Opinions on Tree of Life? I actually really liked it

Opinions on Tree of Life? I actually really liked it.

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It took me 3 tries to make it through the movie. I kept getting disinterested for some reason.

After I finally finished it, I loved it. I'd put it up there with other Christian kino.


Non Ironically.

The best film of the 21st century so far.

and in my personal top 10 of all time.

Anyone else that says otherwise is a pleb.

pleb detected

Me too. It brought back a lot of memories. I went swimming in the lake where the boy drowned. It's an incredibly beautiful and emotional film if Malick's style is effective to you

Great movie. One of my favorites.

In my top 5. Seeing it in theatres was glorious.

>if Malick's style is effective to you
The thing is, I don't think so. I watched Badlands and The New World before and wasn't really impressed yet really liked Tree of Life.

It looked pretty, but I'm too stupid to know what it's actually about.

I tried watching it with my dad the first time but he started complaining and left the room and it ruined it for me.

Absolutely brilliant. This whole loose trilogy was.

If aliens landed this is probably the film i'd show em.

Voyage of time was way better.
Tree of Life, Knight of Cups, To the Wonder, and New World all were all disappointing

Looked nice but philosophically as trite as 'inspirational' quotes on Facebook. If you want vividly recalled memories of childhood, read The Tunnel by William H. Gass.

I ironically liked all those better than Badlands and Days of Heaven.
Tree of Life>Knight of Cups>Thin Red Line>New World>To The Wonder>Bad Lands> Days of Heaven

>philosophically trite


Pretentious trash that bores the audience to tears for 3 hours while taking that long to say absolutely nothing original.

>the tree of reddit

ya might wanna neck yourself. Don't bother watching Voyage of Time, by the way you rate Badlands and Days you couldn't appreciate it

In the sense that a banal sentiment, in the first flush of marijuana, strikes you as a timeless truth. You write it down and later, when you read it back sober, you feel nothing but embarrassment. Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie, I just don't think it deserves its reputation as some magnum opus.

It's about everything.

But it's not just about childhood memories, dummy.

What Facebook quotes reference the Book of Job while also being semi-autobiographical representation of the individual's place in the cosmos?

this is actually correct

Formative experiences, then.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't think Malick is offering any concrete truths or sentiments, as much as he's portraying the act of struggling to find those truths and sentiments. An universal inner monologue.


Too bad Malick has gotten shitty recently.

Job: My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle.

Facebook: Some Carpe Diem shit attached to a picture of a baby and an old man.

See? Better prose in the former but the sentiment is the same.

To the Wonder and Knight of Cups were better.

I don't really like this film, I consider it his weakest with The New World.

What is inherently problematic in the sentiment? Questioning mortality or the nature of being is in itself trite?

Simply the fact that it's self-evident.

If you post it on Facebook it's infantile

He cannot appreciate it because he is millenial that has never read the Bible for one.

is this thread a meme?