Former lefties, what made you turn right wing?

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anyone else go from socially liberal quasi-libertarian to a socially conservative economic nationalist?

Once, I was afraid. I was petrified. I kept thinking "I could never live without you by my side." But I spend so many nights thinking how you did me wrong.

It took all the strength I had not to fall apart. Kept tryin' hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart. And I spent oh so many nights just feeling sorry for myself. I used to cry. But now I hold my head up high. I've got all my life to live. I've got all my love to give.

I got a job.

I moved to the shit hole that is Hollywood.

also this

I took an economics class.

It was a slow process. What made me start being critical of everything i was told was feminism. I saw the whole world including people closest to me swallow it whole and i quickly realized through reading statistics and seeing firsthand break up of familys amongst my peers that it was bullshit and at the very least harmful to society as a whole. From there on out i investigated every single thing closely that i thought was set in stone and the most recent change in my beliefs is that the earth is flat due to videos showing lack of curvature over large areas of water / flat land and the fact that the bible has gotten so many other things right in its predictions and advice.
allmost if not completely.

The LA riots where they dragged the white trucker out and beat him

A combination of Sup Forums and my mother being right-wing

Define left and right.

Being from Quebec, I have always been ultra-nationalistic. However, I am also a socialist.

I grew up is literally the only way I can explain it.

The Bible says nowhere that the earth is flat.

I read statistics that I couldnt refute and I had to reexamine what Id been taught about how all people are equal


I was no-platformed and saw the light.

I was even a member of the PdA in Switzerland.

Used to hang out with Antifa and visit certain far left "cultural" places.

I changed my view once I started to work properly and noticed how all those fuckers were freeloaders and a bunch of lazy pussies that just want my money to destroy this society.

Now I lean to SVP and CVP depending on the issue.

>Former lefties, what made you turn right wing?
I became a leftie when I quit being a leftie because lefties are retarded. Sup Forums was the catalyst for this change.
I'd still vote for Trump.

You're a leftist.

Define what you mean by socialist.
You are at odds with modern socialists because they reject nationalism in all forms. I suspect that you might be some sort of liberal instead of a socialist.

>I became a leftie when I quit being a leftie because lefties are retarded.
>mfw this sentence matches your image

I was never a full on lefty, but I did agree with a lot of racial/sex/class based activism.

What turned me away was when I realized feminism was a complete crock of shit and the women around me had VASTLY better lives than me and no one was talking about the shit men suffered from. So, that happened around... 24?
I was never fully a leftist, so it was easy for me to just walk away without much regret.

However, now that I'm 31, I'm starting to see the same bullshit that I see on the left on the right, so I'm kind of relapsing and starting to realize that the left at least tries, whereas the conservatives/libertarians just bank humanity learning by itself, even it has to stumble a lot before it gets there.

The whole anti-Islam thing threw me back into the left's arms because the right's attempts to demonize Islam is misguided and will only elongate the problem.

Fuck, I hate the whole spectrum.

>Islam hate is bad
>they throw gays off roofs
Choose fags or Muslims

I got into politics through my best friend who is an anarcho-capitalist, I read Trotsky, Kropotkin, Marx and Bakunin.
I just never really looked into some of the stuff I was protesting for, I just enjoyed doing something with politics.

After being arrested for political activism and being locked up for 4 months one of the jail workers gave me Ayn Rand to spite me, but I got so into it I started reading more an more.

I got out of prison as a libertarian and broke away with my antifa/commie friends, later joined the alt-right movement through Sup Forums showing me Richard Spencer.

How so?
By socialist, I mean I am agaisnt the free markets and such. Citizens should have public institutions to support them. Welfare should exist, for people who can't work (i.e.: vegetables). Foreigners shouldn't have access to any of this, however. In fact, they shouldn't have the right to vote and should only be allowed on our territory for extra labor, if we ever reach extremely low unemployement rates.

Trump did it for me. Followed his campaign for the giggles then I started to agree with what he was saying. From there, a combination of youtube and Sup Forums brought me to socially conservative

>By socialist, I mean I am agaisnt the free markets and such. Citizens should have public institutions to support them. Welfare should exist, for people who can't work (i.e.: vegetables). Foreigners shouldn't have access to any of this, however. In fact, they shouldn't have the right to vote and should only be allowed on our territory for extra labor, if we ever reach extremely low unemployement rates.
That's how.

>I did agree with a lot of racial/sex/class based activism
>The whole anti-Islam thing threw me back into the left's arms because the right's attempts to demonize Islam is misguided and will only elongate the problem.

>being this blue-pilled


Those daily WSHH threads being shown on Sup Forums. I used to come and troll racist while shilling for niggers and diversity but after seeing countless videos of niggers assaulting the shit out of men, women, the elderly and even children for no reason something inside me snapped. Everything the racist told me was true and I couldn't ignore everything I've learned from growing up in East LA and Compton. I used to blame it on poverty but I also grew up in poverty and have never done any of those things. Then I started looking at the stats and I knew I was wrong about everything.

I don't know. I get called extreme right winger for my nationalistic views, but a commie for my economic ones.

Define the left

Extreme/far """right""" is a commie meme made to discourage leftist nationalism.

I used to vote green and was antifa for a while.

Full of multicultural propaganda, I went to live in one of the crappy neighbourhoods of Brussels. It took a while to admit to myself I hated it, but I moved out as soon as possible after that.

Second was when feminism stopped making sense. I was full on with the program as long as it was rather moderate but then it went full identity politics, "you can't speak because you are white", "do not tone police me you utter cunt", "my anger is justified because you are the oppressor" and I'm sorry to say but I had to be on the receiving end of what I had done so often to realize what I had done.

We had a philosophy class on free speech and despite arguing against the teacher a lot of the time, he made a massive impact and had me reconsider a lot of what I did. I realised also I was dismissing him based on him being an old white man. Still, he was based and I still owe him for not giving up on me.

I think those three are the major things. Economically I am still on the left, ecologically I am still very green, but if you had to describe my ideology national socialism comes closer. Except you can't say that because everyone looses their minds and calls you Hitler.

I know.

But please define the left.

>I couldn't ignore everything I've learned from growing up in East LA and Compton

I grew up in shitskin infested area and this more than anything made me extremely skeptical of multi-kult, globalism and SJW/PC garbage

I remember those people, they looked straight out of a nazi propaganda poster. God bless

I turned right when I realized that right wing politics especially old right wing politics more align with me and that left wing politics nowadays are race-baiting faggots.

I don't like being told what to do, fuck dems

My own people, also getting a job when I was teenager.

Recently came out as a black Trump supporter, got shit for it but i don't care anymore. We all gotta make some sacrifices to get to where we want to be in life, so be it illegals. Should have did your fucking paperwork.

I am for a fair but strict welfare state. Large-scale immigration is neither strict nor fair.

The left pertains to politics that encourage or actively enforce equity.

Anyone else miss being a liberal?

It was so easy seeing everything in black and white, and always backing the minority.

Having to weigh the morality behind my views against all sides, thinking about the implications and precedents my votes hold, and having to maintain a viewpoint that's unpopular where I live is definitely more involved.

I don't have to choose between the two. I recognize that Middle-East has not has had the same level of progress as the West with gay rights because of the turmoil it has faced in the last century.

It's a lot more complicated than "Muslims kill gays, you must choose one over the other." Islam is going through a reformation right now. It's not manifest to everyone, but it is.

There's a vibrant gay Muslim community here in Canada. A lot of people call that an oxymoron, but all religions are more about community and a sense of belonging for a better life than a strict set of rules that cannot be changed.

If that were the case, we wouldn't have female teachers in the West because the Bible forbids a woman to have authority over a man.

I do not. Therefore, I am not a leftist.

I realized that Republicans were right. Everything that conservatives accused liberals of being and liberals said they were crazy and bigoted for came true (gun banning, supporting socialism, being anti-personal freedom, slippery slope gay marriage, wanting white people to become minorities).

This was before liberals went completely off the rails with social justice.

Yes, I used to call myself a libertarian. Pat Buchanan was probably the biggest influence on me when I became socially conservative and economically nationalist.

You're not a socialist. You are a social democrat.
There is an actual distinction. You're also a massively retarded faggot, but that's beside the point.

After a decade of hanging out with non-whites, I realized their racism is in their dna. Well at least for the most part. Feels good to not be an ancharist / leftist scum anymore. More honor for the family, etc etc.

Always been and will be an economical soviet lefty.
But I also appreciate stalinist migration/feminist politicies. Never been a huge fan of multiculturanism/third wave feminism.

You said yourself that you support socialist economics though.

I miss being able to feel superior about everyone and not questioning myself all the time. As a liberal you can tout around words like mysogynist or racist and then rage at how bad other people are. Now at least I'll try to be charitable to people's ideas and accept or reject them.

I feel like I was definitely a more fun person to be around. Probably because I wasn't afraid of being ostracized for my views.

>We had a philosophy class on free speech and despite arguing against the teacher a lot of the time, he made a massive impact and had me reconsider a lot of what I did.

What did he teach you, exactly?

I wouldn't really class myself as right wing

I just support democracy, free speech and nuclear weapons. And I'm a white heterosexual man in the 18-24 age bracket

There is no place for people like me in the modern British left

Rhodesia, South Africa, Detroit, Baltimore, every major inner city, all of Africa, Empire of Dust - blacks are inherently inferior and only bring white society down, the majority anyways. I wouldn't eat at a restaurant if the majority of the time I went there the food was bad, same applies for blacks. It dawned on me that when whites are the minority we will not be treated with a shred of decency and not only that, but society will crumble.

I started reading books.

I see it as a safety net, not a way to level everybody to the same rank.
Sup Forums is rightful natsoc's clay. Get off my board.

the true red pill is when you get to use the racism card on someone who says your opinion is wrong or dismissed because youre white

felt so good calling an aborigine a racist when he called me whitey

Well, I already hated Mexicans from growing up around them and hearing all their bullshit but I grew up in Liberal leftist LA and had no real chance. Everyone around me was blue pilled to shit and back. Like most liberals, I was brainwashed into believing that niggers are poor little children who are oppressed by those ebil racist republikkkans. It wasn't until I started asking questions into everything that I realized that niggers aren't harmless little children who didn du nuffin but violent predators with no concept of time or consequences.

Nothing pisses me off more than hearing liberals hand waving or making excuses for niggers and spics and the guise of poverty. I grew up dirt as poor too with a single mother yet I never killed, robbed or raped anyone.

An economic safety net is a leftist idea mate.

I tend to agree with you. Let them be muslims and gay, the quicker they secularize, the better, and reform and secularization will come under the impulse of people who still consider themselves part of the community rather than people leaving the community.

Meanwhile, we do need to keep an eye on mosques to make sure there are no hate preachers though.

Liberalism is very appealing as a teenager when you're young and impressionable, especially if you're being bullied. You just want everybody to get along, why is everybody so violent?

And then as you get older you start seeing the hypocritical rhetoric, the violent outbursts when they don't get their way. They're spoiled entitled children who haven't worked a hard day in their life.

I want no part of it. You follow legislation, you follow the founding rules of democracy, you help those who have the sense to help themselves because the lazy won't do anything with your input.

Islam is demonic by its very nature

If we were talking about ultra conservative Christians we wouldn't be having this argument

Brit Indian here.

>Always used to tell my dad that he couldn't call black people niggers and Kaffirs etc.
>Same too about pisslam and Muslims
>I once even picketed with ANTIFA here in the UK

Basically I grew up.

That's it.

Realizing that IQ disparity amongst races is mostly nature and only a little bit of nurture despite people trying their hardest to push a different narrative for political reasons.

Immigration failed but society doesn't want you to know.

>The whole anti-Islam thing threw me back into the left's arms because the right's attempts to demonize Islam is misguided and will only elongate the problem.
How much have you actually read about Islam? I don't mean just a couple passages in an old holy book, or a couple of incidents you could easily take as isolated-- all those are shocking in their own right but I guess you could ignore them if you look at the bible.

I'm talking full-on study of the history, beliefs, and culture of the people. I'm talking real "systems of oppression" that make anything the left could possibly describe melt in comparison. I'm talking an actual "rape culture" -- and that's a mild term for what actually happens. I'm talking what would happen if David Koresh conquered the US and founded an empire that lasted 1700 years.

Even the worst rhetoric you're ever going to see is still treating them with kid gloves. Please fucking EDUCATE. YOURSELF.

I was born in Poland.

Her eyes don't line up right and it's bugging me.

> what made you turn right wing

I'm not really right wing, but I'm not left wing either.

I feel like the entire political landscape shifted on me. I thought the left stood for anti-globalism, anti-EU, anti-corporate, anti-immigration values. It was all part of how the rich were going to fuck the working class in the ass.

Then suddenly the left is standing there cheering for all of it. Saying you're a racist if you say otherwise. Do they even remember 10 years ago? How can you switch positions of an entire political wing like this without anyone reacting?

How can the agenda go from "everyone's equal" to "here's my list of special kinds of sexualities and races that should get legal advantages in society" without someone asking what the fuck happened?

We have people essentially arguing for segregation in society for fucks sake. Not to mention the anti-religion sentiment somehow morphed into "religions must be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, you can't criticise them". We used to talk a big game about banning circumcision, how we can't even stand up to FGM.

I guess I'm a radical centrist at this point.

On my 5th birthday when I stopped being a little baby

I grew up poor in the US, worked my ass off to become a doctor. I had to compete with the liberals shoveling money at minorities and woman while I could not get a single scholarship despite living with a single father who made just over minimum wage driving buses.

The left claimed to champion the poor, but I realized it was just showmanship and pandering minorities to get votes.

So the true right-wingers are liberterians?

>Posting in a datamining thread
>one post OP

You're not a national socialist, nigger. You're some sort of lefty cuck who also loves his country.

I originally leaned left because history and politics had been taught to me as if it were all a big class war. I was interested in worker's rights, but the left really doesn't do much more than pay lip service to that stuff. It was all identity politics on the left.

a bit of backstory first, 9/11, I was young and was into the ayy lmaos conspiracies, the same site started posting the 9/11 was an inside job shit, eventually started to think twice about everything

years later, fell for le Obama Change, thought he mightve been for a real , kek democrats, questioned happenins like Osama being killed n shit, saudi oil , crimea,

Trump and Hillary come along, hillary obvious as fuck crook, Trump must be the right wing fall guy for hillary to give her the win.

while this is happening also learning about the muslim horde thats coming into europe, where are the women and children? , le isis oh shit another mossad alqaeda, fake enemy?

at this point Trump started going ape shit and i quickly saw how even the media on the GOP side were attacking him , just everyone all sides, he calls out that 9/11 was possibly done by the saudis on national television "holy shit hes AWOKE"

now full trump, also muh guns, also , deport kebab and too many spics, (im a spic but not a mexicant and came here legally and might as well be a white nationalist redneck)

now red pilled as fuck, to the point where all i see is liberal values being shoved down our throats from tv shows to movies to fucking pamphlets at museums. REEEEE

WAKE ME UP, CANT WAKE UP when i see the SJWs Feminazi horseshit, just want to buy a house in the country side and fuck off with society.

Greenpeace and climate change

Was all like yeah, protect the planet. But then I found it all the group thinking Lefties were vehemently anti nuclear.

In one moment Critical of climate deniers for ignoring the science, in the next breath stating that uranium will kill us all and all we need is wind farms and solar.

Once I saw the cognitive dissonance in the environment movement it was easier to see the same in every other expect of left doctrine

No, you're bringing social policy into it now. There is also none free-market capitalism and shit like that.

Define national socialism then.


Joined .mil, had kids, and independently read up on a more balanced perspective on history than what is taught in schools


lifting weights
left extremists getting away with extremist viewpoints

not exactly right wing though,
i was a left-leaning libertarian and am right-leaning libertarian now

So right and left wings are purely economical?


they're tryna figure out how so many people became right wing organically in just a few years

when I was redpilled on racial and gender differences. like actual differences in IQ backed up by science, it made me realize that leftist egalitarianism is bullshit. basically all of the left's belief system is based on that as well, so you can't really stay on the left after realizing this

Iraq war.

Yes, however social politics can effect economics and visa versa.

perpetual white guilt from other lefties

Obama turned out to be full of shit. Gun grabbers. Gay "rights". Immigration. Globalism.

>whereas the conservatives/libertarians just bank humanity learning by itself

What's wrong with that? Isn't it better for change to be more organic than forcing down someone's throat?

Have you started seeing the globalists everywhere too? My friends call me crazy but there are just too many coincidences to go unnoticed. EVERYTHING is now a conspiracy

>one post OP

Fuck, the shills are improving

also nice 88

>Why aren't you a liberal scum
Because communism doesn't work and liberalism is a subversion tactic to instill communism in the future.

I am a former and recovering homosexual, my ex-boyfriend prolapsed my anus and after the dr told me it will take years for my anus to recover i became disillusioned with leftism, equality and egalitarianism in general.

I received a semi-prestigious internship at my school's Women's Center. I used to be a sex-positive babby feminist, think Laci Green. There were way too many identity politics freaks and white women very much not wanted. Islam was defended vigorously. Now I'm on Sup Forums. I still think Andrew Dworkin has some good ideas though.

Became an adult, left my white hometown and the only apartment I could find in the city was in a neighbourhood full of arabs. Swinged right pretty damn quick I'll tell ya.

>tfw redpilled by Sup Forums
I have to agree with the shittiest liberal nonsense sometimes just to stay in college. This life is sufering.

How can libs throw around terms like white privilege or misogynist?

Doesn't that acknowledge differences in people that they see as a social construct rather than fundamental difference? Can't any of that be sidestepped using the same logic reversed? I can't have white privilege if I don't view myself as white, I can't be a misogynist if I only view women as people.

I was a teacher for a year in a local poor school. Started to hate the poor and how they exploited everything to their gain (a few had local business, those parents were cool tho).
Got a job at a call center for a big company where I've got promoted several times and feel way happier than any kinda of social workers I know.

In the meanwhile I found Sup Forums and I browsed it for the lols at first but soon I realised it did a lot for me in terms of realisation. Especially cause this happened when the transsexual thing started.

Even tho I still support some liberal ideas (aborts and homossexuals having the same rights) most of my political views are right-winged now

Oh and I always hated the fucking refugee crisis.

I found pol.

It was after the Charlie Hebdo things.

Being full bluepilled at the time, I tried to make the argument that humor reinforces racism because it uses the stereotypes.
He said that was the case, but that if you take away that humor, you also take away satire, i.e. making fun of the dominant group, the power of subversion etc. He pointed to political humor which is censored in many countries because humor is actually a powerful tool.

I had a go pro censorship and protection of minorities.
He explained how we had gone from human rights that demanded that the state didn't meddle with people (leave people alone to worhsip who they want and say what they want) to rights where we expected the state to DO things, like provide housing, provide places to worship etc. He said we were moving to a third set of "rights" which was the right not to be hurt of offended, not by the state (which is the first version of human rights) but by other people. He also showed how in doing so we delegated more and more of our power as people to the state. Said also that in the US, the 2nd amendment is so important because people haven't yet transferred the idea of protection from violence TO the state, which we have done completely in Europe.

I had another argument about how we shouldn't have anything to say against islam because we aren't muslims and that those were generally peaceful people.
He replied by showing how many people were affiliated with the communist parties (not that much) and how that resulted in terrorism back when it was in full swing. He insisted that fringe ideologies have an impact on people and our societies, whether we like it our not, by making the example with communism.

i saw how my kin were acting and thought "fucking barbarians"

National Socialists are people who agree explicitly with the Nazi party's ideals, which were an amalgam of left and right authoritarian politics topped off with a racial doctrine.

So are you a Nazi?