Why don't Europeans or East Asians drive pickup trucks in urban areas? They are still quite useful to transport things, or when you leave the city to visit rural areas. I see a lot of pickup trucks in Latin cities, but not European or CJK ones. Why?
Why don't Europeans or East Asians drive pickup trucks in urban areas? They are still quite useful to transport things...
they do it all the time in SEA
we prefer trucks
Yeah, I've been to Manila. I noticed that.
we don't transport big things, and such a big cars are expensive here
Roads are too narrow
People are too short to reach the treadles
Because they're roads were built for people to walk on and not fat obese amersharts driving their trucks
because this glorious car does the job and that's enough
or this one
or this one
or this one
Hiace, for the good times.
small roads, expensive fuel
Because we drive pic related.
It is enough for 99,9% of you normal transportation needs. You could easily transport 10 crates of beer, furniture, your bike, a shitload of luggage... you can even throw a washing machine in the back.
For the last 0,1% of transport needs we just go to a car rental place and rent a transporter for 50€/day.
This Also gas is expensive
Sweden probably have more pickups than many European countries, but they're almost always used by non-citydwellers
Streets are too narrow, parking spots in cities are few and too small for trucks, traffic isn't forgiving for trucks, gas is expensive as fuck, etc.
Why would you want such a huge vehicle for the city? It doesn't make sense.
-difficulty parking
-narrow streets with bicycles and congested traffic
-poor gas mileage
and like said, just rent a truck to haul stuff if needed. Owning a truck in the city is just fashion/dick compensation.
>"Hello? Yes, we need a huge vehicle for the city."
>just rent a truck to haul stuff if needed
I have so many people wanting to use my shitty truck that I was thinking about buying a few of them to rent out.
Even people that already have trucks will borrow mine so they don't scratch their nice trucks, or get them dirty.
Hauling gravel, garden soil, pool chemicals, furniture, towing snowmobiles or boats to their cabins, all kinds of shit. I'm not sure if the business is feasible though, would have to figure out insurance costs and stuff.
Pickups are not allowed to drive in urban areas here.
>That dude that has a Dodge Ram or a Ford F150 in an European city
Too much American movies
>Even people that already have trucks will borrow mine so they don't scratch their nice trucks, or get them dirty.
Very true. I would never buy anew truck, they are useless to me. There is no way I would buy a $30,000 truck and fill it with lumber, bricks or gravel, and sometimes manure
>Hauling gravel, garden soil, pool chemicals, furniture, towing snowmobiles or boats to their cabins, all kinds of shit. I'm not sure if the business is feasible though, would have to figure out insurance costs and stuff.
All those things you do not do in a European city
> Why?
As for us Europoors, vehicles and fuel are taxed much more heavily over here than they are in America.
>all these europoors shitting up the thread with generic "narrow roads"-answers
A generic Toyota pickup-truck is no wider or longer than your average small-engined station wagon, which are found in plentiful numbers in this part of the world.
Why buy a truck then?
>European cities don't have gravel, gardens, pools, or furniture
I just have one of these to solve the issue.
I buy old trucks. People that buy new trucks buy them because they are 4 wheel drive, or they carry things that won't fuck up the bed of the truck.
The owner of my company drives a new truck to go talk to customers, and then after a few years they become work trucks.
>Hauling gravel, garden soil, pool chemicals, furniture, towing snowmobiles or boats to their cabins
Why the fuck would anyone living in a European city do any of this shite? Use your brain
Are you saying nobody has summer homes, or ever needs to move furniture?
A guy in the city used my truck to move a pinball game machine, many uses for trucks.
Second houses are generally only for the very rich in Europe. We don't have endless amounts of land to build on like you. Also, it wouldn't really occur to people here to move heavy shit like furniture themselves. We usually pay van drivers to do that shit for us.
I live in Oslo and there are certainly pick ups driving around here for both proffessional and privat use
My god, these disfigured facades. Why would you put fucking stairs on the road side.
>Why would you put fucking stairs on the road side.
they are fire escapes, and maybe no courtyard in the rear
Fire escapes. Most of NYC lacks the space to place them elsewhere.
fuck yeah those guys are perfect for like 90% of stuff you need to move from A to B
towing anything large like a caravan/camper or a boat is another thing though, towing capacity is one thing i would get a truck for
You see them sometimes but because it's pretty rare to need to transport things people just buy a trailer
Also the climate makes the open back useless for people who actually would need it every day
I would feel very uncomfortable living in a place where someone could just stand outside my window staring inside.
I like pickups, but the road taxes for large, diesel vehicles are huge. Sometimes you see a tradesman driving a Dodge Ram or Toyota Tundra, but other than that, no. Another reason besides the road tax is that our streets are much smaller and more crowded.
God I fucking hate station wagons.
you hate this?
Is that a hearse?
>towing capacity is one thing i would get a truck for
Something like pic related pulls more than for example an Ford Ranger.
the bigger the care the harder it is to find a parking place in a dense city
because I don't like SUV body types
plus, a ranger isn't exactly a standard for towing capacity, it's the smallest mainstream truck on the market, beside some asian trucks