Single-handedly ruined the second season

Single-handedly ruined the second season

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He was Jesse Pinkman before Jesse Pinkman

I don't remember that much time being focused on him. He was just a dumb fuck-up, but also a character we viewed all the workers through

Ziggy is a painfully believable character. His arc is one of the best parts of season 2 imo.

>t. pleb

I had a hard time buying him as Frank's kid

Season 2 is the best season on the second vieweing.

DUDE a chicken LMAO

>there are people on Sup Forums right now that don't think S2 is best S


That was the best moment of the season

You're a cuck


>single-handedly ruined every season

>everyone hates ziggy
>hes one of my favorite characters
>shouted "YES" when he shot up the store

nah it actually makes sense, even ziggy tells him he was never around. He was an entitled fuck up that felt he had it made because of who his daddy was and that he could do anything he wanted.

Malaka, bitch.

Prez was a fookin legend.
Became one of my favorite characters the further along the show went.

season 2 was the best because it was these down on their luck blue collar whites and not a bunch of ooga booga niggers

that's not mcnulty though

McNulty ruined season 5

He was the best part of S2 by far.

>second season
>see, white people can be criminals too!

I'm not the only one that saw this, right?

I'm actually pretty sure you made this post purely because Sup Forums upsets you so much.

what did I do?

Single-handedly made it the best season you disgusting fucking pleb.

At first I thought it was the worst season. But after re watching a few times I can honestly say season 2 was the best.

No, I genuinely got the impression that the writers and director/s tried to be as anti-racist as they could, and went the opposite way.

Later on, comments from the director show that he was a lefty retard that blames Negro violence on anyone but themselves.

>Later on, comments from the director show that he was a lefty retard that blames Negro violence on anyone but themselves.
I thought The Wire was really great when I first watched it but since then I'm terrified to go back and watch it because I'm a lot more politically aware now than I was then and I suspect it will just be cringeworthy cuck trash to me now.

I agree with Trump on every point except abortion and climate change. Found nothing wrong with The Wire. Give it a shot, only thing I could see triggering Sup Forumsacks is the fact that there's an interracial couple in the show, which really isn't an issue unless you're a racist or a manbaby. or both.

It really isn't. I've been rewatching, and while the dock stuff is great, it gets a bit monotonous, as everything else in the season is second rate.
>takes into 6 episodes to finish the "getting the band back together" shit
>the Barksdale stuff feels like an unnecessary epilogue
>the police case isn't as interesting as the previous one
>Omar gets too much anti-hero power fantasy stuff
>Frank waxes poetic on declining industry way too often
>a lot of the police scenes feel too chummy and silly
>teases with giving Bubbles and Body small scenes every 3 episodes despite being the best characters in the show overall.

Overall it just doesn't come across as complex story-wise as other seasons, and has the most obvious flaws sort of season 5.

Best moment of the entire series in my opinion

Prezbo is fucking great, though. One of few genuine characters on the show.

Simons is an ultra-Lib. But he's also a damn good writer, and honestly he's not wrong most of the time.

It helps that he was continuously brought down to reality by Burns.

>No one ever talks about the Jumping of the Shark serial killer bullshit in S5

What. The. Fuck. Were the writers thinking. It was so unnecessary, and blatantly stupid, that it makes the whole series sub par in my eyes.

I've worked on the waterfront in boston for 4 years and I can assure you.. the longshoremen in real life are on average 300% more retarded than ziggy.

>It helps that he was continuously brought down to reality by Burns.
Explain Hamsterdam.

Hamsterdam was based off of several real incidents, experiments and social movements. It's real.

I'm talking more about the execution. The whole thing was like magic and was very awkward. I can't recall specific details but the way characters acted during that arc gave me an after school special vibe.

Jealous of his big white cock.

>“I wasn’t scared because I was Jewish,” Simon said. “I’d have never done that if I wasn’t Jewish. But the single most destructive force – and some of them were disbarred so I’m being empirical about this – were lawyers in the ’80s, ’90s and the last decade [in Baltimore].

>“A lot of people go, ‘I hate him and he’s so obviously Jewish.’ Is that a message to some members of the defense bar in Baltimore who are members of my tribe? Maybe, but maybe it was heard. I don’t know.”

Watching it now, about halfway into season three

It's a pretty even-handed look at a modern Democratic city in America so far

The only borderline-libtard line so far has been Ciacetti saying the crime issue isn't about race and there are good people even in the hood, which of course is true but completely irrelevant to the fact that young black men still commit almost 100% of crime in the city

>"Why did we make this guy Jewish? Because when I was covering the drug trade for 13 years for the Sun, most of the major drug lawyers were Jewish. Some of them are now disbarred and others are not but came pretty close. Anyone who is anyone in law enforcement in Baltimore knows the three or four guys Maury Levy is patterned on."

Shit thanks user, that was the actual quote I was looking for.

He's still pretty shitlibby, but at least he's open about that

Eh, it's TV. As long as you don't go full Sorkin retard it's fine.