rigged edition
Consistently voted against equal gay rights Show votes
0 votes for, 7 votes against, between 2013–2014
Consistently voted against smoking bans Show votes
0 votes for, 3 votes against, between 2010–2015
Consistently voted against allowing marriage between two people of same sex Show votes
0 votes for, 6 votes against, in 2014
Generally voted against laws to promote equality and human rights Show votes
2 votes for, 7 votes against, between 2011–2016
Consistently voted against allowing terminally ill people to be given assistance to end their life Show votes
0 votes for, 1 vote against, in 2015
yes lad
McGregor sure is so sad today after earning 200 million.
Poor McGregor... swimming in money.
where can I go for maximum MMAfag butthurt?
"generations" are just marketing tools
smoke and mirrors to more easily control and compartmentalize people
You sleep rather soundly for a murderer. That's good. You'll need a clear conscience for what I'm about to propose
monicas looking good these days.
classic gimmick
white skin will eventually become a trivial fact in history books
it's an observable social phenomenon
>"generations" are just marketing tools
>smoke and mirrors to more easily control and compartmentalize people
you arrive in my sex den
They quite literally were a marketing invention though.
I cannot comprehend how anybody thinks Generation Z will be more socially and œconomically conservative than Gen. Y.
Is there any actual proof of this?
To me, it just seems like society is becoming more cancerous, see for reference: Culture Wars in the United States.
you watching LaFave Bros too m8?
is brit pro or anti nonce hunting?
History will be rewritten
Ids happening already.
I liked oblivion but it really doesn't hold up
*marches on /brit/*
look at this and tell me there isn't an agenda for white genocide in the media
After whites are gone, they'll probably try to deny whites ever existed and erase them from the history books.
pro, but no entrapment shit
What is multiculturalism?
fuck off nonce
Sort of agree with NDT on this one.
Are white nationalists spergs and Sup Forums butthurt about this?
It's demonstrably happening for White Generation Z in America. Don't think there's enough studies to prove it's happening in Europe yet
It is inevitable however that as whites become more of a minority in their own formerly homogeneous countries, watching minorities grow and collectivise, white people will also collectivise themselves and adopt more traditional, conservative and nationalist views.
That would be Mosley actually.
imagine being from fucking Cyprus haha
fuck off runt
not disputing that but do you have a source i can read?
it's not that the things he says are wrong, just that they are really not as profound as he thinks
dumb cunt
they're just being edgy
probably just stationed there tebehe
dont like rees-mogg anymore
after all, he doesnt like me
only because of social pressure and media creating this idea of monolithic "generations" to identify with, or otherwise disavow and embrace the counter-culture of that specific generation.
he got absolutely destroyed by the reply lmao
Why are you all suddenly talking about that anachronism Rees-Mogg?
doing a poo
Feels good to have a good coat of arms btw
Got banned earlier for no reason and wanted to post it, simple as
another idiot brought up the suggestion of him being PM last thread
rees mogg literally just puts a friendly harmless face on the ol' high tory 'stick the plebs in call centres from which they'll never escape and make their lives as horrible as possible for the benefit of the business owners and prevent them from ever approaching the landed gentry through their own efforts'
not sure why redditors have such a hard on for him.
corbyn next pm go go go brexit
Right wing nonces wish to submit themselves to a toff.
Name-calling won't get you anywhere.
wish the tories were still the party of the aristocracy rather than the bourgeoisie.
he's a symbol of stability and nostalgia in a chaotic listless age
reddit bullshit aside I quite like NdT desu. he's always enjoyable to listen to
who's the president
Neither will voting Tory.
hate women don't care if that makes me a so-called racist
dude I love corporations now!
what's the difference?
>tfw search "(my fairly common surname) heraldry" and my personal coat of arms is like the 5th image
heh heh
so blacks and their lefty cuckslaves want to fight oppression by becoming the oppressors.
yes the stability of the lower class people being stuck in call centres till the day they die, whilst the landed retain and grow their wealth.
don't think a latin-quoting, high-tory will materially benefit most of the people who like him.
gay rorke
I never knew faceless corporations could be so caring about the issues of our time, wtf I love their products now.
companies don't 'support' anything other than their bottomline
Consistently voted for reducing housing benefit for social tenants deemed to have excess bedrooms (which Labour describe as the "bedroom tax") Show votes
16 votes for, 0 votes against, 1 absence, between 2012–2014
Consistently voted against raising welfare benefits at least in line with prices Show votes
0 votes for, 5 votes against, in 2013
Consistently voted against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability Show votes
0 votes for, 14 votes against, 1 absence, between 2011–2016
Consistently voted for making local councils responsible for helping those in financial need afford their council tax and reducing the amount spent on such support Show votes
4 votes for, 0 votes against, in 2012
Consistently voted for a reduction in spending on welfare benefits Show votes
52 votes for, 0 votes against, 2 absences, between 2012–2016
Consistently voted against spending public money to create guaranteed jobs for young people who have spent a long time unemployed Show votes
0 votes for, 9 votes against, between 2011–2014
heh bottomline
off to sleep
Have you ever noticed that political posters tend to refutations of posts that were not made. For example: a post like 'Leftists always say X, but let me show you why its really Y', when in fact no one had argued X prior to that post?
The reason is the influx of ideas into the mind favours ideas of contention and anger, because in nature such ideas have kept humans from rotting in situations dangerous to them. Anger is a visceral sensation and anger-inducing ideas take first place in the mind's hierarchy of what to consider.
Politics is a great thing to anger people over, and that is why the daily mail and express always go on about 'FURY' and 'DESTROYED', whilst the guardian and independent go for hyperbolic articles 'Theresa may ends everything good for ever, to scratch her friends back'.
The thing is that usually the opposition is not that anger inducing. if i listen to a corbyn speech as a rorke, i may disagree, but if i listen to the entire speech and hear it all in context, i probably won't get as angry if i just listen to soundbites of it. and so that is what the politically-minded (non-centrist) seeks, sound bites that they can get angry at. in fact they do not even need to have an actual quote, if someone else tells them second hand that the opposite side was saying something they disagree with it works far more efficiently.
And thus, for sake of feeding the anger in the mind (just as the wanker feeds his urge to masturbate or the fatty feeds his urge to eat), the poltically minded constantly contemplates what his opposition might be thinking or arguing, not in its entirety, but just enough to make them angry.
Its a sorrowful addiction of sorts.
It was a while ago. A bunch of stuff on how modern marketing came about. A lot of it is based on this Psychologist's works in the 20's and 30's and that's where modern marketing got it's birth. It's some real 1984 tier shit.
need to learn how to make webms 'cause there are some properly good bits that he clips from films. 2fm.rte.ie
i may be gay but im not stupid enough to be unaware of the facts corporations have latched onto the progay bandwagon as a way to be socially progressive and capture hearts without at all cutting into profit margins
if they cared theyd support labour laws and anti-sweatshop ordnances - being gayfriendly is just a shield to distract from their deeply unethical practices abroad and in the lowest economic strata
People have virtues and vices. All corporations have is bottom lines and stocks.
Imperious Caesar
Dead and turned to clay
might stop a hole
to keep the wind away
don't recognise it and doubt it's yours even if it is real given that you exiled and cut the heads off your noble families a long time ago
not a single fucking word. im just going to assume its a wall of bitchy whining pasta that you bring out every time you get triggered.
don't know what a brody is
does it mean a yank?
it's a shit gimmick
rorke and rasheed are really good gimmicks because you can easily tell what they mean
cant i just be not anti-x? i dont give a fuck about benders.
jew knows whatsup
>tfw escaped the call centre
its more of an appeal for you to explore your own actions and convictions and start a reforming them.
why do you hate love
those are all ok apart from the bedroom tax votes
It's a binary issue, ironically. Either you support them or you don't. "Neutrality" is just passive support
what is love?
>tfw my family is so posh by posting my coat of arms i would instantly doxx myself
@all of the above
shut the fuck up
stop talking about politics
Membership of the Aristocracy is decided by birth. Theoretically anyone can become bourgeoisie if they just pull themselves up by muh bootstraps.
Perhaps more notably in a globalised world, this can get the tory party to show loyalty to foreign business over domestic interests, since it all becomes a matter of money rather than birth.
baby don't hurt me
He played a boxing as an irish man but he fell in front of an african man
so long as those convictions align with what you deem proper I assume?
go to the Guardian comment section if you want to defend their sophistry
You are saying this quite comfortably behind your computer screen aren't you? Sitting in your 300$ gaming chair that mom bought for you, whilst sipping on hot cocoa and having tabs on the "latest anime episodes", weaaboo music playing in the backround on full blast and mlp tabbed. Ah, quite comfy, ain't it. Anonymity sure is great. You can say whatever you want because no one will know who you truly are.
You believe you are hardened. An edgy hero. But in reality, you are really just scum. A useless shit stain. A waste of space. No purpose in life other than to leech off of the hard work of others. People like you need to be eradicated. The world doesn't need your shit. You are better off dead, faggot.
hate the human predisposition to view things dichotomously. think we really need to sort that shit out before we can progress any further.
can't sleep
drumpf wins again
i only read breitbart they tell it as it is simple as
let me know of the name if you recall it, it sounds interesting
but i think there may be soon, if there isn't already, a trend shift a way from demographics as the primary method of constructing a marketing scheme