Why many Europeans on Sup Forums are ignorant dickheads?

Why many Europeans on Sup Forums are ignorant dickheads?
They're racist as fuck
And yet their countries' borders are open wide as their mum's pussies
Take care of yourselves
Muslims are literally invading your countries and raping your women
The boy who wakes up to scream of a woman being raped be more like European not indian
Mind your own fucking businesses before talking shit like non Europeans are all barbarians

chink rororo hahaha

Latins are not white negros

t. Sgt John Smith

no such thing as koreans


>Mind your own fucking businesses before talking shit like non Europeans are all barbarians
Not all, but can we agree that negros are barbarians

France lol
I actually feel bad for you

>'why are europeans ignorant dickheads?'
>goes on ignorant rant, sounding like a dickhead

hmmm really makes one ponder

I agree on that

>Gooks calling anyone racist

Is your thread supposed to be ironic?

But korea you are the racist



>they're racist as fuck

You're right.

Asians don't beat them up or even kill them like some barbarians of you do
And you people call that gay but if you think about it, in your theory the manliest people are muslims

Very accurate photo of a french man


as an asian I agree.

we need to eventually ally ourselves with our African/Muslim/Non-White brothers and destroy the white man's racism by genociding them.

just think of what we can achieve if we arm the nonwhites against whites.

Mayer of London is a muslim


No this is not race war thing but i just want Europeans to realise that they're fucking hypocrites
I know everyone's racist but they attacks only asians and make fun of asians like fucking pussies would do because Asians are law obeying people and we don't want troubles therefore asians don't usually fight back
And they tend to be racist yet they open the border to muslims and the mayer of London is a muslim


And people wonder why the alt-right and neo-nazi movement is growing, despite all mass media attempts at (((multiculturalism)))


It's just banter bro

Come on, everyone knows france is a fucking negro country

Go eat a dog, gook

>I know everyone's racist but they attacks only asians and make fun of asians like fucking pussies would do because Asians are law obeying people and we don't want troubles therefore asians don't usually fight back

lmao what are you even talking about go outside chink haha


I don't see any muslims here raping MY women.

>people wonder why the alt-right and neo-nazi movement is growing, despite all mass media attempts at (((multiculturalism)))
Interracial marriages are growing faster than neo nazism. Especially in America.


Fuck off English teacher.

