I wish we could like them as much as they like us. It's so unfair

I wish we could like them as much as they like us. It's so unfair

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What's the problem?

I always hear that Americans like us but then I know that most of us don't like them back.
It's quite depressing

I certainly often find many positive qualities in your country, though light curiosity in your affairs is as far as any palpable sentiment extends.


I'm part german

>I always hear that Americans like us
Here is what Americunts really think: youtube.com/watch?v=CCdyGLCXz_4

Jetzt machn Abgang, Malte


Isn't that from the 1940s or something?


It's like that for any country (minus mexico). Usually a lot of americans simply don't give enough shits to know about another country and just say they like it to sound nice.

Yes, but it's still very relevant.

lmfao it says white on his collar

Who told you we like you lmao


Why do you care what a bunch of fat muh heritage LARPers think about you?

I'm like 40% italian 30% german 20% polish 45.15702% dutch and 69% prussian

It's (usually) just edgy teens and neo-nazis that worship Germany, I didn't know Germany was relevant until I was like 15 or something

Also this From time to time you'll hear people go on about MUH GREAT GRANDPAPPY WAS A JEW KILLER NATSEE HE FULL BLOODED GERMAN

>these guys were actually Irish

>As much as they like us

that's a grand sweeping statement that makes you look like an idiot, it certainly isn't at all as you say

there wouldn't be anything edgy at all about liking Germany for one, they are fine example of democracy and social responsibility for their continent, and the world really.

It's a pity Sup Forums usually attracts your ilk.

t. Missed the point

So they hate us?
Never heard of hateful feelings towards us in the US. But then again, I don't live there

I don't think people care, and if they do think of Germany they think of Nazis.

>So they hate us?
Don't think we think about germany ever. And when we do, we say "yes". A lot of americans are german desent anyways soo

usually is still far too inclusive

perhaps you missed the point

you strike me as a juvenile

Holy shit you're stubborn lmao

So the mass opinion is rather negative when the topic is brought up?
That's sad. I always liked americans.

not at all, merely right

Usually no, a majority of Americans still praise Germans, just as you said in the OP

t. Too stubborn to admit I am stubborn

you can disregard him, only the ignorant would still associate Germany with something that took place 70 odd years ago

certainly he's right that many people don't think about the country, can you fault them for that? there is a massive gulf between our continents

I see no reason to cow to a fool

Yeah I mean, the word "like" in the OP is a pretty strong word. What I wanted to say with it was "when talking about each other, the reactions and opinions are positive" which is fair to say that I believe that we have a negative view and you have a more positive one.

In that respect I can agree, Germany is seen positively in most things, although people think that maybe you're going a bit far with foreign migrants. At least a goodly amount do so, there is of course as a rule never complete consensus on any one issue.

If someone asks a random American if they like Germany they're more likely to say yes

Other than that Americans don't think about Germany other than MUH HERITAGE because most of us have German ancestors

Life isn't fair, unfortunately.

>The Nazis, the Huns, the Prussians; three different names for three generations trying to inflict their will upon others by force.
>Three generations following a tradition so different from ours
This is gold

Pax Americana mutha fucka

that's a crock

Truth hurts bud

That's very good to know. I maybe go to the USA one day (not permanently don't worry) and it's good to know that the opinions are more mixed than one sided.
Hope that I make some good friends there.

United Statesians are the Swedes of Latin America. Only a fool would trust a word the say.

>united statesians

faggot south american

that's undignified, the appropriate term is faggot south American American

I don't think they are lying but that their opinions are rather mixed, hence why it looks like some them are lying.

I like Germany just as much as I like any other "democratic" country.

While the culture/history isn't as fascinating as some other countries (in my opinion), it makes up for it with a mindset that seems to force it to be relevant in terms of a European sphere of influence.

That being said, I intrinsically dislike the idea of the EU. I can't help but view the EU as a German maintained thing. I also think it's laughable that the CDU is the "right wing" of the two major parties.

EU wasn't planned to be this way, but I can't deny that our government is taking advantage of it.

Because servants always hate master
Thats why we hate America and rest of EU hates us

In a sense it's very pragmatic, and is what any government would (and should) do out of self interest.

Just the fact that you admit that you are a slave is pretty pathetic. With an attitude like that it's no wonder that you are miserable

And you think it is better to deny it?
Germany has no military power on its own, it is completely reliant on Americas goodwill for protection. I am just beeing realistic

Seeing America as an oppressor just because they don't allow you to build more killingmachines for your own army is pretty much pessimistic not realistic

but germany nobody likes you

I dont see Americans as opressors, just as our masters. We serve them because our military is weak yet we hate serving them

Ah yes

Remind me again how paying to protect you so you make us anyone's master. The fact of the matter is that we act like retards and spend so much on military ventures around the world that our budget is appalling. Meanwhile you've managed to gain a very desirable fiscal position.

It's because butthurt tards here don't like it when they can't play dicksize comparison with the other countries.

>because I said so

Every time

providing security is literally the most important task of a state.
Germany can't provide security and has to rely on USA, so Germany is not fully independant

>providing security is literally the most important task of a state.

That's probably one of the most disgusting things I've ever read.

The most important task of a state is to protect the individual's freedoms/rights from infringement by other individuals and the other branches of said state. Which is a task that every world government has failed at horribly.

Even if we pretend you're right, how is it not brilliant to outsource the supposedly most important task by getting someone else to do it for you almost entirely without recompense?

The most important stask of a state is protect you from bunch of other people coming, taking your stuff, raping your wife and killing you. That's why states were created in the first place.

>without recompense
by outsourcing the most important task to America, we became Americas bitch. For example, we can't do shit if Americans spy on us. So no, it is definitly not "free"

It's the RT watching putinbots hating on americans for no reason whatsoever. I'm from East-Germany and weirdly I have seen West-Germans arguing how "good" Putin and Russia is, much more than in the east. They have no idea what actually happened in the past.

>Muhhh putinbots

You should be proud of our military dominance, it might seem retarded how much we spend on it but it feels good knowing we can't lose to anyone.

>That's why states were created in the first place.


States were created to centralize power and further the interests of the elites, not to serve the people by providing them with protection.

I won't argue that you aren't free, but you couldn't stop any country from spying on you regardless of your military situation. Every country spies on every other country. A state even violates the rights of their own citizen's privacy constantly. You aren't free, but neither is anyone else. If you think you'd somehow be free because of a military buildup, that's just weird.

Collective defense is indeed among the primary intensions of government, what third rate education produced you?

It's bullshit. What do you understand by providing security? Hating on others because of their skin color? The country is doing more than France or Italy in this regard.


Yes, be content with the circus they provide to make you docile. Take pride in something irrelevant so you don't rage against the tragedy that is the wasted potential of this great nation.

Wake up. Remember your rights, remember your principles!

By collective defense you mean the common man dying to protect the interests of the wealthy/powerful, right?

Tell me how the soldiers of monarchs, oligarchs, and our crony capitalist overlords serve to do anything other than serve the interests of the upper class.

t. Patrick "Also Putin ist garnicht so schlecht" Ivanovic

you're a nutjob

>States were created to centralize power and further the interests of the elites
Nobody would support elites if they provide no benefits. Elites were accepted because they were neccesary to protect them from foreign invaders. Thats why the first rulers were always warriors.

>I won't argue that you aren't free, but you couldn't stop any country from spying on you regardless of your military situation.
We could kick out American intelligence service out of Germany. That would make it much harder for Americans to spy on us

Governments have a few key roles, one of them is national defence. Also, please don't compare Monarchs to oligarchs or crony capitalists. God appoints a Monarch

No, I'm just not an idiot who glorifies the death of normal people to accomplish things that have nothing to do with the average citizen.

A death protecting the homeland is just and necessary. A death on foreign shores to maintain some absurd "interest" of the united states is a tragic devaluation of human life. Those 'interests' are not the interests of the average American. They are the interests of a fringe sector of our society.

In it's most basic sense, providing security means preventing foreign invasion.
Today, it also includes lots of other things, like protecting trade routes, or preventing instability in the region

Actually, the UK is in charge of spying on you

>Nobody would support elites if they provide no benefits. Elites were accepted because they were neccesary to protect them from foreign invaders. Thats why the first rulers were always warriors.

We don't live in the time of warrior kings. The current elites don't contribute to society in the same manner.

>We could kick out American intelligence service out of Germany. That would make it much harder for Americans to spy on us

I would applaud you if you did that, but just because it would make it harder doesn't mean my government wouldn't do it anyways. It would be a nice victory of principle for the German people.


you're not really being consistent

you disagree with something that can be argued isn't national defense, while agreeing with national defense, to express your disbelief in national defense being a tenant of national governments

I don't understand you, you aren't rational

common, it's not like our intelligence service is not spying on them. The main internet hub is in Germany.


Maybe your semantic parsing would be valid if the government didn't regularly portray its overseas ventures as "national defense"

I support the true definition of national defense of a country (Ie literally defense), but the common usage of the term is not limited to that. The common usage includes extensive non-domestic action that actually contributes nothing to our defense, and in fact just generates more enemies of the US. Our actions in the middle east are hailed as being actions taken for defensive reasons, when they really aren't being taken for that reason.

I'm not doing any of that, you just can't decide what you want to say, national defense is one thing the government was intended to provide for from our founding,

you are a stark raving mad lunatic, or a dunce

YOU aren't arguing for it, but the modern era of presidents have used and convinced people of a warped definition of this phrase.

Also the initial statement that started this was "providing security is literally the most important task of a state."

>Literally the most important

Do you think the founders thought security was the most important reason for the state? Because they regularly stated that people who value security over the preservation of freedoms were anathema to their ideals.

>Do you think the founders thought security was the most important reason for the state?

It was one of very very few jobs the founding fathers originally gave to the government. And what does national defence have to do with personal liberties?

I have to go, but the idea here is

>the most important reason

It isn't the most important. True DEFENSE was considered an intent of the state. Today's state engages in actions that aren't really defense, but it calls them defense or security interests.

The original phrase in this post is "security is literally the most important task of a state"

Security is not necessarily the same as "National defense". When the president decides that we need to bandy about Afghanistan for another 16 years he does so because he says it's in the interest of our "security".

The implication that this is more important than any other government function just isn't what was intended. We are seeing things defined as security, and then people are being made to fund these ventures. In the course of funding these ventures the personal liberties of Americans are constantly violated to ensure a system that can support these ventures continues to exist.