What went so horribly wrong?

What went so horribly wrong?

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narco states

Spain, then USA


Also local oligarchies

This is actually a pretty good non meme answer

Then tell your rich faggots to stop flooding our universities thx

OMFG, never realised this before.

dominican qt for the win

This was your average governor in argentina by 1800's. Surname in this example: Fotheringham.

It was straight oligarchy, they handed government to their friends and families. They just used this country as a stockpile and left when there were no resources

But Dominican is ugly desu

Most countries don't even have big Black populations.

I think our underclass are a far worse problem than our rich people.

Recently I interacted with a painter (of walls, not paintings), who is suing a company who fired him, not because of being fired, but he lost subsidies by getting hired that he wont be able to get back after 6 months of being unemployed, now he is working unregistered, without paying taxes, because he wants that, but he could sue the person he is working with, and he is trying to get disabled status for more subsidies even though he is in his 30s (it is bullshit, he can work)

there are many provinces in which everybody works for the state and the governor is reelected for decades, there are hundreds of thousands of false disabled people getting money from the state, in Santiago del Estero, Añatuya, over half of the people are "disabled".

then stop letting everyone enter you universities np

being next to shitty narco countries like colombia, argentina being a mess and being too far away from europe


In no particular order:
Commonplace tax evasions
Iberian culture
Lack of individualism
Unadvantageous geography
Lack of industrialization
Being further away from the european market than the US
The US
Weak sense of national identities
Bad land distribution

Not a Latin American country

Everything desu

Wow, we have thots, that really makes everything better.
The Dominican girl isn't even facing front.

US intervention. Seriously is there one south american country whose government we haven't overthrown?

This. Being colonized by Latins is the worst thing that can happen to a country desu.

Costa Rica, for some odd reason.

Nothing desu

France or Italy wouldn't have been so bad

truly the plague of the world

All powerful state, with a lack of all knowing politicians, and dumb people that vote for them because lmao welfare
Businessmen owning a lot of shit that have, in the past, said they don't want lower taxes. Turns out, out of 20 starting business here, only 1 will succed, vs 5 on the US, for example, and that means that the big strong businessmen keep being at the top. They're also friends with politicians, convincing everyone that you need protectionism, and they then can start "hunting on the zoo", not having to worry with foreign competition. It doesn't help that the last time the government tried to implement open markets it was really half assed and rushed, with lots of people losing jobs and feeling disinfranchised with the move
Workers unions. You literally can't opt out of some of them, and they take money away from your check every month. A bunch of them have been managed by the same men for 30 years, rigging shit and being generally corrupt, oposing labor reforms even if there's unemployment

Yeah, the French and Italian colonies in Africa turned out really good...
>inb4 Quebec
Quebec doesn't count

>argentina doesn't fuck up their economy
>becomes france tier country without the niggers
>Chile and Uruguay become developed, at least Spain tier due proximity
>Argentina invades, we forget our accent in 2 weeks, we become a big, rich union with an exit to both pacific and atlantic ocean
>due interbreeding Chile with Argentina becomes a less ugly nation

you fucked up this hard, your ancestors ruined any chance for us to being happy

but even after all of this you are still a developed country and you are grouped with the big guys isnt that enough

Chile is the bottom tier of "developed" world

literally uncanny valley tier

T. Prot*stant scum

t. "catholic" who doesn't go to church

Pero que puta mierda de cancion la verdad... eso es el ""rock nacional"" von razon salen despues todos como Malena Pichot o Andy Chango

The fuck is this nasty looking language?

>puta mierda de cancion

Che gordito de mierda, hablas como mexicano. Larga internet

Paraguay War as well, in your case.

You again?, take off the proxy americrap

Which one of these shitholes is the most fucked?

Zarpada en fea la cancion wachin, eso e' el rock nacional? No sé wacho, no me cabe, despues salen los pibe todos giles como Malena Pichot y Andy Chango *

Así está bien?

I'm sorry? I'm new here

>ia pinches argentinos esa musica es pura mierda wey, oie que tienes botanas en el refrigerador?


Iberians are genetically inferior to whites.
They are the missing link between niggers and whites.

>hoverhand female edition

wh*te hispanics

USA, populism, stupid people who wants socialism/leftist ideas, stupid and corrupt syndicalism, conformism, corrupt leaders, then poverty, then delinquency, then lack of investement which means there are not jobs, lazy people who only wants to live from the government, people is easy to manipulate then they vote for the same fuckers who only want their wallets to get bigger, brainwashed young people by socialist ideas and then everything repeats

Please translate into estadounidense, por favor

youre still growing tho

You fell for the oldest trick man

Criollos is the only true answer.

>Ma vale wacho, che cuchame vamo a escucha alguno tema del indio papa, e lo ma grande, despue vamo a bajonea cuchando "el sensei"

País de simios.... Dale, seguí escuchando rock de """"protesta"""" y bardeando a los ricos en ingles ((y nadie te da bola)) jajajajajsjsjakajkahsja


Argentinian/Rioplatense spanish use Subject + Adjective structure. While the other hispanics use Adjective + Subject.

>Bella mujer (mexican)
>Mujer bella (argentine)

He's using not-argentine spanish, so I'm telling him he has more contact with the internet than the real world

We were doomed anyways.
>Argentinian spanish
Nah, we do that too curepa.

>Argentinian/Rioplatense spanish

Que dice el bobo que habla solo contra la oligarquía en un foro en ingles aajajajja

Alto pobre

More or less this.

Spain because it was (is) a medieval, obscurantist culture that never went through a reinassance period to reach enlightenment. Literally the most backward and mediocre european empire.

America because it's a self-righteous, evil, greedy, megalomaniacal entity that hides behind an altruistic facade. It literally ruined countries, overthrew governments and instigated the killings of tens of thousands on behalf of a banana producing company (but used gommunism as excuse)

masons fucked it all up
our country was masterminded by an alliance of 33 renegade spaniard masons in cahoots with some other masons in the British crown to establish a trading outpost/buffer state where they could milk the population and resources forever

(they still do, our current president is a level 33 mason corrupted to the core, and as always, exploiting a country disguised as a leftist communist)

and the rest of South America is the same probably, we're just slaves until we decapitate THE ENTIRE POLITICAL CLASS LEFT AND RIGHT

not enough germans

Even Sarmiento was part of the masons

>America because it's a self-righteous, evil, greedy, megalomaniacal entity that hides behind an altruistic facade yo carry out it's evil and Insidious actions.


> US intervention ruined mu latin america
> Chile leading economy for decades after Marxshit allende was killed and Pinochet took over

Do you have a problem with that statement?

> Italy
> Colonization

If I'm not mistaken, Simon Bolivar was a mason too.

all our "liberator" heroes were just masons or mason puppets
we should have never break free from Spain

America preferred europeans and not us, then here we are i think, waiting to be put in our places if we do something good

basically we were colonized by shitty countries


I Made the mistake of adding the ">" character

Race mixing
Low IQ
Obsession with drugs

>hot women
>good cuisine
>no mudslimes
>not politically correct
sounds pretty comfy to me

Well, I don't think Latin America is so bad. You are looking yourselves in the mirror of US and Europe, but what would be rare is that you were better than this countries.

Latin american countries should be more united. I don't get why there are so many countries when they share the language and the history more or less.

If they were united, they could use their augmented influence to get better monetary agreements with US, Europe and Asia, and also lower their crime, corruption and distribute better their natural resources.

Also please, don't fall for the: "Spaniards robbed us. If we were colonized by the english we would be like the US" meme. IMO spanish empire was really into equally with the overseas territories.
Most problems actually come from the anti-us-neocomunism models you had in the past century.

The British would have exterminated all the natives

Just like they did in India and Africa.


Look at South Africa

And look at how english african former colonies and india are right now...

I agree.

You may be evil to the core, but at least you can get things done by yourselves, unlike the anglo and spaniard leechers, aside from being evil. Plus, you're highly creative and innovative, unlike those other two.

Who gives a shit, you all gonna get flooded eventually

unlike the anglo and spaniard leechers who are just evil and piggyback on others.

Portugal taking off our gold and rich materials...

India is a very polarized country, yes it's largely poor but it also has a space agency, a thriving IT industry, a giant educated diaspora and big cultural industry.

Chile is 90% mountains, you retard. I get that there are tsunamis everyonce in a while, but this bait sentence was always retarded

get out of my fucking country

you can't go against them, you simply can't, they have their company called UN who is always going to say yes to whatever they want despite what they are doing is good or bad, their press (who is in charge of give you all the """""truth"""") will be always be pointing at you as the bad, and with a little of convincement they go to what you did that is not in their agenda and they end you.

Chile went through two massive recessions, a decline in average earnings and saw government corruption so transparent that Pinochet's family was blatantly stealing from public coffers while all of this happened.

>please colonize me
Why are Colombians such massive cucks?

its basically one gigantic clusterfuck.

>Look at South Africa
What are you trying to imply?

Espero que estés de coña. Todos esos casos son el principal ejemplo de como tirar el dinero, e india tiene mucho solo porque son muchos.

India es uno de los peores países para vivir del mundo. Regido por un sistema casi feudal de castas, donde la mayoría de mujeres dejan de ir a la escuela con 10 años. He estado en india y creeme, mucha agencia espacial y lo que quieras, pero es el pais mas triste de visitar en el que haya estado, mucho peor que cualquiera en latinoamerica.

Solo con el hecho de que los paises latinoamericanos compartiesen moneda, algo similar al euro, y tuviesen gobiernos estables, ya se conseguiria que la super inflación que muchos paises de alli tienen no se comiese la riqueza de estos paises. Venezuela, argentina,... todo lo que consiguen en 15 años, lo tiran por la borda en 3 por la maldita inflación que generan...

Why do chileans believe San Martin isn't important to them?

Most of that comes out just because, out of a billion people, you're bound to have at least 10 million people with 130+ IQs. You have to see the median for life quality. I'd rather be middle class in Latin America than on India

>bitches about Chile
>lives in a capitalist utopia

stay there mapuche commie

No one know him, and the few ones who know him hate him because it's friend of O’H*ggins

because your country is arrogant as fuck and tried to annex us twice

If you were nicer people would give a fuck about San martin

Why isn't him being learned at school? We learn about o higgins and bolivar

So you just hate him and try to reduce his significance and because nowadays argentines

For fucks sake I know we don't get along but do they really teach you to hate San Martin over there? That comment obviously comes from a sort of doctrine