Hello Sup Forumsacks

Hello Sup Forumsacks

I was wondering how open can you be about your political views in your country and around family/friends?

I raise this question because I see frequently people post stories how they revealed their "powerlevel" and how they are shunned as an outsider afterwards, how they lose friends and how family thinks they are radicals.

Personally in my group of friends we openly discuss these things and most of the time we agree on things Sup Forums considers "redpilled". Same with family, we discuss and are aware on issues such as religious extremism (Islam), immigration (open borders like this is retarded) and much more.

SJW lefties exist but they are not only a minority but people call them out on their bullshit and don't take them very serious (if they give them attention at all).

How is it at your end?

Also, if you have friends who are SJW types or have opinions based on feelings rather then on actual facts, why stay friends with people who are stupid?

This, if you at least tried thru discussing the issue to "redpill" them or at least show them why they are wrong.

i'm known as the nazi by my coworkers even though i'm not
but they're just fucking with me i know that most of them are conservative

So its just banter among coworkers? That's ok, we do the same.

Switzerland is from what I know pretty based on , lets call them major European issues. Haven't been there for over a decade but its a great country.


More or less the same here. I got a buddy who is pre-SJW tier, and even he, after we argue, does not go full blows SJW, since the logic kicks in.

Although you have more chance to find SJW mentality in the big cities, especially in Bucharest. The ones that I have met, even though they had shit arguments, were at least open for discussion.

If i offend any minority spread any hate speech of any kind I'm violating the law and can be jailed for it

It's a nice little regime we've got here
once your in you can't leave they won't let you

I went to a party on Saturday and when someone called Trump a racist, I asked them to name just one time he said something racist.
I refuted all their stupid arguments while remaining calm as they slowly got more and more angry. It ended with them calling me 'literally Hitler'.
I pissed all over the toilet seat and floor and then left.

I've had friends loudly discuss which minority is the worst in a crowded restaurant for 30 minutes
also loud proclamations that jews and gipsies should all be turned into soap and how Hitler was right

Not at all.
My family takes the MSM as 100% truth and complain about trump 24/7, my coworkers are all drinking the SJW koolaid, and the town I live in is basically shitskin central.

very openly I must admit
I can't even quite put a finger on it but there are very few if any taboo subjects when talking politics here
but my parents are leftist of different brands
my dad a moderate progressive and my mother a full on anarcho communist
it has come to the point where after counteless discussions with me my father despite his ideology sees muslims as human filth and my mother hates refugees with such a frevor that see is considering voting for golden dawn
the anarcho communist...voting golden dawn
it is a weird state of affairs don't ask

>anarcho communist hates refugees
what the absolute fuck

I am good at what I do

Not surprised, cool that there is still some logic in your friend.

From all what I've read, and I try not to echo chamber myself in Sup Forums this would apply to mostly white canadians or am I wrong? I mean minorities are mostly very racist but get a get out of jail free card. Is this the case?

This made me chuckle

Bit on the extreme end but I've done the same, but we were drunk.

How the fuck do you live like this?

fuckin nailed it

>How the fuck do you live like this?
I don't

>voting golden dawn
Impressive how a common enemy can unite different political specters when, I presume, family and national values are still intact.

I can imagine you're looking forward for a Trump presidency. At least the butthurt of your surrounding should be entertaining. The Brexit tears even in my own country who shouldn't have a opinion in this matter at all in the first place are fucking delicious.

I'm afraid to reveal my power level, last time I did my friends of 7+ years that I've known since high school all ostracized me and a really qt grill I was trying to fuck called me a racist bigot and wanted nothing to do with me.

At work, my situation is similar to this guy , I work with mostly black females and spics and after wearing a Trump hat one day, they all literally stopped talking to me except when it was work-related, stopped bantering with me about politics, and one of the black girls started a rumor that I was a psycopath who was going to shoot up the workplace any day now.

Must be nice living in a right-wing paradise, Bulgarbro

how do I convince a Bulgarian(moved to USA when he was 8) friend of mine to drop Bernie and hop on the trump train.

Get him drunk, his lineage of hate will overpower him

>Must be nice living in a right-wing paradise, Bulgarbro
You give us too much credit on this one. Its sadly backwardness and traditional values which keep us intact from liberal bullshit and rapefugees but its neither right wing nor a paradise. Its corruption mostly and selfish politicians (so, just like everybody else) but Eastern European countries don't take cuckening shit lightly.

Also sorry for your friend but do you consider it as, lets say an improvement? I wouldn't like to have people like this around me.

He is indoctrinated already if he has been since such a young age in the US. Not certain if possible but try Rakia, it may work.

Its funny that you say that because the guy has been taking beer classes at night for about a year now and just recently got the forums to start legally selling his beer. Bulgarian brewing co. is about to blow up haha

>Revealing your power level and wearing a fucking TRUMP CAP in the Unfree States of America

m8 the First Amendment protects you from the government.... Not the savage hordes you call compatriots.

I do have leftist SJW type friends. I've tried redpilling them, but no luck. Most of them respond "you are the only person I know who thinks that".

The people I'm talking about are speaking English and have shared with me videos and articles about their views. It's not surprising to me that they are libtards, since liberal media is far more distributed.

The majority of people I know, however, don't know English and they lack the leftist views.

Don't know why you care, last time I checked 12 % of Bulgarian citizens had interest in Brexit. 65% didn't care and 20% didn't know how it would affect them.

>Don't know why you care

As far the Brexit goes I am left with the impression that once it happened everybody "cares" and has a (stupid) opinion which he has to voice. Maybe its just my circle of friends. Lots of activists and people who work in political analysis related jobs.