Ask a philosophy graduate anything

I'm here to answer your questions.

Other urls found in this thread: russell problems of philosophy

Is the deal of two sandwiches for $5 still going on?

what will you do with your shitty degree

You like Ziggy cartoons? Those are pretty deep sometimes.

I'm starting consulting position in the fall. 70k a year. I have philosophy friends who are going on to medical school and law school. It's a great degree if you know what you are doing with it.


How much did you have to think in order to earn that degree?
And who are you going to think for so you can earn your shekels?

Is it okay that I am in love with an anime girl?

In the nominalist sense sure. In the platonic sense it no.

Did you study conservatism?


What's that a consulting position?

> Zizek
Something something spooks. Fuck off.

youre do not deserve a response but here i give you because you insult islam

Anime girls represent the platonic ideal form. Something 3dpds can never achieve. So no there is nothing wrong.

70k what?

was your program in school full-tumblr, or one of the few places on campus where critical thinking was taught?

i can see it going either way

how does it feel to pay $100k to become less employable than a fresh HS graduate?

Can you make change for a $100? Good. Put some extra foam on that double tall latte, please.

We live in a simulation. The double slit experiment points to procedural generation and the necessity of an observer for the universe to maintain form. The hologram theory with evidence that supports there being a distant, exact replica universe that are entangled with one another hint that the universe is contained with a skybox. Prove me wrong.

WHY do we exist

I pretty much work for a company that gets hired out by large corporations or NGO's to give them advice on how to improve.

deus vult, brother

Lol. I went to an American University, so no. They are way to pozzed to even try to teach that.

70 thousand US dollars a year.

Looks like you are smart after all.

Did you study Western Civ?

My program was pretty liberal, but a lot of my professors were crypto-shitlords, The program hated sjw's though.

So schlomo has someone to give loans to.

>life advice from someone who spent his life studying old detached fucks who spent their lives studying old detached fucks who never lived life to begin with
Fucking cancerous little faggots

say anything deep, right now? :)

How much fun is the apocalypse going to be?

I can't prove you wrong, but you can't prove yourself right. You have as much proof for your theory as does a solopsist or a realist. The difference is their theories are simpler (occams razor) while yours is more complex. So we should favor those two over yours.

could you list philosophers who most brutally trigger SJWs, dindus, and merchants?

A lot of philosophers of the past were actually social people who had careers and pursuits outside of philosophy.

is that even a question

Since you posted him in the OP, what's your personal opinion on Slavoj Žižek?

Also, what do you think of sociologists? You guys usually share departments after all.

Who is better? Judge Jeanine or Sean Hannity?

Your moms vagina


70.000 Indonesian Rupees, wait until an Economics graduate tells him the conversion rate.

what's the point

And yet somehow you're only taught the boring part about endless mind trips on the subject of categories of thought.
I sure hope you don't include lifeless Kant and delirious Nietzsche in that list

I was thinking of more obscure examples - I'd like to expand my library, and I've already got the biggest names covered


The problem is that most SJW's don't know enough about most philosophers to be triggered by them.

>what they teach in kool aid thought land

I think he is a great pop-philosopher. Most of his work is plagiarized and rambling, but it's littered with nuggets that are worth reading it for. Overall I like him because he seems to trigger sjw's.

Most sociology and evo-psych is bullshit. There isn't really strong evidence for most of their claims. The problem also is that a lot of sociologists are biased and sjwed. So their results are not unbiased.

Julius Evola

There is no point to anything.

thank you, friend! great list! I should've been more specific - I'm sorry - but I've got the major players covered, and was hoping to learn about some deeper cuts... your list is awesome, and I'm wondering if you could please recommend any more obscure or lesser known (perhaps even more radical) philosophers who fall into the same categories as those you've mentioned

thanks again!

Looks like summers started already.

>a philosophy graduate
Why the fuck would you do that?

Nietzsche salved his cock with mercury.

Is god real?

I personally prefer to read the articles on Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy. They are quick. Easy to read and written by actual philosophers. If I run across and article I like I find philosophers mentioned on the page and read their work.

I don't know how I left out the literal nazi.

Is nihilism possibly the most infantile doctrine ever birthed?

great idea! thanks, man

What is the best guide to start studying philosophy by yourself/internet?
Yes I know but in what order and which books etc.

I hear Oxfam and Doctors Without Borders are a couple of truely neutral NGOs and that is why the bignosed zionazi, kikocracy disappears their people and bombs their buildings.

What NGOs do you think are impartial observers and why do you think they are not CIA controlled oppositions?

philosophy is one of those things you shouldnt have to go to school to learn you gigantic fucking faggot.

Herman Wirth? Or is he too far out?
Fucking Atlantis man.

>Why the fuck would you do that?
As long as you know what you are doing it's a great major. Philosophy is always a great second major for a double major. What most idiots do is go in studying just philosophy thinking they will get a job as a "philosopher".

Maybe...Maybe not.

is league of legends better than dota 2


Can I get a #5 with a diet coke and fries?

but muh sacred schools of thot

And why is this your Job?
I would hire a professional like an economy-major or something like that.

Your degree doesn't help

Nihilism is usually misunderstood by many normal fags. They usually interpret it as nothing matters, so fuck it I can do whatever I want.
All nihilism says is that there are no objective values, it doesn't say anything about creating your own or even relativistic values.

Good answer.

To leave the world better than we left it.

That begins with removing those whose life purpose is to destroy it.

what do you think about Immanuel Cunt?

why do most choose distraction & ignorance?

Neither would an economy degree
The biggest meme degree there is

I recommend buying
and russell problems of philosophy

They are short quick intros to a beginner that introduce most of the large fields and concepts. I don't recommend reading full works of any one philosopher. It's usually a waste of time unless you are really into them. I recommend getting anthologies with short works from multiple philosophers.

I also recommend reading articles on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. It is easy to understand and full of great articles.

Is there a better cheap beer?

Why do you insult me, user?
I know the difference, but what's the difference at the end of the day?

Possibly the most useless, retarded philosopher there ever was, his entire life and production was utterly meaningless. I think he was legitimately autistic

Doctors Without Borders

Just look for ones that Israel hates and tries to bomb or boycott.

Other than having conversation material at hand, what is the point of studying philosophy at all?

y i get deleted

When you take a shit, do you fold the toilet paper into nice little squares or do you crumble it up to form a ball?

You have to be careful if you self-teach. School allows you to be exposed to opposing views and have Professors guide you. Self taught people tend to get caught in a ton of confirmation bias and are usually to full of themselves.

What do you offer that those who have read so many of the Classics, the contemporaries, and those who strike his fancy AND has studied a field worthy of employable study do not?

I don't know anything about him, so I can't say.

>Graduated in Philosophy
How is it you are still alive.

How do I get laid, philoso-grad bro?

Does the cartisan circle exist

>tfw dearth of right wing lit memes

It's a soulless vestige of the custom of getting young nobles to study the ancient minds and ways of yore

You said 'of' too many times.

Philosophers are amazing at critical thinking and logical reasoning. We score higher than any other major in America at least on law school entrance exams and Grad School entrance exams. We outperform economics majors on all grad school entrance exams.

The firm I work for hires all types of majors since we consult all types of companies.

What's the difference between logic and reason?

Then show me the correct sentence

This one includes left and right philosophers.

OP confirmed for either troll or beta cuck who can't into women

Platonic ideal can be any phenomena. Some losers skewed reality drawn digitally is only perfect for the loser, and even then it's a question if he is the perfect loser whose ideas are complete and unchanging.

>reading shit-posts as study material
>filtering out the shit you dont like
>paying for it
>careful of self-teaching
>philosophy is all self-teaching
>useless to economy
>scams goy into therapy
>usually full of themselves
>comfirmation bias
>im not
>kill yourself

what the fuck is metaphysics? it sounds cool.

>reasoning can't be illogical

I personally find most of his work esoteric. I think he is extremely important though because of all the other works and philosophers he inspired.


you GOYIM exist only to serve the chosen people