Wild West edition
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Fuck this general
I've only had sex with boys. Not gay. It's just a lot easier to hook up with guys.
Love this geneal
Alri haha
last "american flag" was actually some African tier shit
>american flags
i have a coat of arms
it has a griffin on it
i like griffins
love yank flags
that's african shit you fucking idiot. we just made sure they had some sort of stars and stripes on their flag to show who runs the show
what happened in the fight then? i don't feel like watching highlights
from what i can tell the coon danced around mcmemer for a few rounds then stepped in and heemed him, patrick generally embarassed himself
is this an accurate summary?
why YES m'lady, I do indeed browse the Internet forum known as Reddit! Mayhap thoust doth also browse Reddit, perchance? Verily, 'twould be a most marvellous and splendid coincidence! Forsooth, mayhap fate hath made us crosspaths for we are two lonely souls destined to be one? ;) I bid thee farewell, m'lady! *tips fedora*
just want a qt gf to cuddle
no i applied there but got pooled somewhere else in the end
i wouldnt have posted it if it was my actual college heraldric quest
Conor did alright for an amateur
Nah you made Liberia as an attempt to gave slaves a country so they'd fuck off
can you post the webm of this, please?
SpudGregor did better than expected but still got heemed
When does the narwhal bacon?
Is there any truth behind the "Rapist Belgian" meme?
If you were an American in the 1860s, would you have fought for the Union or the Confederacy?
And then Lincoln got assassinated and the whole plan was ruined
>more than half of the sources are about brain size
bullshit that falls apart by remembering how average the cranial and brain size of ashkenazi jews is, and how eskimos have the largest cranial size
they're a private company ran by one of the most discriminated populations in history. They can do whatever the fuck they want
if you don't like it post the video on vid.me or something
No he didn't.
Last two rounds he didn't land a bunch.
First three rounds Mayweather played defensive, dodged nearly all of McGoobers punches. Conor hit him like 2 good punches and was out of breath in the third round.
Conor kept hammerfisting Mayweather and getting points taken off him.
Every round after 3 Mayweather just toyed with him and Conor kept hugging May to get his stamina back.
Last two rounds were the best. Conor got the head boxed off him never hit him once.
feel like pure shit lads just want him back
I don't like racism or southern people very much, so the union.
>373 posts
wow that must be like, a record or something
There were quite a few Brits fighting with the Confederacy then
probably depends on where I'd be born and raised
brilliant webm
you notice something new everytime you play it
thank you
>gave paddies the vote
Hello taig
even better than i was hoping for. lots of potatoboos at work, tuesday will be fun
>ashkenazi jews
European not Middle-Eastern. From Khazaria, Eskimos are Asian
top webm all time
not very funny
>the guy on eccies that pops his head up
good movie
>Irish genetics
>new episodes of archer on the 'flix
fan of small dicks
You really don't like white people, do you?
>all this ironic racism
alright alright lads we've had our laugh now lets pack in it alright?
butthurt taig
The Union
>i dun belief it
>Implying the average Brit doesn't have some paddy in him
>chinks spend 4000 years developing dozens of different intricate kung fu styles
>martial arts are a prestigious pursuit all the greatest chinese minds work on and develop
>get BTFO by boxing, a dead simple martial art developed by drunkard deckhands without 2 brain cells to rub together in less than 200 years
half of them sound like yankisms, FOY
Celt doesn't mean Paddy. Insular celts came from Austria
don't know why you'd think that
my comment doesn't imply in any way that I hate white people
what do you expect? look at the flag
awful lot of batty boys here
My first time on this website. Pleased to meet you all.
need a gf
fuck off Ross
need an attractive gf
already have an average gf
How come it took Mayweather 10 rounds to win?
We need to remember what President William McKinley said following the conclusion of the Spanish American War on December 14, 1898. A number of former Confederate officers had volunteered for service during the war, which had helped secure U.S. victory, McKinley said: "… Every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate Civil War is a tribute to American valor. And while, when those graves were made, we differed widely about the future of this government, those differences were long ago settled by the arbitrament of arms; and the time has now come, in the evolution of sentiment and feeling under the providence of God, when in the spirit of fraternity we should share with you in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers.
The Cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act, and if it needed further justification, it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just past by the sons and grandsons of these (Spanish American War veterans). What a glorious future awaits us if united, wisely, and bravely we face the new problems now pressing upon us, determined to solve them for right and humanity."
From @alethia_now - Polls can provide an important barometer of opinion in our society; it is important to weed out the noise from the truth.
A majority of Americans polled in an NPR/PBS News Hours/Marist pollbelieve that statues of honoring leaders of the Confederacy should remain as a historical symbol.
Of the 1,125 adults surveyed, 62% believe they should remain, 27% believe they should be removed because they are offensive and 11% are unsure.
It is crucial to determine what a majority of Americans actually want to happen here.
Source: wtvr.com
>He will be remembered as a dude who embarassed himself on live TV for $100M
Sad tbqh
he was letting ireland have a go at shitposting
>gfing an average looking girl
off you pop back to Sup Forums cross posting TWAT
just found out the lad who used to bully me at school was found dead in the woods near his house a few weeks ago. dont know how to feel desu
Boxing is about patience.
How come it took McGoober 10 rounds to land a good punch?
i'd fight mayweather for $100m
hell if i was given more, i might even let him win
you shouldn't feel good about that.
He's an old man.
Boxing is about patience. And he's a 40 year old man who hadn't had a boxing match in two years
How come it took McGoober 10 rounds?
McGoober is British culture. Also look at the posts in this thread, none of them are about international culture
Irish lads have been saying he'd lose all week.
Irish ((Americans)) however
>lefties say we should acknowledge genocides throughout history
>still refuse to acknowledge white genocide
happy, content, joyous
i know, he had a kid too. i hated him so much though.
The earliest Chinese martial arts we know of date to the 5th century BC. Pugilism goes back to at least the 8th century BC
history repeats itself
go fuck his wife
Not a thing
>white genocide
you got over it though. never wish death on anyone
boxing as a codified system (as opposed to a general melee of gouges, grabs, etc) was codified in 1867
i hope Tom won
>European not Middle-Eastern
they're mixed European and Middle Eastern
>Eskimos are Asian
which is my point, they have a lower IQ than whites despite the bigger brain size etc.
going to start watching Bitchute instead of Youtube
It's simple demographic change. It happens all the time everywhere.
Pretty cruel to wish death on someone over a mistake they made when they where younger.
People change. You never know if he ever saw you recently he might have said sorry. I bullied loads oflads in school but apologised when I grew up, actually went out for a pint with one last week.
I solemnly and sincerly wish death on the yank
>seeing the fight as black vs white
>not seeing it as experienced boxer vs. cocky clown with no training