One of these

One of these

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reddit: more popular act that i dislike
Sup Forums: more indeh act that i like :)
great thread

Sup Forums using "reddit" as an insult is hilarious since both sites are cancerous, the different being that reddit is full of normies and old people and Sup Forums is full of contrarian edgy faggots.

You all listen to shitty consumerist pop music at the end of the day.

you have to go back

Not an argument. Sorry I hit a nerve, faggot. Stay mad. :)

Early 20th century Asian folk music is boring as fuck. Deal with it.

>newfag posts

Isn't Mac more tumblr demographic?

is this bait or are you actually underage? what are the fucking similarities between these?

not anymore post- salad days

I've been here since 2010.


Salad Days is when Sup Forums started shitting on him

>been here 8 years
>considers himself an oldfag
Guess again, newfag.

I don't consider myself an oldfag, I don't care about your shitty labels lmao but saying somebody is a newfag after almost a decade is pretty retarded dude

>I dont care about the labels
>It is pretty retarded

really makes ya think huh buddy

Yeah makes me realise how much of a millenial you are..
>I don't care but i have a shitty opinion.

reddit - popular album
Sup Forums - less popular album with similar aesthetic / sound / etc...

So what are you then like 40, gramps?

reddit - things Sup Forums liked 5 years ago

they're both shit

Not him, but
>"Yeah makes me realise how much of a millenial you are"..
>admitting to be old enough to already have a fucking family for many years
And yet you're here, complaining about useless shit on a shitposting board. That's sad, man... that really is fucking sad, imagining you, being old and alone, sitting in front of your PC and just starting a debate over nothing on nothing other than Sup Forums. Being such a big failure. Maybe you should just become an hero, no one needs you.

Stop typing while picturing yourself in 10 years from now you precious kid.

Tell me where I was wrong, though. You should already have family and kids, or at least a job, other worries, or anything else if you're actually old enough to not be called a millennial. And yet you're here, ragetyping bullshit on Sup Forums. I don't see how I was wrong about it.

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>someone posts on Sup Forums
>must not have a job
>must not have a familly
you are just dumb kid, zip it.

Dude you've been here since 50 minutes at least (your first post was at least 50 minutes ago) and you're responding fucking quickly for someone with other things to do. Spending 1 hour on Sup Forums, and on Sup Forums for that matter really doesn't make your side of the arguement any better.

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I am not arguing with anyone, stop being so sensitive, i just called you newfags, which you are and there is no shame about that.

+ lots of really good/useful information
+ people don't fuck with you; they give you real tips and advice
+ can easily look shit up
- huge fucking hugbox, no one will tell you when your tastes are legitimately shit
- can't take a fucking joke
- everyone completely embodies whatever the hivemind says is cool, no variation
- mostly teenagers acting like they know shit

Sup Forums:
+ grade AAA banter
+ pretty entertaining
+ constant negativity is actually sort of good for self development
+/- Good information if you know how to look for it
- 80% chance people are lying to you just for fun; becomes impossible to tell when people are legitimately fucking with you
- every thread has a good chance of being derailed by alt-right bullshit
- fucking weird obsession with anime
- mostly teenagers acting like they know shit

And yet you're still responding, trying to prove us wrong and being proud of being in this shithole since over a decade. You're either underage and pretending to be an oldfag, a loner or the worst family man I've ever met in my life. Good day and good luck.

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Out of all the concerts I've gone to Mac was one of the better ones live, hadn't listened to him much before and was pleasantly surprised.

This is correct.

nice bait newfag

>Brainlet finally figures out it is a bait XD
Good job user, +20 xp for this interaction today. You are on your way to be an oldfag exdee

Sick burn gramps, wanna hit up the skate park with us later?

both mac and ariel are as bad as eachother user, get over yourself

>Trying to talk your way out of the fact that you just spent over an hour on this shit

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You want to back off cause i sure wasn't trying to. It is okay normie friend, you can walk away and nobody will know of your shame but only you.

>Considers 1 hour of shitposting as a big deal

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>being this pleb

you have a very poor understanding of what bait is. the whole idea is that you invest less time/energy than those baited

I love when the young adults here pretend that thery can coast until stumbling into family life at 30.

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How can anyone think it's better than Just for a Day?

Woah, theres literally nothing wrong with this

this hardcore damage control is extremely embarassing and im not even the user youre arguing with

i made this for you, user

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add a minus on reddit that everybody can look up your recent posts and judge you
overall agree
also the anime thing isnt that bad, i dont mind it here even though i dont watch anime

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>You all listen to shitty consumerist pop music at the end of the day.

what nigga what
do sum. waht what bitchass. we got a problem?

>- fucking weird obsession with anime
take a look at this faggot

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I want to impregnate Nico.

i remember when they made that shitty subreddit. it's literally just a bunch of people that visited Sup Forums once but didn't want to be harassed for using trips. embarrassing

Hypnagogic pop

is this bait? I don't even know anymore

>every thread has a good chance of being derailed by alt-right bullshit
you have to go back

I know a lot of anons say this in a lot of threads but I’m being 100% genuine- this is the worst thread I’ve ever seen in my life. Congratulations

This is pretty accurate I guess

that's literally just our chart

>replies: 60
>not one on topic post

>+ people don't fuck with you; they give you real tips and advice
People do this on Sup Forums you just need to get good at distilling real advice from shitposts which unfortunately means you just not being a newfag