If you don't unironically like Cupcakke then you should off yourself

If you don't unironically like Cupcakke then you should off yourself.






Attached: DB5P0t2VwAEeEiz.jpg (1200x1106, 195K)

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Its like im watching a music video of a caricatured modern america. is america really like this?

she's amazing. chicago rap never fails, best city best rappers


are all of her songs about her taking dick?

Yes, well done America, well done...



Attached: xjojo-todinho.jpg.pagespeed.ic_.q3xTUtIrBQ-448x459.jpg (448x459, 35K)


No offense, not trying to be racist but black women are so fucking hideous most of the time.

>its not over until the fat lady sings
these two are the twin harbingers of the end times

implying you wouldnt

their vaginas are gross looking

Man I try really hard to keep racist thoughts out of my head but black women really fuck me up. Cupcakke is a pretty good rapper desu but I can't figure out if she's purposely trying to be gross with her sexuality to be like provocative or if she's actually supposed to be hot?


imagine the smell

who the fuck would wanna fuck this beast?... this chick is fucking gross, niggas be desperate

what a brave charismatic individual!
seriously why is this shit allowed on youtube

>sex positive

It's literally marketed to Tumblr

The Jews are getting bolder with their puppets eh

Jews Rock, I love Jews

What are you, some kind of bigot?

This is so retarded it has to be on purpose
R-right guys?

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Get on my level homos.

dang dude. she's repulsive, but the shit bangs

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