So it begins fellow spaniards, today we decide how we fuck up or country.
Who you voting?
Who you expect to win?
Lets discuss the options and help the undecided to pick one
So it begins fellow spaniards, today we decide how we fuck up or country.
Who you voting?
Who you expect to win?
Lets discuss the options and help the undecided to pick one
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for pablo
Do any of you guys have any of the latest polls? Who's the more likely to win?
PP, right wing party will win.
Podemos, far left wing party will be second
PSOE, socialdemocrats loosers will be third.
Ciudadanos, a liberal party will be forth.
Regna, Catalunya!
Honestly, i want another year without goverment
This year was pretty good
How does an economy function where nobody in the population works? Spain is like a magic man country
Who is your most Sup Forums-approved party?
But irrelevant
>be Spain
>have Grrrrrrrl power debates
You just can't make this cuckery up
Here's what need to be done:
>Kick Catalonia, Madrid, and Andalusia
>Make Castile Great Again
>Unite Portugal-Castile
>Slaughter toghether all moors, marxists and jews
>Create a Catholic Commonwealth with Iberoamérica
>Colonize Mars
Who #CastilianMissile here?
Indeed we are
So, Jordi, com va tot per Catalunya? Quan assolireu l'ndependecia? Hi ha hagut alguns avanços?
Sorry for poor catalan
Same sentiment familia.
And if you try to bring up why the fuck this happens or why the gender violence laws are unfair be sure watch your step, because it's a fucking minefield ready to scream at you why you are sexist.
Vote for based Podemos lads
Vote right, seriously you need to stop leftist cancer before it kills you
Iberoamerica ?
Paint me intrigued.
I voted PP yesterday at the embassy
pa eso no votes
Shut up dirty Catalajew
My MAdre Patria won't Balkanize
Scottish much?
just try to not get murdered, manolo
Nope. SNP aren't progressive.
Stay mad
All the candidates are cunts.
Voting for PP means voting for corruption, zero progress and going back to brick-based economy.
Voting for PSOE means voting for corruption, the less inteligent candidate and some SJW bullshit.
Voting for Podemos means voting for full SJW bullshit, fairy-tale economic plan and 4 years of buttblasted raging PPeros (ok, this last thing would be nice).
Voting for C's means voting for a guy that seems to change his ideas every week. Still seems the best option but he's not going to win anyways so it's probably the same as voting PP.
>>Unite Portugal-Castile
But you can try again lad
>ywn have a threesome with Ines and Andrea
Levy's blue eyes looking tenderly at you while sucking cock must be priceless
Going to say the same as last thread: best possible result is that the election fails again, none of the options are good. Best option is to wait for the moment.
Also remember that despair is a mortal sin and that nobody likes defeatists. Things won't stay this way for long.
>La peixetera del parlament
picrelated, andrea durmiendo en el parlament
the eternal communist will vote left, like the liberal faggots you all are. Yes I said it Sancho, what are you going to do about it? Set up a collectivist think tank where you can grow oranges and tomatoes?
Updated Podemos from last thread.
-Pro EU.
-Pro SJW laws
-Did a big ERE scam some time ago.
-Former important president owns a big company.
-Current leader can't do shit because of said former president being an evil puppetmaster.
-Pro EU.
-Cronyism supported by their laws has created in Spain levels of inequality comparable to any 3rd world shithole.
-Have had so many cases of corruption it isn't even funny. They're proud of it.
-Former important president owns a big company.
-Current leader can't do shit because of said former president cucking his shit up.
+Most likely to win because they always have the same number of voters no matter what.
+anti EU
+-Grew moderate (about EUroscepticism) with time but may lose their shit eventually and say fuck you to EU
-SJW: the party.
+-They'll either become Trudeau-tier or be forced to make a deal with another party, then simply resist EU and remove corruption, which COULD be great.
+started as Sup Forums: the party
+Seriously, literally started as the best option.
-Became moderate pro EU
-Criticism towards the Trump
-It's clear they want to blanda in with the big parties.
-Corps: the party
-Literrally who?
>a plant pot
-No laws will be made
-Not against EU regulations
+Not pro EU
+No laws will be made
+Never said anything bad about Trump
+Would support Brexit if it could
+Still a better option than all of the former parties
How does that affect the fact that i'd like her to be eating Ines pussy while I fuck her from behind?
Now, seriously. Andrea is kinda dumb and I haven't heard a lot from Ines but she seems just like Albert. Not like you can't expect anything from politicians, spanish ones in particular, anyway.
Damn that's humiliating
>started as Sup Forums: the party
And continued as Banc Sabadell: the party
I think the same way
Agree. Still voting for ciudadanos though.
well, I would probably hatefuck them too, but whatever
Aun no he ido a votar. a quien voto?
>literally worst Spain.
Any other region>Castile
Ok, ok I forgot the "relevancy sense" of Portugal. Nevermind that point bro.
Defensive wars lad
>Only center-right qts are with ugly pro-independent catacucks
>the rest are all leftwing retards
just kill me in my sleep alredy senpai.
Anyways, I would also motorboard the tits of Tania Sancheze, no wonder Pablemos fucked this whore.
Just need a brutal purge of all leftists and it will be good agian.
Seem like a rich provance, why would you want to remove it?
has served well as the front line solders in the spanish army for centuries, you just need more wars.
Infact round up the jobless andalusians to go kill the leftist catalonians.
Official Spanish Regions Rankings:
1. Basque Country
2. Galicia
3. The rest of the North but Cantabria and Catalonia
4. Balear Islands
5. Cantabria
6. Catalonia
7. Castile
8. Madrid
9. Canarias
10. Extremadura
11. Valencia
12. Andalucia
13. Murcia
14. Ceuta and Melilla
Am I missing sth?
This is in fact a good idea
Murcia is not Spain mate
Galicia is a poor shithole. Change Galicia for Navarra. Also Castille and Leon is based, while Castilla la Mancha is a hellhole, so Castilla y Leon should be third.
The rest of the country can go fuck itself desu.
>Use a leftist region to kill the leftist
>Good idea
pick one.
>Higher IQ
>Best Universities
>One of the biggest Empires in the History
>Most racially pure Iberian people
>Chosen by God
>Just need a brutal purge of all leftists and it will be good agian.
You dont understand. Catalonia needs to get the fuck out already. They only care about "la pela" (money), they're literally always holding us back.
>Seem like a rich provance, why would you want to remove it?
Literally our London.
>>Basque Country
Agree. They're honorary Castilians though.
I'm from Canarias and I would set them lower bh. I haven't been to extremadura so I don't really know.
Also this.
If history is anything to go by Andalusians will murder anyone for money.
Greetings, my brothers. We have witnessed amazing things these past days. As followers of Kek, you probably are deeply pleased with the outcome of the Brexit, but kek needs a sacrifice to the cause, a sacrifice to give the final kick to the EU and make the efforts of the bongs not be in vain. I believe hat we are suitable to fill that role
Lets crash this union with no survivors, in the name of all western nations
Praise kek
>Implying Andalusia is leftist and is not voting PZOE because muh PER and muh paguitas
Mate, I'm from Andalusia and believe, if it wasn't because of the clientelist network here, that fucking fat pig Gusana Díaz wouldn't be in charge.
UP, es la opción que más joderá a más gente, aunque TODAS sean apoteósicamente HORRIBLES
letting go of clay is what has made spain shit.
Make spain an empire again!
Thought (and did) the exact same.
>xuníos podemos
hahahahaha cuck 0/10
>Not knowing that pure Iberians were described as having bull-like dark skin by the Greeks
If Atlanteans didn't enrich us back then we would still be living in mud hutts.
Also León is based, but La Mancha is literally a stain.
I am Andalusian too....
kek. No fucking way. I dont wanna purge this fucking country.
>literally the opposite of what is true
"Spain" is a judeomasonic invention imposed by liberals in the 19th century.
Monarchia Hispanica >>>>> "AssPain"
>Also León is based, but La Mancha is literally a stain.
Well I include León in Castile. La Macha is great, stfu.
What are your thoughts on The Rock lads? They're kinda fucked if the borders close.
Iberoamérica is how we call Latin America here (América latina, too)
Still better than Andalucia tho.
Navarra is included in the rest of the North (Navarra, Aragon, La Rioja and Asturias).
Galicia is cool because galicians are funny.
Off to the polling station to vote for Venezuela, amigos!
Asturias... Tú no, por favor...
Indeed, Spanish women are paradoxical as fuck.
Tell my girlfriend she drives bad, she freaks out and crashes.
Loves that I always open doors for her, yet insists on being the big spoon. Even okay that I treat her like my property. Shits all fucked up...
what do you mean, catalonia has been part of spain for centuries
I don't really give a fuck about them, and I doubt anyone does desu.
>Galicia is a poor shithole
I wouldn't have it any other way eternal Kraut. I enjoy my peaceful life.
I'm also from Andalucia (now living in Madrid) and I can attest for that. My childhood friends (now unemployed and in the utmost misery because "construction is the shit m8 why would you want to study") are voting PSOE/Podemos just because "they will grant / extend more subsidies, while taking it from the RICH, flawless plan huh?"
Sometimes I wish I could bomb that piece of soil and all the roaches that inhabit it. Best place for the summer, tho.
The Rock is a great source of keks and memes.
Every time.
Vote for Democracia Nacional lads
or Vox
Whats new? Nothings new.
Gibraltar is on your flag, it's an embarrassment not to take it back
>Galicia is a poor shithole.
I'll fuck your shit up Ahmed.
My vote is for Euskal Herria Bildu. Our country shall rise and we don't care if oligophrenic spaniards want to destroy THEIR country.
We most likely will now that Brexit has happened, so nothing to worry about really.
>all this Castellians mad at Madrid
You aren't true castellanos, just cucked pseudo-vascos who think anything other than Burgos, Madrid and Toledo should be Castilla.
Wake up, you absolute fucking retards.
I´m ordering some octopus now, fuck you for reminding me how hungry I am.
>not Aragon
Illiterate detected!
Kill yourself, communist traitor
Which one is it? 3 out of the 4 look Jewish
France kicked our asses because of keks like you who kept the country in the middle ages until 1714.
>Gibraltar is on your flag
No it's not, what the fuck?
Yeah, sure, Margallo is already working on it!
I gave you shared 3rd place, don't cry.
Nice meme
>Voting for literal terrorists
You should get shot
The two pillars on the flag represent the pillars of hercules.
the rock of gibraltar and Monte Hacho in Ceuta
>be 22
>Podemos or Pp will win
>tfw no gf
Should I kill myself soon?
We will either strangle gibraltar economy until they come back, or gain co-sovereignity with the UK because of brexit.
Where the fuck are the Chupa-chups
Im Italian, living in Spain.
Your right wing parties are weak if not corrupt.
Your left wing parties are an exalted meme.
You are fucked either way, and I feel bad for this country because I like it.