Why are Australians so skilled at banter?
Why are Australians so skilled at banter?
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we weren't joking
You see, it's incredible.
Have you seen that border crossing show they have? They're just cunts m8, it's in their blood.
You can't go outside because you will either die from radiation/dehydration or wildlife that will fuck your shit up for good.
So all they can do for entertainment is drink beer all day and shitpost.
Pretty much what I was going to say
Yes, yes, well done England, well done England!
is it really like that?
i've always wondered why americans are so shit at banter, it's all cancer and mom jokes
>Good at rugby
Lookin forward to hanging onto the Bledisloe for another year lads.
/r/ing that pic with the irl shitposter aussie who took a case to the highest court in australlia when they told him he couldnt sign his signature as a crude drawing of a cock and balls.
Australians are just Americans turned up to eleven. You become a tough cunt when you're all descendants of criminals and the continent they parked you on is trying to fucking kill you.
>Coming from an Australian
yeah thats rich mate
Yeah, kinda, it's not a forgiving country, so when you get out of the comfort of the cities people tend to develop a darker humour. Gotta be able to take the piss out of yourself and the situation around you or you'll go nuts before you get the job done, then this kind of culture finds its way back into the cities.
Having one's lips so close to one's eyes would be a hindrance.
Yeah raising cattle and shooting wallabies must be really too much for a lad's head m8
Well we can't all just commit violent crimes like you Miguel
favela banter must be deadly, literally
Brazilians know all about livestock, but where are their women?
A nation's skill at banter is a reflection of how much shit you're allowed to get away with saying before someone decks ya.
You're just testy 'cos of that impacted colon
They've got to be good at something. And it sure as hell isn't rugby.
> obsession with toilets
> Polish flag
That's only because your nearest neighbor is 5 miles away, and have to pay tribute to the Emu overlords to reach you. You are cucked with all your censorship and gun laws.
yea, here we have a tendency of not handling it well
that probably explains all the wars
Australia is the world's greatest League nation
austrians are in basement for different reason then wildlife :^)
> Be American
> Muh 1th Amendment
> Can't ask a store clerk "Hey, I was just in here talking to a black server, and he said that I-" before being called racist
Thanks for the laugh mate
We were alright at it up until 60 years ago or so. It wasn't always like this.
Is that the one where you mongoloids try bounce oval ball and get points for trying?
You lot are 60% kraut and shit at bantz
Honestly England, I'm so happy for you that I'm not bothered.
Congratulations on telling the EU to get fucked.
When the EU ceases to exist we can thank bongistan for starting the first step
you won't go to jail for it though, there's no such thing as being fined for saying stupid shit here
Kind of ironic coming from the country with the highest rates of incarceration on earth
Yeah, because I'm sure China reports completely accurate figures
>That's only because your nearest neighbor is 5 miles away, and have to pay tribute to the Emu overlords to reach you.
America this is banter.
>You are cucked with all your censorship and gun laws.
This ruined it.
drugs and regan are responsible for that m8
When we say our school system is fucked, we aren't being funny, it really is bad. We raise children to pass tests to get funding to repeat the process next year.
Reagan was the greatest President America had since Nixon
Hey man, I never said that we weren't just a glorified penal colony that also happens to contain silicon valley and lots of fucking corn.
top kek both were shit, we haven't had a good president since Roosevelt and that was in 1908
Then why is America powerful?
Oh c'mon, Ike was alright. Reagan was a puppet and we all know it.
Wanna hear an American joke?
> An American walks into a library
> 16 dead
See, the joke was the library part
attitude of the population, muh american dream work attitude, anti-socialist and unreasonable amounts of money spent on military
I maintain that it was the dotcom boom, and before that it was our manufacturing and before that it was war.
the word cunt makes the average yank go ballistic.
And your president can't even take questions from the press. He has a press secretary do it.
Britain and our governments are televised all day and all our elected officials are always put under the trial by fire routine.
For a country of bants to happen, you need a government of banter to happen on a floor. Congress isn't very good at that from what I've seen. Obama needs to be put under a trial by fire from the publics questioning.
There, I just gave you the skeleton key for a country of bantz.
Well see, our library infrastructure ALSO gives the poor access to the internet, so its not really that weird.
Nixon was the greatest Leader of America since George III
>unreasonable amounts of money spent on military
Poorfag countries BTFO
Fuck I wish we got to play England instead of Walels
It's amazing what you can achieve with many many retarded people
t. Tony Blair
Australia is the envy of the world. We just don't give a fuck about anything, regardless of nationality, race, religion, or anything. We don't take ourselves as seriously as you do, and it pisses you all off.
it's a general rule that congress should conduct themselves as adults, we'll never be good at banter :(
but at least we're not canada where they do have parliament but shit banter
Your right. Just look at where the SJW's came from. We're a nation of "everyone wins" and "i" fucking messages.
Don't be a shit, you can be an adult and be clever at the same time.
got to remember, cunt is a term you use for friends, you don't call persons you dislike a cunt, unless you add to it, ie. your a fucking low down shit eating cunt.
I was in new Orleans on contiki a while back and there was this hot bartender that heard we say cunt a lot. She loved hearing me say it and asked me to call her cunt. So I did while teaching her the different types of cunts to distinguish good from bad. The other Aussies and her were in tears but some Canadian faggot tried to be a white knight and fight me about it after over hearing. What a gay cunt.
nigga have you seen our congress, if anyone talks out of turn the speaker of the house flaunts his hammer like a toy
meanwhile in england
pretty good point there. Canada's parliament is shit tier bantz.
Comes with the culture I guess. So really, you need a mix of culture and government built on 'taking the piss' and dishing it out and being expected to take it, not dodge it.
You dodge a question here, you get crucified by the media and the public.
it's all fun and games until the real cunt steps in and acts like a fuckin' cunt.
What a soft cunt.
>You dodge a question here, you get crucified by the media and the public.
is that why tony abbot hot the boot?
Jesus christ, I don't watch much television and I would watch every fucking season of this show. I'm glad the brits split off because It would be a crying shame if they were all bred out by fucking muzzies.
we don't have very large radioactive areas any more
the spiders absorbed most of it
intrested too
If you mean by the time he got asked a question and stood there in complete silence; yes, that may have something to do with it.
He got a bit of a rep of being a dickhead, but honestly the man gave us border security we havent had in a while.
I mean fuck our current election is total lose/lose scenario, I wouldve preferred Abbott currently.
Do you people never stop?
>What a soft cunt.
Yeah he really was, made out with the bartender in front of him later too.
Maybe I'm out of the loop on Oz but...
Why exactly did you have large areas of radiation?
Additional question, was this radiation perhaps responsible for radioactive bants?
noice one m8.
Ill be going on a contiki tour in the US in 2 weeks actually, so Ill be in new orleans pretty soon.
i checked it out, is labor communism?
Just you wait bud. We'll have some true blue bleeding heart Aussies coming straight from fiji and tonga to kick your arse in footy
England paid us half their money to nuke our desert in the 50s
As opposed to Austrian women who spend all day in the basement, drinking your semen and crying
Welcome to the club. I want to believe in Trump but his ego is just as bad as Obama's.
At least he might bring the race war. Hillary will probably get Ragnarok started.
Not necessarily, more in-line with spending than saving and hippy shit like eco-protection and privatising healthcare.
Legislation wise, they're like democrats. Real softcocks who want a nanny-state and sympathetic to minorities & refugees.
Silly fuckers could have just used Japan for free.
yeah m8, they use to be actual lefties (muh no non-whites allowed, muh real working class unions) but then they turned into sjw faggots around the 70s
damn 7 nukes in 2 years, must've been a pretty paycheck
Freedom banter?
What is this madness?
To me it's an easy choice mate, do you want a globalist crook who lies & is beholden to outsider interests like banks & corporations?
Or a delusional egomaniac with honest intentions for his country & protecting your borders.
I'd choose the latter. Obama has self-interest ego based on virtue. Trump's has ego on how great he is in his mind.
> It recommended another cleanup, which was completed in 2000 at a cost of $108 million. Debate continued over the safety of the site and the long-term health effects on the traditional Aboriginal owners of the land and former personnel. In 1994, the Australian Government paid compensation amounting to $13.5 million to the local Maralinga Tjarutja people.
> Australia literally accepted a hundred million dollaredoos to let the poms nuke the abos, and then paid the tribes one eigth
we used northern NM, great hindsight knowing nothing good would come from that god forsaken state
>my names tony
>fake smile
>scripted hand gesture
And the crowd went fucking wiiiiiiild...
>lose a game
>we hate you now
are aussies really that autistic?
>the abos, and then paid the tribes one eigth
The correct collective noun is a herd
>mfw this attempt at """banter""" will only get you one (you)
oh sweden just leave i don't want to see you get hurt
There's definitely no way I'm voting for Clinton. I liked Bill but the android that wears his skin isn't enough to get me to vote for his dyke wife.
It's also really entertaining how opposed to Trump, yet still ignorant most people I know are. When I ask them how immigration reform that will aid our economy is racist, they usually clam up and point out he doesn't want them sending money to their families.
Well no shit, it doesn't stimulate our economy.
How's the PC plague outside of Melbourne? I somehow imagine Australians as telling everyone who censors them to get fucked.
Do all swedes purposely miss jokes and end up sounding autistic or is that just you? Would you say that you are a cross-section of the typical Swedish male?
Some Aussie once said in the meme magic thread that their ancestors were sent to Australia because rest of the world cannot stand their shitposting. This is a good theory IMHO.
Great fucking job pablo
That's because we're the best at everything, cunt. :^)