>Excuse me? Did you just say that you support that racist sexist nazi bigot Donald Trump?
What do Sup Forums?
>Excuse me? Did you just say that you support that racist sexist nazi bigot Donald Trump?
What do Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bend her over and impregnate her.
Yup? Got a problem with that?
>if yes
Blow it out your ass and leave. On second thought, leave first.
I'd tell her after sex
Sorry? Who are you?
You need to check your ears, I support Jill Stein
>Excuse me? Did you just say that you support that racist sexist nazi bigot Donald Trump?
Yes, I did. Problem?
*sips tea*
>Shut up chink, rub me harder and I might tip
is this a man or woman although idk if it changes what im gonna do next
Get out of my country gook.
>racist sexist nazi bigot
Tell her grandparents, and when they get finished making her wash the floors, she'll apologize and STFU like a good Jap woman.
Lucky you aren't in the US, here the tip is mandatory
Typical Canadian female.
>implying I would speak to a chink.
Say yes, and launch my own referendum like Britain and leave.
>Implying that Asians supports libtards
As always
Why the fuck are you using traditional chinese you taiwanese frog egg eater
As if a Jap would see a problem with removing immigrants
>why are you yes or no at living room
Jewgle translate never change
Not a fan of gooks so I'd tell her to fuck off
Asians in the U.S. at least always vote Democrat
Why does it matter, I couldn't even vote for him, for I'm not American.
I'm sorry honey, it just wouldn't have worked between us, were just too different.
You're Korean fashion model and me... I'm just a horse archer and dabbling throat singer.
You were driving on the wrong side of the road, you useless nip cunt!
The left side is always the right side
I don't like Asians anyway.
i would just leave after that word.
no need to keep talking.
so what if i am?
go worry about your own country
"I'm paying you to take a load on your face, not talk about politics"
>racist sexist nazi bigot
she's trash
I'm not surprised.Westernised Asians are huge allies with the merchant(Not US ally type of ally,actual allies)
I'd tell the stranger lady that she's hearing things because I've never said anything to before. Then I'd ask her if she'd like some hot coffee so I can mate with her.
Can you give me one example of sexism or racism or even national socialist leaning political ideals?
>report submitted
Politics and women don't ever mix. I would ask what other accusations she makes about people who aren't around to defend themselves. Ask what she would do to him if he were at the party paying $10,000 for a lap dance. Just be cheeky 100%.
tfw like asian girls but if i ever have a boy with an asian girl ill regret it for the rest of my life. No such thing as an attractive half asian/white boy
>What do Sup Forums?
masturbate while imagining all the sex I won't be having because of my 'principles.'
To be fair, basically ever minority or poorfag that enters the U.S. votes overwhelmingly Dem.
Half Asians are eliot rodgers,but if your son marries a white your family will look pretty much white.
If you ever have a Eurasian son,you probably need to give him 110% support
Baby I'm a non voting felon, why else would I be in your house?
>Stefan Molyneux
Checks out. His Anglo conquering genes must be kicking in.
'asians' Include Poor as Dirt Vietnamese, Tai, malaysians, etc.
Hope for a girl, that's what I'm doing
Sshh. I don't pay you to talk.
She looks like she's made of plastic.
You forgot the part where she says that's wonderful because Asians are even more racist
I remember reading somewhere that poor people and NEETs have been voting democrat for the past few decades,and almost all of them are still poor.
race mixing degenerate, you're part of the problem
Could we just include 1st world Asian countries instead?I hate it when an "Asian"(Malaysia) does a murder/crime and our Crime rates increase yet again.
>I didn't have much time to pay attention to politics lately, but I want what's the best for everyone
>we could chat about it over a drink though
Don't show your powerlevel in real life and lying to get pussy is halal.
Yeah okay coming from the ""WHITE"" fins
Harro dontu critisizeu myu mogorrrian frriend
punch her in the penis
I don't know what you are talking about, I'm white, mr. 60%
not all Sup Forums memes are correct
I was actually working in Busan, South Korea when I had a cute Korean girl who learned English in Australia ask me this almost same exact question earlier this year.
I just said "yes, obviously". She was more curious though than anything. Said she didnt like him and asked me why I did. I gave the usual reasons, showed a bit of my power level without looking like a total sperg, and we actually had a pretty nice conversation. She was very amused and interested in what I had to say.
If you guys just cooly and calmy own your viewpoints and have some conviction, coupled with some attraction, you could literally tell a girl you would vote for Hitler and she wouldnt give a shit. Women adapt to your viewpoints, not the other way around.
You are as white as the sun my mongolian friend
Benis in bagina :dd
Westernised asians are the biggest sluts
"Yeah I love Trump"
lmao, move over
>implying she would ever say that
See this map? Mongolians didn't even come this far.
True, their love/hate relationship with white cock is hilarious
>Memes?What are they?
Yeah, want a green card?
Yes, yes i fucking do
*bend her over and take her to pound town*
Now that's an argument
Then fuck you asshole. Bend over for Hillary's strap on of doom this November, faggot.
>*slams door on way out*
He's not a racist, but I wish he was.
He's not a sexist, but I'm ok with that, since hillary is.
He's not a nazi, and I don't think he could ever be.
And he's not a bigot, but your token markov chain of leftist buzzwords is endearing, however I don't know why I'm in a conversation with someone like you in the first place, you're not even my race.
All people who don't just fuck her are all super gay
What the fuck does kek mean by this this time?
>Unironically wanting to be racist.
Welcome to Sup Forums son.
You may want to join the natsoc threads since they are the only ones like you.
Enjoy your Elliot Rodgers.
Woohee is literal perfection.
>the current year
>not being a race realist ancap
Yes niggers have on average lower IQ.But I still believe we should judge people individually
Shove freedom burger down her throat.
How can I expect to talk/fuck her if she is dying of malnutrition and hungry skeleton status?
you bet
The buzzword to end all buzzwords. What is a 'bigot', anyway? And why is it bad?
I don't need to go into natsoc threads to tell natsocs how to be natsoc.
Neither am I natsoc.
I'm nationalist imperialist, and Trump is the God Emperor, as decreed by deus kek (memes be upon him).
thats not very efficient.
if you meet some icdividual sure, but if you interact with others as a group that is the way to judge them as well
>Efficiency above all
Not sure why I expected a different reply from German kek
Praise kek
All heretics must di....
I mean,Sup Forums is a board of peace
All heretics must repent. But if they are to die it is kek who will make it so. He has already taken the lives of many who have dared to slight the emperor, and ruined the lives of many more. It is not wise to go against the frog god of chaos. But beings of free will are free to do things that are unwise.
>Posting Asian sluts who've been banged a million times
Wtf Sup Forums I thought we hated degeneracy
>what are shills
>what are australian shitposters
>what is Sup Forums inundated with
Push Play
Is it bad that I actually want to give aussies a chance?
Nothing is more embarrassing than non-korean kpop fans.
Thank God that I am not a chinkfucker or muh dick nigger
Pretend to be a male feminist, bust my load on her face then never call her again
t. Chad
kpop is a social construct, shitlord
I'd smack her, throat fuck her and then piss inside her mouth. That'd teach you not to ever speak ill of the God Emperor ever again.
Mr. Doomguy said exactly what was on my mind.
Shit, I have to admit. She is one sexy gook.
I found a Korean fashion modeling page filled with her pics. sweetglam.co.kr
Daammmn, she gets me rock hard. I had no idea that I was into gooks, but I've never actually seen one who looked like her. She's even tall.