How does Sup Forums feel about countries that eat dogs?
How does Sup Forums feel about countries that eat dogs?
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Pretty good tbqh
At least their not eating out their dogs like Canadians.
The line most people draw between animals that ought to be killed and eaten, and those who shouldn't is completely arbitrary.
If you're generally fine with eating meat I don't think you're in any position to pass judgement on anybody that wants to eat dogs/cats/whatever.
It is not. Men and dogs share a symbiotic relationship.
Fuck cats.
People with low will power/morals
>share a symbiotic relationship.
Yeah, food
I live for these posts
Animals are food.
Australians are best posters
I couldn't like anybody who chooses to eat intelligent empathetic animals when healthier alternatives are readily available, that goes for pigs too, as they are significantly more intelligent and empathetic than dogs.
cats are superior to disgusting brutish humans
They seem to be very well skiny. Not sure what part you'd eat.
>War and post-war times
>Buy bunny to eat
>It's actually cat and they didn't tell you
feels bad man
Pigs actually aren't that smart
bretty good. here an ad for a restaurant that serves dogs and cats.
People that own cats should be turned into lamp shades
Based Mexico
Australia wins again
Thread's over, boys
Aus Post Best Post
Literally only anglo countries whine about people eating cats, dogs and horses... Why are Anglos and Americans such immense crybabies?
>tfw no roof hare to eat
nothing wrong with that, dogs and cats are meat too
yet your and my countries eat tripe and animal heads and brains and eyes
Edginess aside, there's no defending this when healthier alternatives are readily available. Protip: If you want your dog meat to taste good, torture the dog for weeks, it makes the meat contain more adrenaline and therefore become tender.(Chinese actually do this)
Who gives a shit.
When it comes down to it, meat is meat.
Now don't get me wrong, i would personally never eat a dog or a cat, but as long as it is killed rather quickly and not boiled alive like the asains do, i dont see the problem.
>predation is a symbiotic relationship
Who cares? It's no different than eating any other animal. Honestly, eating animal corpses is nigger-tier sustanence: literally for lower races too stupid to maintain basic agriculture. But that's none of my business...
Meat-eaters are arbitrary as fuck:
A: This is delicious, what is it?
B: It's cat!
A: That' horrible!
B: Just kidding, it's cow.
A: Oh that's good.
B: But it's really dog!
A: That's terrible!
B: Just kidding, it's really chicken.
A: Oh that's a relief.
B: Actually it's dolphin!
A: That's awful!
B: Naw, it's really just shark.
A: Oh, that's okay.
B: Actually it's monkey!
A: That's disgusting!
B: Just kidding, it's pig.
A: Oh thank goodness.
Smarter than dogs. Which isn't that hard, because dogs are fucking retards...
>B-but my dog is very intelligent and has feelings and always looks at me guilty if he did something bad
Yeah. That's called projection. Your dog is a retard like all dogs.
Counter-Emus Win
Korean here. Welcome to the fold you Swiss cucks.
Holy fucking shit in a handbasket.
swiss are the mountain jews
what did you expect
EU anti-Swiss propaganda, like the beastiality claims.
Stressing animals before killing them causes them to release lactic acid, that makes the meat tough and mildly unpalatable.
There is a reason the highest grades of meat are given luxurious lives with little exercise or stress.
Pigs are estimated to possess the intellect of a 3-year-old human. They can play simple video games, whereas dogs are way too dumb to figure it out:
>literally for lower races too stupid
This is probably why a comprehensive study with a sample size of over 100,000 commissioned by the British government found that vegetarians have an average IQ of 15 points higher than meat-eaters even after the socioeconomic difference between both groups is accounted for. This article references and links the study.
No point in letting it go to waste.
Besides it's mostly pig and cow meat.
That's hardly a fair comparison image, because the two on the left have the mouth closed, while the two on the right are open.
More importantly, it's a dumb thing you'd find on facebook, and would be rejected by anyone with even a basic understanding of animal physiology.
Absolutely visceral bantz.
It's sad that you think that desu, but you're objectively wrong, torturing meat makes it taste better, at least according to the people who produce it anyway.
You're dumb as shit.
Kek confirms with those majestic quads.
You should use gorilla teeth in that image, they're herbivores
Are you trolling? Or are you really in such hardcore denial of basic information?
Here's an anatomy chart, genius.
Why stop there? Why not eat people? It's arbitrary right?
get out cuck
>butthurt zoophiliac confirmed
I disagree with eating cats and dogs obviously but it is the method of slaughter that the Asians use that is the main thing, they skin animals alive for god sake.
Rape of Nanking was best day of my life desu.
Meat is meat as long as it won't poison man will eat it.
Dogs and cats are famine food tho no reason to eat them when other meat products are available.
What do you mean?
You fukken potato looking cunt.
None of those articles even contain anything relating to the fact that boiling them alive makes them taste any better.
Heres 2 peer reviewed studies that cover the fact that stress makes for shit meat that i pulled off google in literally seconds:
Yeah, I fucking typo'd.
why you hateo el gato
but it tastes so good
can i be aryan and eat bacon?
You're a faggot with shitty charts.
>Why not eat people?
A common practice among African tribes.
Most of the meat-eating justifications can apply to humans:
>They're dumber than we are.
>They're weaker than we are.
>God put them here for us to use as we see fit.
Following these rules, I see no reason why we cannot eat unwanted babies, the elderly, and the mentally retarded.
I would rather have Canadians that eat out their dogs than Swiss that eat their dogs though
Simply: Prion diseases, generally less nutrient dense than other meats, you would need to eat a lot of it to get equivalent micro-nutrients commonly found in other meats
the absolute retard
I don't see you posting any scientific information to refute the arguments presented in the chart.
...are you a woman or a muslim or something?
Well, we respect the autonomy of our fellow human beings. That's why we consider it to be wrong to kill and cook them like animals.
Most people are not willing to extend this to animals, so killing them is seen as ok, as long as it serves the interests and needs of humans and is not done in a unecessarily cruel way.
You can agree or disagree with this differentiation, but it's hard to argue that there's another line that needs to be drawn between animals that can be eaten and animals that should not.
If meat is meat you could eat your mother.
Shitty savage.
>nobody raising the point that cats and dogs were selectively bred by humans for thousands of years to be our pets/working animals
>cows, pigs etc were specifically bred to function as food
allahu akbar
>In line with the fact that tortured dogs will provide better meat
Holy shit you're retarded, of course you didn't even read my sources, I'm objectively right, people in China torture the dogs to make the meat taste better, that is an undeniable fact, it isn't subjective, you can't say that in your opinion they don't, because they do.
Dogs and cats aren't good to eat, this is well known. Very much bottom of the barrel.
Sorry no, if you've got will power or morals(and you should if you want to call yourself aryan) you can stop eating meat.
What did he mean by this?
its not arbitrary though, we have genetically engineered cows pigs and chickens to be the best possible food and we also genetically engineered dogs cats and horses to be the best work animals to help us
oh fug time to gas myself
I dunno, do they taste good ?
Very few of the breeds around today are the same or even similar to working or hunting breeds that were used in yesteryear.
ok bro.
Because human meat tastes shit, the modern human is toxic due to all the artificial crap in our diets, and eating human meat indreases chances of fetting all sorts of diseases.
Tigers and lions are awesome. Horses and cows are lame. Be more like a tiger or lion.
pigs really serve no purpose. Out in the wild they're awful pest animals, and in captivity they're just sacks of meat, they don't give us milk or anything. Think of all the pigs one is denying the right to live by refusing to eat meat. It is immoral not to farm them!
Dogs were not genetically engineered to be the best "pets", the Chinese have been eating them for a very long time and Chinese dogs are identical in intelligence and companionship to ours. 10,000 years of selective breeding has a small impact in comparison to 3 billion years of evolution.
What makes dogs superior to pigs or chickens?
Very edgy Nigel, if the only reason that you have not to eat humans is that it tastes bad you have no morals and the world would be better off with you dead.
they were absolutely engineered to work with us. the dogs we use for work do not exist in the wild and never would have existed without human interference.
im also not arguing anything about chinese, they can eat what they feel like just arguing that its not arbitrary
petite faute de frappe pêh
calme tes seins
Why the fuck is that guys first premolar flat? That shit is pointed. Or is it a Celtic thing?
They're more intelligent than chickens but less intelligent that pigs. They're inferior to pigs. I didn't say otherwise.
The same way I feel about all retards who eat living, thinking animals fellow mammals despite their own bodies being designed for herbivorism.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
So after I saw this post I was researching Chinese history
>google first men in china
>see this
we wuz emprahs
Both cats and dogs are delicious when served with salt and pepper.
>im also not arguing anything about chinese
Then what are you arguing for? Was the point of this argument to decide whether or not the Chinese 10,000 yearlong tradition of eating dogs was moral?
It's an animal like any other. I would not but I'm not gonna be a hypocrite
So.. How exactly does that pic prove we're not omnivores? Because our canines are smaller?
Does this picture also means that some female species of certain omnivores are actually herbivores because their teeth are less pronounced than in male counterparts?
>Vegan logic...
Explains a whole lot lol, it's sad though desu, the thought of all those dogs suffering because of general blackery.
Not vegan, vegetarian