblr.
Holy shit kill yourself Estardia no one will care when Russia annexes you
the edge is too much for me
You apparently don't know that Adolf Hitler actually preferred Islam to Christianity and wished he'd been born a Muslim. This Nazi admiration for Islam was rampant.
I personally suspect that either Hitler or his global network of high-level followers nowadays decided that the German people should be forcibly made Islamic, and even interbred with the Arab people, who they greatly admired for their severity and savagery.
This is why I think all the Arabs are being pumped into Europe and everywhere else, because people like Merkel are secretly followers of Hitler and are carrying out his wishes.
Well Hitler was a socialist so it doesn't really surprise me that he loved Islam
That actually sounds like it would make a really good novel.
Patriotism is always the best option. If you don't know the difference you don't deserve to have your voice heard.
Because a nation is defined by its past. Deep down, germans hate their country, because of their past, and subconciously try to find a way of absolvation. The rulers of Germany like Kohl, Merkel and Schäuble want to reach Nirvana by dissolving Germany in a European federation. A new clean start without guilt.
don't forget that socialism belongs to the left
adding the word "nationalist" in front doesn't make it any better
Because her real name is "Kasner" and is actually of jewish/Polish decent.
Because she is pro EU, dummy. Do you not live on earth?
patriotism always leads to wars and conflicts, don't know why you would want that, if there are no borders there are no borders to fight over which will lead to peace and prosperity for all
Hitler used a time machine to read Frank Herbert's Dune and became obsessed with the concept of Intergalactic Jihad.
This was about the time things started to turn against Germany and the Thule Society started using the Gom Jabbar.
there is nothing wrong with socialism, class cuck
You realize repeating the word "edge" doesn't actually mean anything
And, in fact, the word "nationalist" was more than likely deliberately chosen to disguise that it was liberal leftism.
doesn't a one world government & combing of nations have advantages, such as combined resources & development into programs such as space exploration
Furthermore doesn't it lower risk of extinction & wasting of resources on wars? It also removes the need for wasteful spending on various defensive military
and this isn't to assume that all people would be combined 7 mixed together, a global human government could exist without the need for multiculturalism
Looks like Estonia is still shaking off the shock of long bolshevik occupation.
>loving your race and nation is bad goy especially if you are white so dont be racist!
Probably because nationalist sounds closer to national socialist.
>there is nothing wrong with socialism, class cuck
Socialism is the single most evil and destructive thing ever invented. Nuclear bombs don't even come close.
The sleeper must awaken.
why? she is terrible politician and terrible negotiator. she is absolutely 0. failed to solve greece crisis, migrant crisis, russia anexing crimea. she failed on all fronts. she is lucky to be leader of such strong and hardworking nation as is germany. even fucking turkroach forces germans coart to shut that comedian. she is weak, has no values or moral code .. thats why she pretending to care about "refugees".
>being this gullible
That's why all your convict ancestors willingly went on that island vacation long ago.
Go shill somewhere else, you fucking cuck.
You got it wrong mate. Nationalism leads to wars and conflicts. Patriotism leads to inner growth.
Nationalism can be used to manipulate the masses to hate another nation/country/ethnic group which often lead to wars and death. Patriotism makes people value their country and want to contribute to its success.
To simplify:
Nationalism in Germany during ww2 was "only German brown people have the right to exist in Germany".
Patriotism in the USA was/is "anyone who lives, works, pays taxes, helps build, and fight for the country's freedom is a rightful citizen".
Basically nationalism can lead to countries imploding(europe), while patriotism turns diversity into strenght(USA, Canada).
>doesn't a one world government & combing of nations have advantages
Yeah what could possibly go wrong with creating a total world government in charge of everything.
It will be like a global soviet union, with no one able to challenge it and with no country you can escape to.
Yes, but everything saved through lack of war will be lost through corruption. The larger the state apparatus, the less capable it is in removing internal corruption and incompetence. A single world governments state apparatus would by design have nothing that could compete with it, removing any chance of reversing the corrupt elements once they settle in.
It might not happen in the first 5 years of NWO, but it will happen soon enough since its human nature at its finest.
I have this theory on Germans, knowing plenty of them as being their neighbours and having studied German history and politics.
Everything Germans do, they take to the absolute limits, there's just no moderation with Germans.
In engineering, country building and economics, they never do something half-asses but always take it to the extremes.
It's not her country, he was born and raised in the Soviet Union and was active in the party's youth organization, where she learned to hate the West even more than muzzies hate it.
she's the hillary clinton of europe, why do you hillary herself said she would most emulate merkel?
she wants power no matter what
born* not brown. Memes have made my brain associate German with brown lel
Merkel embarked on her mission to destroy Germany because of this picture. If you know the story behind this, then you know the full story.
Yes, she's a psychologically damaged, unstable person who should not be put in charge of a powerful country like Germany. Her indecision is more than just dramatic or overdone, it's pathological. The one real decision she ever made was to fling our borders wide open and kill us all.
I want to know the context of the Merkel scene.
Utter piece of shit.
Let's not forget that Hitler's ideas sprang from Fascism which sprang from traditionalism and that the original traditionalist was a Muslim convert so no surprises there.
That doesn't mean that Hitler would've wanted Europe to be overrun with Muslims though, he was simply inspired by their faith.
Julius Evola was actually really big into Islam, I personally think Islam is a much stronger force than Christianity as well to achieve nationalism and traditionalism, but the displacement of Europeans is more important to me than that.
whatever your argument is against this, it is clearly the local conclusion of the human race (as well as probably other alien races) they eventually combine
you already have close partnerships & free movement between various nations, this is the first step, they slowly merge
go vote for ekre you racist uneducated idiot
I doubt there is a person as great as you in this whole country.
>Calling Estonian a racist
are you trying to flatter him?
It might be the end result, but technologically we arent there yet. We lack the capability to curb human corruption and prevent sociopaths from taking control and subverting systems to their personal use. And frankly speaking, without either massive "Soviet man" style attempts at modifying the population, or creating an AI overlord, we cant.
To prevent corruptions spread, all governments must be whittled down to their bare essentials. That way the damage done is neglectable, and will not be soul-crushingly horrific like it was in other massive bureaucracies, USSR comes to mind.
I respectfully disagree. I think it's more to do with her gender.
Yes, she is Pro-Eurocuck/Anti-German but for uglier reasons even than personal ambition.
>Many women just want to watch the world burn
>they say things like its their time now.
>Social agendas
Are you denying it? If yes, go back.
Jajaja faggot, kill yourself
Dont answer, estonia is being gay as fuck and pretending to be retarded ITT
How could anyone think rationally!!
He must be pretending to be retarded after all!!
No person on Sup Forums thinks rationally!!
Germans have a culture of self-hate since WW2. Go to any porn site and you'll see how they love the most degrading types of videos. It like they feel a need to be humiliated for their country's "sins".
>thinking rationally
>Only answers are ad hominems
>but technologically we arent there yet
if you could crack the code for intelligence & generically alter humans
or crack the code for good learning AI
then suddenly what you're thinking takes hundreds of years ends up taking 10 years
its a domino effect
once we make one advance in one specific area, its a never ending very fast stream of advancements
the problem is various countries are holding us back from working on these game changing techs
We dont settle our public policy on "IF"s. Once the technology is capable of supporting it, then i am willing to work toward it. But any move right now is idiocy, and protecting the nation states is vital to prevent human nature from coming to bare.
That's going off the assumption that we're all equal, we all get along and we all want to be ruled by foreign powers.
There's definitely at least one women's agenda shill who'll pull out the tired virginity argument every time a cross word about women is said. I have yet to see a discussion about taking the redpill on women that hasn't involved their obvious horseshit.
Be interesting to know where they're actually coming from
>we all get along
different types of humans wouldn't have to get along, they stay where they are are
in fact it would be preferable to move all of one type to the same area for maximum "getting along"
those types which cannot run a nation can be left to die out, as they aren't needed & are evolutionary dead ends
At this moment, you have offered nothing but an utopia for elves, fäm.
>Oh, it will work, but only if we.. if we... if wee
Nothing practical about your ideas. No more practical than Tolkens fair-folk
nations stay the same, but one government coordinates them all
"if we" has not been posted by me once, in fact it has not been posted once in the entire thread except by you, just now.
What point is there to an extra layer of governance on top of average nation states? To stop war? UN has done a fantastic job at that.
To create growth? EU has been the most stagnant region in the world in terms of economic growth over the years.
To create culture? What culture can a supergoverment create, other than a censorship ladden feminist ideology, that is pushed right now down the world govermnents?
An extra layer of govermnent is an extra, unnecessary burden that will do nothing but find pointless busywork for itself.
>"if we" has not been posted by me once, in fact it has not been posted once in the entire thread except by you, just now.
"if you could crack the code for intelligence & generically alter humans
or crack the code for good learning AI
then suddenly what you're thinking takes hundreds of years ends up taking 10 years"
Elves man, you are talking about elves
it is to force coordination on tax funded projects
so that projects one country cannot afford, all countries with their combined income CAN afford
projects which do not benefit one single nation, but rather humanity as a whole
Define what projects you have in mind?
Like Sochi olympic villages`? Or some other soviet style superprojects that ammount to nothing but an enormous money sink?
Nations are more than capable of coordinating massive projects by themselves, the chinese new silk road plan being an example of it.
There is no point in creating an extra layer of governance whos only purpose would be to find some ludicrous projects to spend other peoples money on.
man we are actually doing it
we are having it out with the globalists
a year ago even using the word globalist would have got you labeled a loony
now its right out in the open people aren't even trying to hide it anymore
what a time to be alive
im out
I'm not even estonian but have your (you), cuck
>yfw German politics is not a game show and people get elected because they are serious and not beacause they have the sickest punch lines.
every German would think it to be ridiculous if Merkel would wave around a tiny plastic flag.
I really hope you americans elect trump.
Then hopefully others will leave the eu and it will crumble.
The world will be made great again in our lifetimes.