Are they european?

Are they european?

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ye to an extent





Yes, Russia originally was just what western Russia is today, the edge of Europe to the east. The rest of was just Russian colonies.




Absolutely not. Not in a million years.

Not beyond the Ural Mountains.


Racemix between slavs, finno-ugrics and tataro-mongols.


The most handsome man from Moscow

>Stalin IRL

I want that PPSh-41 ;___;

hell no
did you ever see a map in your life
Europe is a peninsula on Russian periphery. Even "European Russia" is like twice bigger than the rest of Europe

"Are the Chinese Korean?" - no
"Are Americans Floridian?" - no
"Are Russians European?" - no

it's closer to the other way around

Russia is Northern Turkey. Basically a bunch of Turks pretending to be Christian.


Fuck Europe
USA are more European than we!

>Russian colonies
Yeah sure. Like Oregon is a colony of Rhode Island.

USA is culturally European but Russia is both culturally and geographically European

Does it really matter?
Do you really need to sort us into certain category?


russians are white

so yes

europe is nothing but a socio-cultural construction

Russians are Finno-Ugric

šumbrat, Mordovia! A sajsa ejkakšom.
Saranskoes' - mokšo-erzän' mastoront' sehte pokš ošozo. Lamo lomant' erit' veleva

/Indo-Iranic (Skythian)

DJ̈ abon nə fəsJ̈dtə kʷJ̈stmə!

and Tataro-Mongolic

Manay gerees surguul' hürtel!

>Ural is a border
>Himalayas aren't
Well actually not really.
Here's a map
Yellow - Asia
Blue - Europe
Sky blue - debatable


That map is wrong though, that is not the geographic boundaries of Europe.


and one more time

>Russia, Cyprus and Caucasus Mts are parts of Europe
>Northern African Coast and Asia Minor aren't

>>Northern African Coast and Asia Minor aren't
Now I know you're retarded if you think that's europe.

It's different for authentic Russians from Europe

Wanna speak real Russian (Mordvinic)? Let's learn some basics!

koso? - where?
tejter'ka - a girl
kudo - a house
tese - here

The first case you'll learn is inessive. Add the suffix -so/-se at the end of a noun

kudo -> kudoso (in a house/ at home)

-koso tejter'ka? (where is the girl?)
-tejter'ka tese (the girl is here) / tejter'ka kudoso (the girl is at home)

The Russian soul is Tatar, not Mordvin.

Bretty good :--DDDDD
Did you learn Moksha or Erzya though? And what sources did you use?

>tese - here

For us here is Tässä or shortly unofficially täsä


Where the fuck are you from? Some Estonianized shithole?

>Where the fuck are you from?

Turku (:D)

The textbook by Imaykina, Erzya

Meze teät, brat? (How do you do?) :DD

No, they are the enemy of Europe always plotting on invading our peaceful continent.

Oregon and Rhode Island are British colonies

We hate the fucking t*tars.

// mordva

Russian Slavs see them as brothers and ancestors


Oregon is a Russian colony

koso psaka? :--DDD

1) I don't think so. But they have same climate as Italy, Greece, Spain.
2) Your map shows Azerbaijan, Armenia and Cyprus as Europe. Why?
3) Russians are Europeans as such as Persians and Punjabis living in Germany and Sweden.

A term 'Great Russia' (Velikorossiya) is an adopted form of 'Magna Graecia' - Greek colonies in Italy/Sicily. So in this concept Russia is a colony of Kiev Rus.
Ukraine (historical) is European (if UK is) and Russia isn't (as USA isn't a European county).

I did not know about it. Interesting information.


USA located outside of Europe, Russia not (historically)

Europe is based on the idea of Christendom during medieval times.

the whole post-ussr speaks russian, like, if someone speak russian it doesn't mean he's russian, he can be everyone

Psakas' kudosot :DD

In some ways but their political culture and mentality are Asiatic rather than European.

Don river is a border between Asia and Europe.

Russians=Slavs=European ethnicity.

Even Slavs are more Persians and Poo than the real Europeans

European is more than just race else we'd claim New Zealand is part of Europe because it was a British colony populated mostly by Anglo-Irish stock.

according to geography Ural mountains is a border between Asia and Europe

Pek parste!



Hey! I'm not!

It's a Fake Fact.
Like Volga or Kama ends in Caspian sea.
Kama is larger and lower than Volga, but still somehow flows in the smaller and upper river.

Yeah they're an european ethnic group living within the geographic bounds of europe. The Ural mountains have been considered the borders of europe for centuries. This whole Russia isn't european nonsense is literally a 20th/21st century Russian political invention for the western aggressor narrative.

Russia missed out entirely on the Renaissance and Reformation, two crucial events that shaped the European identity.

The reformation had nothing to do with orthodox Christianity no shit.

>We've got slaves for centuries.
>This whole abolitionism is literally current century Left political invention.

All of the Orthodox lands were being raped by Mongols/Turks at the time, no shit they missed out on the Renaissance and Reformation.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what I've said whatsoever and doesn't make any sense as an analogy.

Orthodoxy is a form of Christianity that never left the Middle Ages, it teaches doctrines like obedience to a king/prince and that man is the slave of God rather than the child of God. Education is not valued as much as it is by Catholics and Protestants.


>The Ural mountains have been considered the borders of europe for centuries
Just be course that mts so fucking far away from Athens, Rome, Paris etc.
That isn't a border. Europe has less differences between China and India, than China and India between themselves,
Asia is just concept of "other". That's why Izmir in Turkey is Asian city, but Nicosia on Cyprus is European one.

I don't think Russia was considered part of Europe at all prior to the 18th century.


>Education is not valued as much as it is by Catholics
Catholics literally burned books and scrolls by the piles back then because they claimed these books contained heretic studies

>copypaste from /r/atheism
Hadn't you known that the university system in Europe was founded by the Church? Or that they preserved classical Greek works during the Dark Ages? The guy who discovered genetic inheritance was a monk.

The power of Orda!

Catholics didn't value education or learning, they deemed astrological studies heathen and heretic and would declare open war on Protestantism. cus they didn't wan't to adhere to pope.

1631 best year.

Most Russians are European. Russia is, at its core, a European country. Only gopniks and similar trash claim otherwise.

I wish Catholics won Lutheranism is so cancer.


Tatar anime

Russia is Europe and White people country.
Japan is fucking Asian and Yellow monkey country.

Udmurt anime

on the whole no, in parts unquestionably

Yakut anime


Kazakh anime

get the fuck out

More than sweden fo sure

Ohh so qt girl


>The textbook by Imaykina, Erzya
In this book there are funny pictures?

>Russia is Europe and White people country.

>Finn posts picture of a Swedish king who conscripted thousands of Finns to die in Sweden's wars


No, there are musical notes for some Erzyan song

is Tatar btw