/MENA/ last thread edition

>when ure larping as a white even tho ure irish

Other urls found in this thread:


is it me or is irish the most disgusting language ever

can't be worse than arabic t bh

it boggles the mind why they keep flailing that dead language about when everyone already speaks English, thank God I'm not Irish, they force kids to learn that on top of their real studies

Where can I find real Hijabi/Muslima porn? selfies are okay too



Thanks senpai

how about isis porn?

that girl has some huge pussy lips

was surprisingly a pretty good fight, i thought it would be like the Pacquiao fight

Gulf arabic sounds nice when a woman is speaking

Got any more pics like this?


very nice

>Whites BTFO how will they ever recover!!!

yeah it was decent at least.

>tfw no Khaleeji princess to call me ''Rafida scum'' in a cute accent

>so many indonesians

did you all go to fap?

you have to go back

Aren't you the newfag who didn't know how to cross-link to another board?

Mate La7ad was here before you

back where?

Agreed, i miss my comfy hometown.

i'm replying to one rn

nowhere, stay where you are my jewish friend. keep making those pal*stinians cry with your presence :)

I will!

On MENA sure but I'm not so sure about on Sup Forums in general.
Prove it.

T-that sounds pretty hot.
>you will never have a proud Khaleeji noblewoman convert you by the blade to Islam through humiliating acts like sucking her toes

>not living in humiliation the rest of your life
come on man

>tfw no Khaleeji waifu to call you ''filthy Persian'' and order you to kiss her feet.

didn't know caravans were comfy

>gypsy jokes

man if you could see my hometown, it was comfy as fuck.
fewer than 20.000 people but just a 15 drive to big cities

near a river.
i could see pastures, hills and gardens from my window.
clean air
no car noise to wake you in the night

it was amazing

is everyone done masturbating

i copied like 50 pics from there, for later use
if my gf sees them i'm fucked

how does a foreigner end up living in a small town, it doesnt seem right, are you a true gypsy then?

it had a giant commie factory right next to it. created a lot of jobs.

it died after the commie regime fell.

I feel like there is more /out/ related things to do in a small town

it became a fucking gypsy heaven though, they went to steal iron to sell.

father worked there while it lasted. they did something with steel, i don't know, never really cared....
afterwards we never moved.
i was already in school...etc

we had a stadium, pretty big for such a small city, commie legacy.
we played football.

i was actually part of the under-18 team for couple of years.
started when i was 14 until around i reached 16

>not living in humiliation the rest of your life
Is this your Shia ancestry coming though?

i guess...? lol

but aren't you Christians bigger cucks? you live under muslim rule for....ever?
from the Safavid era onwards we Shias lived pretty free, especially iranians

اخواني العرب هنا

it was rigged

It's called being human and turning the other cheek. I wouldn't expect a warlord follower to understand a concept that pure tho.
>from the Safavid era onwards we Shias lived pretty free, especially iranians
Congrats. After a millennia of rape you deserve it.

Also get a trip. All the cool people are doing it. Don't you want to be cool?

>It's called being human and turning the other cheek
it's called being a cuck

shut up you have no awareness of history

It's all a matter of perspective Reza. I could say your ancestors were quqs for caving under the Muslim pressure and converting to Islam.

I thought I already explained why Ali was the kind of QUQs?

Also, why isn't there an honorific behind his name like with Mohammad and the PBUH?

oh fuck wrong pic

>Also, why isn't there an honorific behind his name like with Mohammad and the PBUH?
there is

>staying zoroastrianists
better muslims.

turning the other cheek can make the most invincible enemies fall before you.
when the christian was being thrown to lions in the circus and burnt alive, St Paul professed passivity and resignation. Because the hostile retaliation would cause civil unrest and provide motives for extermination of their kind. Now look today, do you see Rome ? not anymore. Do you see churches ? everywhere
you fucking noob

>it took a Phoenician looking man to free the Persians

>there is
Peace be upon him?

>turning the other cheek can make the most invincible enemies fall before you.
Although desu we tend to forget that the Christianization of Europe was very bloody as well. Almost as much as the Islamic one.

>>it took a Phoenician looking man to free the Persians
Azeri master-race

>Peace be upon him?
yeah or ''ra' - '''May Allah be pleased with him."

>trying to justify being a cuck
how sad

>do you see Rome ? not anymore.

got some packages

>yeah or ''ra' - '''May Allah be pleased with him."
Never heard that one before. Even my Muslim mates call Ali just Ali.

Show us

should i open them?


saw it plenty of times myself

>Even my Muslim mates call Ali just Ali.
are they shias? wouldn't expect sunnis to use it.


The suspense is killing me...

i don't remember ordering these
lets get to the next item

Well that's dull.

>are they shias?
Don't know.

big square
what could it be?

the packaging is a bit weird

What do you collect?

>what could it be?
God willing Antrax

that's some tough cardboard

inflatable dragon dildo?

shut up pedo

that took longer than it should have honestly


I hope its something good.



i hope so too

hey that's nice
been waiting a long time for this

Whats that? What do you collect?


Nice thread, fags

>paying for music
Ah well, at least it's a great album

vinyl,cds for hipsters
this is my first one,first one that arrived anyway
god damn postage

so it's just a fancy name for pedos

i also pay for spotify
how bad is it,doc?


>so it's just a fancy name for pedos
Jordanian ''''education''''

liking anyone under 18 is pedophilia,yes
it doesn't matter what fancy neo term you come up with,it's not going to change

>i also pay for spotify
Eh, well at least it's not Apple

>neo term
it's literally older than islam

pedophilia is when you're atracted to under 13 year old kids.
mine is 15, turning 16 next month, so i'm a ephebophil

How much was it?

>getting so attached to an excuse I pulled out of my ass
shut up pedo


you are playing with fire

11$ i think

Rlly meaks u thonk

Is this Jordanian currency? Do you have any thrift stores near you? You can buy a lot of old vinyl from there.

Lmao 1 JordaniANO dinar is like $1.50 USD

i got it from amazon,couldn't find ANY vinyls i wanted locally and i know a good bit of people that looked aswell

yeah 1 jd is about 1.4-5 usd

What kind of vinyls do you want? If you're looking for more commercial stuff try garage sales or the Jordanian equivalent of websites like tradingpost or gumtree.

i asked in facebool groups
looked in several cl-esque websites
asked my musically inclined friends
and it seems like vinyls aren't too big here,so even if i wanted something really popular chances are i wouldn't be able to find it

anyone else here attending a /salafi masjid/

they're a lot more comfier than the normie masjid i used to attend

Sucks man. Do you collect anything else?

i have an inhumane amount of clothes
that's about it
i'm bad with money

What are your travel plans for the last bit of 2017 boys?

I can't do much travel unfortunately. I'm going to (each line a new trip):-


Those are confirmed, and then one of: Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Barcelona, Some Polish city, Oslo

t. handed my itinerary to the CIA on a plate

darn, shoe collection pic??

nowhere, ppl have lives, neet.
well u know uni and stuff, so at least 2 cunts since there is no direct flight from Cuckatia to Glasgjew

i wanna do some bikepacking around southern Spain, then maybe either Northern Spain or Atlas mountains